Nevada Fertility Center

Executive Summary

With the collapse of a practice management giant, and an old reputation to overcome, Nevada Fertility Center found itself an independent practice that needed to grow and bring in revenue quickly. One year after the initial engagement, Nevada Fertility Center is up 50% in average monthly new patient appointments, an increase of 20 new patients per month.

After an initial meeting, Fertility Bridge analyzed the data and found that the conversion from appointment to retrieval was over 50% (a strong IVF conversion rate) and therefore reinforced our decision to focus on the first and second phase — leads needed to increase the number in order to convert more patients to initial consults.

After an in-depth analysis and audit, Fertility Bridge identified, shared and helped NFC implement 6 items that would ignite growth.

If your clinic is going through something similar, contact us to get an initial assessment to understand how to increase patient appointments.