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119: The Catch 22 of Opening a New Fertility Clinic

In this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin tackles the challenge of opening a brand new fertility center. Griffin explains the five  operational and five marketing phases you need to work through before opening up your new center. It is certainly not a perfectly linear process and will come with a different set of challenges, but going through these phases will save you time, money, and stress. If you are considering starting a new clinic or in the infancy stage of your fertility center now, this episode is for you.

In this episode you’ll learn:

-> 5 operational phases of launching a new center

-> 5 marketing phases of launching a new center

-> Understanding how to assess the risk vs. investment of starting a center

-> Whether or not launching a new center is right for you

If you would like to learn more about these phases after listening to the episode, check out our blog post, where we go more into detail! https://www.fertilitybridge.com/inside-reproductive-health/the-catch-22-of-opening-a-brand-new-fertility-center-and-the-5-phases-to-escape-it

Inside Reproductive Health is sponsored by EngagedMD. For technology that educates your patients with true informed consent, visit engagedmd.com/IRH for 25% off your implementation fee.

More On Engaged MD:

This overlay of the operational sequence in the marketing sequence is probably the perfect time to talk about our sponsor Engaged MD. Because if you're any fertility center, you want to have a competitive advantage in serving your patients better and improving work-life for your staff. But if you're starting a brand new fertility center, you really want them.

And Engaged MD  is one of the simplest investments that you can make with the biggest return for improving the patient experience and improving the workflow for your staff because Engaged MD allows you to have true informed consent and to have pre-treatment education through technological solutions through software.

This is one of the most innovative platforms in the field, in my opinion. The reason why I have that opinion is because I hear from practice owners so frequently how much they appreciate Engaged MD. And when I did that first sponsorship read people, emailed me to say it's so cool that you have Engaged MD as a sponsor.

We started using them six months. Yeah. We love them. You have a limited window with patients in order to make that impression in order to be able to serve them. And when they're a deer in headlights, when you have to do something that should be procedural or general, you lose that time and that opportunity to build rapport, to better educate them, to tailor, fit their experience.

So. It's the best standard of care for them and with Engaged MD, whether it's there, whether it's medication teaching, or injection teaching or any of the other pre-treatment education modules that they're going through through Engaged MD, they can do it at their pace. They can do it through a sequential model.

They can, they come in educated, they come in having true informed consent so you can tailor fit that experience to them. So if you are a brand new fertility center, in my opinion, you have to have Engaged MD when you launch. And if you're one of the few groups remaining that isn't using Engaged MD you're behind, this is one of the areas where you will see.

An improvement almost immediately. So go to engagemd.com/irh. You'll get 25% off of your implementation fee by mentioning that you heard them on Inside Reproductive Health, or that you heard it from Griffin Jones. Please do that because one, you'll get a couple bucks off. And it helps us to continue to grow the show and bring you more content.

And the immediate benefit is in using Engaged MD  go to engagedmd.com/irh.