Restarting Growth After a Drop in Patients
Fertility Center of San Antonio
Executive Summary
Fertility Centers of San Antonio [FCSA] is a four physician practice located in San Antonio, Texas. In a mature market with larger, private equity-owned practices capturing new patients, FCSA saw an 18% decrease in new patient appointments and an 8% reduction in retrievals in one year. Knowing this trend couldn’t continue, FCSA consulted Fertility Bridge.
18% decrease in new patient appointments
IVF Lab at 59% capacity
Call Center was converting less than 20% of phone calls to new patient appointments
Positioned by competitors as “outdated, old-fashioned, and out-of-touch”
Lack of committed, documented business development system/marketing strategy
If your clinic is going through something similar, contact us to get an initial assessment to turn your drop in patients and revenues around.
Fertility Bridge always begins with a ‘Patient Journey Phase’ assessment. Fertility Bridge analyzes each phase of the patient journey to understand where the largest patient drop-off is occurring. For FCSA, their largest challenge was the first and second phase—they needed to increase new patient consults and convert more consults to treatment.
To achieve the goal of increasing new patient volume and turn more leads into consults, Fertility Bridge:
Used the strengths of experience and success results to increase FCSA’s online reputation.
Provided strategic consultancy and thorough call center analyzation to focus on training staff to provide concierge-level service in order to convert more incoming calls/leads into new consults booked.
Film, produce and distribute professional and real patient testimonials through multiple channels to increase word of mouth referrals.
“...what Fertility Bridge really brought to us was a focused, multi-faceted approach, yet really unique to fertility.”
If your clinic is going through something similar, contact us to get an initial assessment to turn your drop in patients and revenues around.