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Fertility Practice Management

163 An Integramed Autopsy & An REI’s Entrepreneurial Rebirth

This week, Dr. John Schnorr joins Griffin to break down what transpired when he and his colleagues found themself at the bottom of the Integramed fallout. What happened to his clinic and his patients through the unraveling, how did it influence his career path afterward, and what entrepreneurial venture did he undertake as a result- all on this week’s episode of Inside Reproductive Health. 

Listen to hear:

  • What happens when another company is the employer of your employees-and they close their doors overnight-without paying you-or anyone else.

  • What considerations you should make before you enter into an agreement with any company- especially when the rules for assignment change drastically under the umbrella of bankruptcy law. 

  • How Dr. Schnorr rose from this downturn, and continued down an entrepreneurial AI path which has the potential to significantly impact the industry down the line. 

Dr. Schnorr’s info:

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/john-schnorr-md

Twitter: @JohnSchnorr1

Company: www.cycleclarity.com


Dr. John Schnorr  00:00

They ended up going chapter seven, which has gigantic implications for the patients and for the fertility practices, because now they're going to disappear. And part of the thing that really challenged us the most is they had captured all of our revenue. So they had taken all of our revenue, they had all of our patient deposits. We didn't have any of our patient deposits. Patients wrote checks to Costal Fertility, they didn't write them to IntegraMed, we're not going to be able to go back to the patient and say, No, you made the check to the wrong person. You know, you need to pay us again, we had to, you know, provide care for service for monies we never received.

Griffin Jones  00:41

RIP Integramed. We go through what happened with Integramed from one practice owner's point of view the rebirth from that my guest today is Dr. John Schnorr. Dr. Schnorr finished fellowship from the Jones Institute in 2001. He joined a group called southeastern Fertility Center at that time as an employed physician became a partner there split off with a partner of his to form his current practice coastal fertility. They were an integrated practice. Now they're not they're independently owned. We talked about what that was like when another company is the employer of your employees and they close the doors. Almost overnight. We talk about the rebirth from that we talk about the landscape of of what it might be like to go with another group versus staying independent. Dr. Schneider has been involved in different entrepreneurial ventures. Now he has a venture focusing on one of his own pain points with the time that it takes for snog furs and other clinicians and other staff to go through the ultrasound process. We talk about that venture and the idea of moving forward as an entrepreneur as an REI. So hopefully this gives some career path ideas for some of the physicians listening and hopefully it also makes some connections. Dr. Schnorr. John, welcome to Inside reproductive health.

Dr. John Schnorr  02:11

Thank you. I'm excited to be here with you today.

Griffin Jones  02:13

I'm interested in having you because you're an entrepreneurial document involved in different ventures, you've been a senior partner in your practice. And so I would like to explore that business route. But let's maybe start with your timeline. You were you. You've been independent. You've been corporate, you've been independent. Again, you've you've been involved in other ventures. So let's start. Maybe not from the beginning, beginning but let's start after fellowship. How do you find yourself in private practice?

Dr. John Schnorr  02:44

Well, I start I did when did fellowship at a place called the Jones Institute in Norfolk, Virginia, came out in 2001. And then I came straight to Charleston, South Carolina, where I am now I joined it at that time, a practice called southeastern Fertility Center, who at that time was run by a physician, Grant Patton and I became an employee and eventually a partner at Southeastern Fertility Center. And it's in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, which is one of the suburbs of Charleston, South Carolina.

Griffin Jones  03:12

Were you the first employed doc?

Dr. John Schnorr  03:15

There? I was not. So there was another employee doc here at the same time, who actually I think, was even a partner by the time I got here. So there were two partners at the time, and then I was an employed physician.

Griffin Jones  03:26

And how did you choose them? I know that we're used to a time where there are job openings all across the country. Dr. Chen and Dr. Lee have talked about times earlier than when you exit fellowship. Where are you guys? We're, we're delivering babies because there wasn't any job. So what was the landscape like in 2001?

Dr. John Schnorr  03:47

It's a good question. When I was getting out of fellowship in 2001, there was not a lot of demand for reproductive endocrinologist. So there weren't a lot of job openings. I did have a couple of different offers. I had two young daughters at that time. They're now older daughters at that now, but at that time, they're younger daughters, and I wanted a wholesome place to raise kids that I thought would be a good environment to live. Were from the West Coast. I'm from Arizona, but we just felt that Charleston had the right feel to it. And importantly, I wanted an academic connection. And I joined the Medical University of South Carolina part time while I was also a private practice physician at Southeastern Fertility Center, and eventually became the Division Director of musc. And I've now been their division directors since 2003.

Griffin Jones  04:34

So did southeastern become the practice that you're a part of today or did you leave in form another?

Dr. John Schnorr  04:42

No, it melted down in a partnership dispute around 2012. At which time we then started our own practice called Costal Fertility specialist I'm in right now. And I have thought for other doctors that I work with at Costal Fertility specialist.

Griffin Jones  04:59

So Did some of those folks that went on to start coastal with you were they at Southwest southeastern at

Dr. John Schnorr  05:05

the time, one of them was one of them was. So he was with me at Southeastern Fertility Center. His name is Michael slowy. He's from RMA in New York and came actually over to join us in 2009. And then in 2012, we together work to join to make coastal fertility specialist.

Griffin Jones  05:24

Were you a partner at that time at Southeastern? What did you learn from the partnership dispute that you decided, Okay, I'm going to make sure that we're we run our group as we move forward this way, what were some of the important lesson? Yeah,

Dr. John Schnorr  05:39

that's a fair question. It was a partnership, which was run by a physician who was probably 65 years of age when I came to town. And he wanted to continue working. And I think there was some reasons to believe that maybe we should part ways. And so we and the new practice called coastal for coastal fertility, elected that if you're greater than 70 years of age, you need to sell your shares back to the to the company and the company will then employ you at will if they feel that's the right thing to do. So that was one of the core decisions made for the new practice and the new practice. Kosta, fertility is very kind of socialized in a way that we share probably 60% of the revenue, and 40% of the revenue is based upon productivity. And that makes it so you're not competing against your partners, and you kind of it's all All for one and one for all but you still get rewarded for some productivity.

Griffin Jones  06:33

How did you learn to make a model like this? Was it all trial and error?

Dr. John Schnorr  06:38

I kind of thought a little bit about what what did I want out of a practice and I wanted a partner who was a partner, not a competitor, I wanted a collaborative effort. I tend to be a little bit capitalist by nature, that entrepreneur spirit is a little bit capitalist. And that's not my nature to have a socialized kind of approach to things. But I thought it would make it more comfortable and easier. And I think for a successful practice, there's plenty of money to give around. And if you were to craft some crazy, wonderful agreement, so you make an extra million or $2 million in your life. My bet is that doesn't change who you are at the end. And it's the partnership. It's the friendship, it's the collaboration, it's the fun, that changes who you are. And that's the spirit that I wanted to create. So we created a buy in practice, which is fairly easy to buy in because we wanted the best physicians, and we want it to be attractive for them to join us. I've been very lucky with the doctors who have joined me over the years.

Griffin Jones  07:33

So that started with yourself and Dr. Silva in 2012 2012. Dr.

Dr. John Schnorr  07:38

Slowly came in 2009. We formed Coastal Fertility Specialists in 2012. Don't quote me on the exact numbers, but Dr. Heather Cook joined us, I think in 2014 2015, she is now a full partner. We have Dr. Jessica McLaughlin who joined us, I think in 2019. She's now a full partner. And we're lucky enough to have Dr. Carrie Riestenberg, who joined us about three or four months ago, and she certainly on our partnership tract also.

Griffin Jones  08:07

So at what point did Integramed come into the picture?

Dr. John Schnorr  08:13

So when I was a partner at Southeastern Fertility Center, we I think my partner and I, at that time, agreed that administratively we were weaker than we were clinically that we were clinically probably a B plus to a minus grade practice. But administratively, we didn't have some of the skill sets to really administer a practice like that. We thought we might be a C or a C minus administratively. And so our senior partner that time was very interested in Integra med. And in 2007, we became partners of Integra med. The partnership at that time was what's called an MSA or a medical service agreement. That time importantly, entanglement was a publicly owned company that was traded on the stock market. There were probably 30 Other practices who are partners with Integra med. They got a percent of our net revenue, I think that percent was 6% of our net revenue or gross revenue, actually, they got 6% of our gross revenue. And then in that deal, they got 15% of our net profit.

Griffin Jones  09:16

Can we clarify medical service agreement for the audience? Because I think some people think especially maybe some of the newer Doc's think that Integra mat always had an equity model, like many of the networks today do and they did have that model. They did take equity in some of the groups that they worked with, but sometimes they also just had a management verb service agreement, and you talked about medical service agreement. Can you tell us about what that is?

Dr. John Schnorr  09:45

So it was an agreement of medical services that we were going to provide they kind of let us be the doctors and they were the administrators, they actually employed all of our staff. So our staff were no longer really employees of southeastern Fertility Center. They were employees of Integra. permit which will become important later on down the road. They actually manage all of our revenue, meaning that when a check was written to southeastern Fertility Center that got handed to Integra Matic, I put it into an Integra mat account and tigerman within pay all of our bills, and then the the income would come back to the doctors at the end. So whatever profit was available at the end, was given to the doctors got 85% of the profit and Integra mat got 15% of the profit. So that's how that agreement worked. And, you know, honestly, for the first couple of years, they did make us better, you know, they did provide advertising and marketing ideas, they provided management for our Executive Director, they provided decent health care benefits for the staff a better 401 K for the staff. I mean, for the first couple of years, it was good. It wasn't perfect. I mean, they wanted us to kind of you know, not be southeastern fertility as much as they wanted us to be in Tiger match. So there was some kind of loss of identity. And we weren't totally comfortable with that. And they tried to push things that we didn't necessarily want. But I think it's probably pretty typical in a relationship to have some give and take. And for the most part, I think integrity had made us better. And a lot of my business ideas and concepts now probably came from a lot of their teachings along the way.

Griffin Jones  11:16

And so for the folks listening, what you described, part of what you described is a professional employment organization a PEO on the employee side, when Dr. Schneider says that the employees were employees of integrity said that's actually very common. It's very common for organizations between, let's say, five and 200 full time employees to join a PEO. The PEO then becomes the employer. And they're the ones cutting the paychecks they have, because that PEO has 1000s and 1000s of employees, they get better deals on 401 K and health insurance, they broker that type of thing. And that's so that's very common for medical practices, law practices, any type of business between five and 200 people that you said that was it South Eastern, so does that carry over as you went and formed?

Dr. John Schnorr  12:08

Right? So that's a good question. So southeastern kind of melted down around 2012. And at that time, we were forming coastal fertility and Tagore. Matt wanted to be part of coastal fertility, not the old southeastern. And so we crafted an agreement to be part of integrity and moving forward. And that was a very conscious decision showing at that time and temperament was very good for us. We thought it made us better to be part of integrity and and we consciously elected to continue to be part of integrity and in 2012.

Griffin Jones  12:37

So this is still part of the years where, where it's going well for being in that relationship, when and how did things start to change? Yeah.

Dr. John Schnorr  12:47

So you know, the first we got when that things were changing a little bit foreign Tiger men was when they got purchased by a private equity firm. So a private equity firm, called safeguard and September of 2012, purchased all of the public stock that was available, and took Integra mat private at the time. So guard at that time, was a private equity fund, out of Montreal, and actually was owned by a publicly held company called Power Corp, which was also out of Montreal. And I remember very vividly when that announcement happened. We were at SRM and San Diego and they announced this new kind of sale where this was all going to be taken private. And the goal was to get all these additional revenues because they're now private, and then responded back out into the public service for sector for more money. And so everybody was kind of make good money off of that. And we had a big meeting about all of it. And, you know, one of my questions to them was at that time, Warren Buffett was a very kind of leadership person in the field of investment. I simply said, Are you guys buy in long term hold or are you kind of a buy and flip, and they said, we are 100% Warren Buffett, we are going to be in it for the long run. We got you guys got good leadership. Nobody ever says buy and flip do they buy and flip wasn't a word that happened. New Leadership did get brought in some very wonderful people got brought in to Houston, a lot of really neat people who kind of really helped get entanglement up to a better footing. I do think that there was some improvement over the first couple of years. But we started to know that notice that leadership started to leave over time. And so I'd have to think just kind of rolling out numbers 2018 2019, we started to see a lot of turnover of staff. I think I later learned that there may have been a lot of debt put onto Integra mat that they were servicing a fair amount of debt. And so there was a little less profit leftover and maybe some more challenges, kind of keeping things moving forward. So we kept noticing the people we used to interact with weren't there anymore, or they had more roles than they had before. So We started to over time and you know, 2018 2019 got less benefit out of Integra mat. So there'll be less marketing activity, there'll be less insights and people come in to teach us how to do things better. And so I think at some point, we started seeing diminishing return out of entanglement.

Griffin Jones  15:17

Do you have any insights as to why companies do that when they purchase a company that's listed on the stock market, they take it private, I can only think of a handful of examples, cigar doing that with Integra mat. My first employer was clear channel, which is now I heart media, and they were a publicly traded company. And then I believe the Marx Brothers purchased them and took took them back private. Of course, everyone's talking about Elon Musk and Twitter right now. And so those are the examples that I think of why what's the strategy behind that? Do you know,

Dr. John Schnorr  15:50

I think, I don't know for sure. But I think the strategy was to bring revenue in from other sources where, you know, you now have 30 practices, and maybe all 30 practices, which use the same genetic testing lab and they use the same pharmacy, should you be able to pull all this money together so that the revenue could increase, you maybe you can make decisions a little bit quicker than a publicly held company, and then flip it back out into the market once you really amass more income. So it was about making more money. And, and again, this was a private equity firm, who I think was primarily interested in just that.

Griffin Jones  16:24

And so it gets to be 2018 2019. You're seeing changes, then what happens?

Dr. John Schnorr  16:31

So, you know, we started, you know, having some dissatisfaction within our practice about Integra mat, but didn't take any action on that. It's my understanding that eventually Integra mat decided to put themselves up for sale, that over time, the company that owned regard called Power Corp actually had been writing down in their annual financial reporting. Between 2017 2018 I think they were writing down the value of Integra Mattis, who saw the value declining, and they would make statements that they've had some unsuccessful acquisitions and the costs required to reinvest in the company has lowered profitability, and they kind of lowered the value over time. And actually, they put themselves up for sale, I'm guessing 2019, certainly by 2020. They were for sale. And it's my understanding, they had a bitter, we're pretty deep in negotiations, right around the time that COVID happened.

Griffin Jones  17:29

And so then COVID happens. And I know some stories from other folks where they found themselves without a payroll company overnight, they found themselves without HR overnight. And, and as you talked about your employees were at that point in, technically employees of integrity read, so COVID hits and how does it unfold? So it

Dr. John Schnorr  17:53

was really tough for us. I mean, COVID was tough for everybody. But you know, right. When this started going, there started to be national recommendations that the fertility practice has stopped practicing fertility for a while, or at least slow down and what they're doing. And a lot of really great practice chose to do that. And I respect that decision. I mean, I totally understand that decision. But entanglement made their money off of the practice of reproductive endocrinology. So if you stopped seeing patients, you stopped billing, if you stopped billing, you stopped getting collections, if you stopped getting collections, the revenue was kind of dry up for entanglement. And I think they, they frankly, saw that coming. We were one of the practices that didn't stop seeing patients, we continued, we continued at the same pace. We added a lot of security measures, we didn't have any patients get COVID We didn't have any doctors get COVID. We did it safely. And very importantly, we did it profitably. We were profitable every single month. But what we started noticing is COVID kind of really hit around March, around April, we had vendors calling us because they weren't getting paid for the invoices they had out. We had vendors actually starting to deny us services because our invoices weren't being paid. And, you know, we would call Integra mat and say, look, we've been profitable, you guys know, we've been profitable, why aren't you paying our bills, and they would say, well, we're gonna pay your bills. And then we got to the point where they weren't paying the doctors, they were paying the staff, but they weren't paying the doctors. And so by April or so the doctors were digging into their own pockets, to pay the vendors so that we could continue to provide services, and they weren't getting income. So it was a double hit. We weren't getting income, and we were going into savings to try to pay the vendors and that culminated in what became a bankruptcy filing by Integra Med, which was in May of 2020.

Griffin Jones  19:45

And so at this point, you're you've got you got vendors coming for you, you you have to I guess make changes. And for those listening the bankruptcy that was filed in May of 2020 was chapter seven. And for those that don't know chapter For 11 means that you can restructure, you go through bankruptcy court you, you build a plan and you, you put your debtors in positions and you come up with a plan to pay them off and eventually emerge from bankruptcy. Chapter Seven has closed the doors. And so you get so in April, you're already having to dig into your own savings, you're already not getting paid, and then made 20 of those. Yeah. And now we're, we're gone. So how did you begin to replace the infrastructure?

Dr. John Schnorr  20:31

So and so you're exactly right, Griffin. I mean, when we started getting when that bankruptcy was a discussion, we went met with our local attorneys and told him what was happening and that this should be chapter seven. And I'm not kidding. They consistently laughed at us as a bunch of naive physicians, which we probably were that healthcare companies don't do chapter seven, they would do chapter 11. And then I was saying, honestly, I really think there's gonna be chapter seven, no, no, no, they're gonna do chapter 11. Here's how we're going to handle that. Well, they end up going chapter seven, which has gigantic implications for the patients and for the fertility practices, because now they're going to disappear. And part of the thing that really challenged us the most is they had captured all of our revenue. So they had taken all of our revenue, they had all of our patient deposits, we didn't have any of our patient deposits. Patients wrote checks to Costal Fertility, they didn't write them to IntegraMed, we're not going to be able to go back to the patient and say, No, you made the check to the wrong person, you know, you need to pay us again, we had to, you know, provide care for service for monies we never received. And adding insult to injury, they had a guarantee Money Back Guarantee program that they had sold to patients called IVF. Attain, in which the patient would receive a lump sum check, and be given up to three IVF cycles and your money back if you don't give birth. And those were contracts to Integra man, that we felt obligated as physicians running a practice to comply with. And so we ended up providing free care to a lot of patients who had paid us in advance, we never got any of the money and Tiger Man has the money, and we didn't receive any of it.

Griffin Jones  22:12

And how did you replace your your What did you have to replace in terms of the administration? How did you do that in

Dr. John Schnorr  22:20

everything, everything. So Griffin, within about two weeks, we had an EMR that was run by Integra men. We had all of our employees had to go over to coastal fertility, Costal Fertility had four employees at that time, they were the doctors, we had to absorb every employee, we had to actually get a payroll system put in place for all that we had to work our way out of that EMR into a new EMR along the way. And then we had a gigantic legal battle, which was on our doorstep, which we didn't see common either, which was something that became a formidable experience for us. So I have great partners, and everybody was divvied up with a task. One partners task was to find a new EMR and other partners task was to help onboard the new employees. And my task was to be part of this kind of upcoming litigation so that we could survive this.

Griffin Jones  23:13

And so you that that sounds like a great lesson and leadership, by the way of, hey, we've got five fires and four partners and associate or whatever, that or whatever it is, and and breaking that apart. And so as you're, you're you're coming through all of this, then I guess it starts to think about next steps. Were you thinking about how do we emerge from this at this point? How are we going to restructure or in these early months is it simply just keep the ship above water?

Dr. John Schnorr  23:50

Well, what I learned if I'm the first business, southeastern fertility is that when we were melting down, we believed at Coastal fertility, that the patient was going to get us through this, that the one who won the patients was going to win the revenue and was going to survive. And that was true for southeastern Fertility Center. And when we came to the bankruptcy meltdown, we decided we were always going to do what's right for the patient and provide the care that they paid for, even though we didn't receive the money. And so our vision was continued to provide great care, continue to take care of our staff who provide the great care, and along the way, figure out the rest of it. And so that's how we manage that. And there were some very down days and hard times getting through it. But we ended up frankly, as a better company than we were even while we were under entanglement.

Griffin Jones  24:39

So then you start to rise from the situation and people went in different ways. Some groups formed a new group together from entanglement. Some groups stayed independent. Some groups went all different kinds of ways. They sold to new networks that were coming they merged with the practice across time. And they sold to the dock that was in the other city and wanted to come to their city. And so how did you decide the route that you ended up taking?

Dr. John Schnorr  25:09

Right? So so that legal challenge that was presented to us is one that we didn't know anything about, which is that of course, and bankruptcy, the job is to sell the assets and then provide whatever money you get from that to the people who are owed money. And it was considered that an asset to the Integra man was our contract with integrity meant, meaning that in theory, our contract had value. And that value would go to the highest bidder, meaning that our contract would be put up for sale. And the challenge with that is that our contract have voting rights with it. So Integra mat got a full 50% vote at our meetings. So in theory, our contract could be sold to our competitor, who could then come into our boardroom and make whatever vote they wanted and force things to happen, because they outbid somebody else for our contract. And so that became uncomfortable for us. And we ended up working with some of the other practices who were part of Integra Med, in a legal effort to win our contract through court, unfortunately, is, you know, not by accident, bankruptcy was declared in Delaware, which is considered the state most favored for the bankrupt party. And so this all went down in the state of Delaware. And in Delaware, they appointed a trustee who was in charge of liquidating the assets. And the trustee, consistent with prior legal history, decided that our contract was an asset and our asset was going to be put up for sale. And we had to fight that and we had to fight that so that we could become close to fertility itself, not part of another person who could be our competitor or necessarily somebody that we didn't necessarily want to work with. And that became a formidable challenge for us and legal dispute that probably lasted upwards of six months.

Griffin Jones  27:03

I'm not a lawyer, but it sounds to me like the argument would be breach there. No, that's

Dr. John Schnorr  27:09

right. What and our contract it said that you couldn't assign our contract to somebody else. But in bankruptcy court, you can throw that out. So in bankruptcy, a lot of normal contractual agreements can be thrown out of the contract. And the way we want it is actually through a tennis star. So this is kind of an interesting story. It turns out that I think it was Andre Agassi. I'm not totally sure about this. But he had a contract in which he was going to do marketing for a sports apparel company. And that sports apparel company went bankrupt. And his contract with a sportswear company got sold to another company, for example, Danny's. So now Andre Agassi was going to have to mark it for Danny's, for example, and I kind of made up Danny's instead of the sports apparel company. And Andre Agassi argued that that's a personal service agreement. And appropriate personal service agreement is an agreement that involves a relationship of personal trust in which the character reputation skills and discretion are necessary to render that performance. So he's basically saying I agreed as a tennis star to work with a sports of our company, I didn't agree to work with this restaurant, and therefore you can't give this contract to the restaurant and in court. And that legal challenge, he won that. And so that was a precedent by which our attorneys argued that in some ways, the physicians are performers with specific skills and talents involving personal trust relationships with the patients, which require character reputation, skill and discretion, and therefore, assigning that to somebody else would be an appropriate plus, considering that who you're assigning it to would get 50% vote in your practice. Fortunately, the judge saw that favorably in our way, and agreement was crafted in which we got to get our own contract back, we essentially bought our own contract back. And we bought it by providing the free care to the patients and honoring the shared risk agreements that were already put in place by Integra med. So I think the judge wanted to be fair for the doctors, but also fair for the patients. And I realize I'm a biased person in this discussion, but it seems like it was fair, and that the patients did well, and the doctors got the contract back and got to run their own practice.

Griffin Jones  29:33

Listen to that doctors, you might never have thought that you could someday have a career parallel because of Andre Agassi. And yet, and here it is. That's fascinating. You could you've ever predicted something like that would have an impact. And maybe you read that years prior in the Wall Street Journal or something and thought, Oh, that's interesting. And you flip the page on to the next story and And lo and behold, it's Sunday, it has tremendous significance.

Dr. John Schnorr  30:03

I mean, what I was really impressed by the leeway bankruptcy judges have that they can take things you agree to in your contract and say, No, we're not gonna honor this, we're not honor that, like literally in our contract said you cannot assign this to somebody else. And bankruptcy court, they say now that doesn't exist, we're going to take that out. So the ability to rewrite agreements during bankruptcy, I'm sure there's good legal reason for that. But it's something that I didn't understand. And I didn't understand that our contract would become an asset that would be up for grabs. And so that was a little bit of a journey and stressful at times. And, you know, we kind of got through that and got our own contract back and to be able to function at Coastal fertility on our own and done very well with that.

Griffin Jones  30:45

That is fascinating. I wonder if there is ways of crafting language for bankruptcy courts or for that potential contingency? Oh, I have to bring a lawyer on the show to talk about that. But I wanted to ask you, what do you suppose the conventional wisdom was behind when when advisors and and lawyers said Ah, there's that they won't file for Chapter Seven everybody files for chapter 11? And health care? What do you suppose was the the logic behind them thinking that

Dr. John Schnorr  31:18

why they went chapter seven instead of 11?

Griffin Jones  31:20

No, not the not not entanglement, filing Chapter Seven, but rather wide? Why good counsel, that that Utah lawyers, advisors, people that know the business? Well, while they were almost certain that they would file for Chapter 11, thinking you're crazy for thinking that they would file for a Chapter? Well, I

Dr. John Schnorr  31:37

think it's because 98% of the time, they're right in chapter 11. So I think it was just based upon the statistics and how uncommon it was for a healthcare company to do chapter seven.

Griffin Jones  31:46

And is that simply because healthcare tends to be better pay, they tend to be able to get lines of credit more easily, or, or, or get revenue streams back online more easily. And let's say it's an entertainment company, it could be, it could theoretically be anything, it could maybe it's maybe it's a bust brand, maybe it's a,

Dr. John Schnorr  32:06

I'm guessing that the margins were thin enough that they didn't see profitability, and a new company realizing you can wipe away the debt, the margins were still thin enough, and they were challenged enough that they didn't think it was going to be a viable company, even after bankruptcy.

Griffin Jones  32:21

So then some people form a new group other people sell to other groups all over the place, some people merge. So far, you have remained independent, is that right? That's right. That's right. Is that for the foreseeable future? Or? Yeah, that's

Dr. John Schnorr  32:39

a good question. I and honestly, I have a lot of discussions with my current partners, that I think being part of a network can have a lot of positive effects. I mean, we know the negative stuff now after going through all that. But I think the positive is the collegiality, the meetings, where everybody kind of meets together the new freshing ideas about marketing and administrative support, and maybe negotiating on insurance contracts, I think there can be a lot of benefits. And so I still see those benefits, but we also see some of the dangers along the way. And, you know, I think that the important thing that I learned from this is that, you know, venture capital can be good private equity can be good, I'm not against them at all. I think there's some great examples of that being successful. But I think the most important thing is whatever you get into make sure that your interests are fully aligned, that sometimes they're not aligned. And if they're not aligned, if one person is about the money, and the other is about the patients. I think that's right for challengers. I also think it's important to control your own revenue. I think one of the challenges we had is we weren't capturing our own revenue. I think one of the things we did well is we maintained our brand identity, and our reputation and our brand loyalty. So when we did separate from Integra mat, they still knew who coaster fertility was. And I think having an out in your contract keeps it fair, I think it keeps it honest. The ability to have a divorce kind of keeps everybody interested in working together, knowing that somebody could leave if it wasn't working out. So you know, contracts that are quote, evergreen and go on forever without an out. I'm leery of those type of contracts. I think those are contracts that have challenges with them. And I do think all contracts should prohibit assignment. Now. We talked about that not being helpful in and bankruptcy core, but maybe at some level, it's nice to have that around so that they can't assign your contract to somebody else.

Griffin Jones  34:38

We've talked a little bit about that on the show before having an assignment or no assignment clause. Does that preclude some folks from from wanting to buy in to a fertility center though some companies from wanting to buy a fertility center if there's no assignment because hey, if my goal is I want to flip this and three and a half years, I have to be able to assign I have To be able to sell. So would would, could that potentially diminish the multiple that someone received on their EBIT? Da? I guess it makes sense. Well, that's one that that's a possibility. But for all the reasons that you brought up, it's something that you really want to think about. And especially because I'm, I'm completely speculating, but now we have how many networks 910 11, some, some, somewhere around that ballpark somewhere. But I attended 12. And a few years ago, we had a few, I don't think we're going to have 10 to 12. For a while, I don't think we're going to have 18 to 20. Even if we do get close to that number for a little bit, I suspect that these folks are going to be gobbling each other up pretty in the relatively near future, because eventually, there's just not enough practices to buy. And the only way that you're going to be able to acquire other practices is by acquiring the parent company. And in your case, I, I don't need to, to tap your phone calls, I know that you're getting I know that you're getting calls because you're a five Doctor group, and you're in a non mandated state and you've run it so profitably. And so what what is made you not say yes, up to this point?

Dr. John Schnorr  36:15

Well, and so we have received a lot of a lot of calls I know every practice has. And there are some that were interested in and some were not the ones we're more interested in, have a more collegial aspect, which will be kind of they present a toolbox of options, and you choose from the options you like. And if you don't like some of the options, you don't do it. And they give you a little bit more autonomy along the way, and you get to control your own revenue. And, you know, those are the models, we tend to like a little bit more. And so we're continuing those discussions. But we're still very early on in any of those discussions.

Griffin Jones  36:48

Well, let's talk about other entrepreneurial threads that a physician can pull, whether they own their own practice or not. But I have often thought that when you either work for a company or you own a company, you get to at least form a good hypothesis for what could be a market need based on your own challenges. And so you have done that in the in the cinematographer space and, and perhaps others, but I just like to hear about what you're delving into now and what got you into it.

Dr. John Schnorr  37:24

Right. So I've always kind of had a little entrepreneurial spirit, and I've always wanted to try to make the world a better place. I'm the guy who was always trying to think about what's the pain points now and how do we make those pain points better? And I've always found I remember back in my fellowship days, one of the pain points was doing ultrasounds of follicles. That when we were doing that I was the doctor considered measuring big. So whenever they looked at a measurement that snorted, they would say, well, it's you know, he measured 19 millimeters is probably 17. Or, you know, they would always kind of discount my measurements. But we'd have other fellows that they said, Well, he measures small, so we're going to add to him. So we're always kind of using these kind of fudge factors and kind of measuring follicles, and also thought it was a fairly tedious process measuring these follicles. And so around 2019 or so I was reading The Wall Street Journal one morning, and there was a big article that showed that artificial intelligence and this prospective study was able to identify breast cancers as well or better than radiologists looking at the same mammogram images. And those images that were put up honestly, I looked at I couldn't figure out where the breast cancer was right. I mean, a reproductive endocrinologist don't have a lot of training in that. But AI is seeing this breast cancer as well or better than radiologists. So I thought well, to me, that's fascinating, right, a second pair of eyes on a breast cancer very important. What could it do in the space of reproductive endocrinology. And it dawned on me that maybe we could use ultrasound and apply artificial intelligence to the ultrasound images, so that we can identify and measure the follicles within the ovary with the benefit, maybe we can do it faster. But also maybe we can standardize it. So there aren't people who measure big and small, they're just people who measure kind of that standard measurement. And so, you know, being the entrepreneur, I didn't want to put a lot of money into without seeing if it was, you know, patentable or already patented by somebody else. It was open space, we were awarded three patents and the ability of artificial intelligence to see follicles. We then went in search of an artificial intelligence company who could help us do this. And of all places in the Ukraine. There is an artificial intelligence group that was measuring with artificial intelligence when the football went across the line. So they're able to track a football going across the line. They're working with backup cameras from cars, they were doing a lot of really neat things. And they thought that they could help us with this project. So we started a pilot project where we just looked to see if we could do this and track a follicle. It turned out to be successful. And then with a whole team of annotators, literally, we annotated 19,000 Varian images, they had over 90,000 follicles where you're showing repetitively where a follicle is within the ovary so that artificial intelligence can learn what a follicle is and what a bladder is, and therefore more accurately read the ultrasound image of the ovary.

Griffin Jones  40:24

How did you find the team to work with in the Ukraine in Ukraine is at this point, are you are you googling artificial intelligence developer

Dr. John Schnorr  40:33

and started with Googling, and then have friends who are in the space who were using AI and maybe the legal field and other areas who would point me in directions and, you know, we would kind of interview each other to figure out what they've done in the past talk to their references can figure it out, and then put a small amount of money into it to figure out if they can actually get a private pilot off the ground and see if it's successful at an early level, it was very inaccurate, early on. But the proof of concept that we could track a follicle and see a follicle and discriminated from the bladder was what I needed to know. And when my belief was, as I annotated more and more and showed it more and more, it would get more and more accurate. And in fact, that happened to the point that our accuracy rate went to above 92%. With a dice score, which in artificial intelligence is the way you measure the accuracy. It's a combination of accuracy, precision, and recall, that gives you this dice score. And to get a dice score above 85% is good. We got up to 92% by annotating over 90,000 follicles now, that was a mind numbing process. And I reviewed every one of those annotations to make sure they were done accurately so that we had an accurate platform on the other end.

Griffin Jones  41:44

Are you bootstrapping at this point? Are you talking to VCs? So and and even now are when you said you've got patents, I immediately thought oh, they love patents on Shark Tank. Every time somebody uses the word patent on Shark Tank, the sharks get reengaged. And so that made me think of venture capital are you talking with with VC now? Are you hoping to continue to bootstrap?

Dr. John Schnorr  42:07

Yeah, certainly, we'll talk with anybody it's been bootstrap now. But we'll talk with anybody. The challenge that we didn't see common Griffin, was that the FDA considers software that reads a medical device or medical image, it considers that a medical device. So the FDA says that they have to regulate our software just as if it were a hip implant. So that was a challenge. We didn't see common. We ended up doing five clinical trials to prove to the FDA that we had an accurate safe product. And we received FDA clearance in January of 2021. So this is now a product that's available on the market called cycle clarity.

Griffin Jones  42:48

And so at now, you're beginning to to unroll the product did start with using it in your own practice was was getting your partner's to adopt a part of you. I mean, when you were when you were quality checking the AI, you were doing it yourself. But in terms of adoption, were your partners, the first people that you are trying to get on board.

Dr. John Schnorr  43:12

And so you're right. So the FDA is jurisdiction is you can you write your own software, you can use your own software, but you can't sell your software until you get FDA approval. And so we have been using this artificial intelligence application since kind of early 2021. And so it's now been functional at our office for a significant period of time. And I have great partners who I think probably were a little leery at first with what I was doing. And they kind of gave me a little leeway. And I think now they look at this is an indispensable resource within our practice that it allows us to do a variant ultrasounds that take 10 seconds per ovary, literally, you put the probe in, you push the button, it scans to the ovary, it feeds the results directly to the EMR, it does the same to the left ovary. And what an ultrasonographer will do is they'll come in the morning, they'll do maybe 20, back to back ultrasounds each taken a minute, two minutes, three minutes, around 10 o'clock. Once their morning's done, they're gonna review each of the images takes about a minute to review each image, and then it gets put directly into the EMR, what my partners will tell you the greatest value is or the second greatest value is that anytime any day they can review every one of you have any images from top to bottom to make sure as accurately read and try to correlate any differences between estrogen levels and progesterone levels. It gives a second look a second opinion. And I think they would tell you that's probably one of the greatest values.

Griffin Jones  44:44

Have you ever done a side venture like this before where the where it wasn't just the main business in your main business being the practice? Have you done ventures like this that aren't the main business in the past?

Dr. John Schnorr  44:58

I have I was fortunate to be part Part of donor egg bank USA, which I've learned a lot from Michael Levy, who is a great person and created a great company with Heidi Hayes. Prior to that, I had written some software for OB GYN training for their board examinations. And so there are many different times when I've kind of done things on the side that have been beneficial. And I've enjoyed that I enjoyed making things and building things, and watching it grow in a way that you're impacting millions of people, rather than that one person in front of you as a physician day in and day out.

Griffin Jones  45:29

What big differences do you perceive, if any, between starting a venture in a space that's relatively unexplored? It's it's, it's a new technology taking over for something that is analog and inefficient, versus starting a proven business model, like an REI practice? What differences do you notice it's the

Dr. John Schnorr  45:51

risk model and the lack of guarantee, and it's the capital investment. I mean, a lot of capital was invested in this artificial intelligence company, where probably somebody would have given us a 5% chance that we can even create a platform that works much less read it accurately. So I imagined going into this, it didn't look like this was going to work very well. But as it started to build, and we got more and more smart team members involved, who all had their own expertise, I mean, we have a chief technology officer who's amazing senior engineers that are amazing. We have a data scientist specialist, we got a Chief Operating Officer, we have medical device reps, who are integration specialists. We're now in seven different web contracts with all the large major networks except for one. And we're in seven different locations, we have 17 different offices. And right now we have over 45 different people doing ultrasounds. And importantly, they all offer Sam with the same degree of accuracy because there's AI doing it. So you know, the benefit becomes, you no longer need to be a physician working at the bottom of your license doing, you know, follicular ultrasounds, you can be a medical assistant working at the top of your license with cycle clarity, getting the same measurement accuracy as to reproductive endocrinologist, while the reproductive endocrinologist is now seeing patients. And our own studies show that we'll say four hours of physician time per day, four hours per day, for a clinic doing 1500 or more cycles per year, and IVF, allowing you to see more patients to maybe do more surgery, do more retrievals and let the medical assistants do or even the ultrasound ographers do the scans. And then if you have any questions about it, when you do STEM review, every one of those event images will be there for you to see from top to bottom.

Griffin Jones  47:39

I've recently had Dr. David sable back on the show. And the thesis behind his investing strategy is that we have to be able to expand the number of people that are served by art in the country and worldwide, and that the quality cannot decrease as cost decreases that the current standard for quality has to be the standard cost needs to be lowered from there. And technology lifecycle clarity has to be a part of that solution. It sounds like what you're working on has a piece of that really well thought of. But when I see challenges of models like that being adopted, it has to do with clinic workflow, and that there's just so much variance in clinic workflow, that there have been really good tech solutions, and some of them are still out there. And some of them are being adopted, but many of them not as fast as I think that they probably ought to be. And it's because there's so much variance in clinic workflow. How do you overcome that?

Dr. John Schnorr  48:45

Well, and I think you're I think you nailed it, I think our greatest challenge is synthesis change. And even though it's positive changes change, and change is hard. And change takes inertia. And it's got to be painful enough that you make that change. And so our job is to find clinics with good leadership from the physicians who say this is going to be a positive change moving forward. We're going to implement this we want to you to put effort into this ultrasound, ographers gnamaize, and physicians to make this work. And with effort we've been able to show it coastal fertility and now seven other centers that it works very, very well. And at Coastal fertility. What matters the most is the number of eggs retrieved. The maturity of the eggs retrieved the fertilization rate, all the embryology endpoints that matter the most were unaffected or improved by using artificial intelligence. So this application can help you forecast when to do the egg retrieval when the most number of embryos are going to be there and how to improve pregnancy rates. And importantly, it uses the center's specific own embryology data through our data science experts and artificial intelligence to figure out when the best time is for each particular clinic.

Griffin Jones  49:52

Do you see yourself moving into this type of entrepreneurial role full time and I didn't just I don't just mean like real clarity, I mean, you could probably sit down and write down all of the pain points, the analog pain points that you have, as a practice owner as a clinician, you maybe you already have written them off. And you could just start saying, well, now I can work with AI developers on this problem and on this one, and so do you see yourself doing this full time?

Dr. John Schnorr  50:21

It's it's a great question. I love being a physician. And I think ideas come because you're a physician, you're currently seeing patients and you're seeing the pain points, and you're able to evaluate your own product and your own clinic. So I never see a time in which I'm not a majority physician. But you know, could there be a time when I dedicate more time to kind of maybe cycle clarity other things? Yes, I mean, that's a possibility. But I always want to have a significant part of my time being take care, take care of patients. That's what I love.

Griffin Jones  50:49

You got to keep the sauce sharp. John, you've given us gold in this episode, I think a lot of the young doctors are really going to get a lot out. But I think a lot of your colleagues are also going to and I hope that there's somebody that you used to talk to a lot that you just haven't in a little while that says, you know, I want to reach out to John and say, I enjoyed it. I hope I hope somebody does that. That's my pious hope. The only difference between a sinner and a saint is a pious hope. But how would you like to conclude knowing that most of our audience is there are a lot I would say if there's 150 fellows that at some point, maybe 50 of them are listening, there are a lot of young Doc's, the biggest segment is is partners of practice. And then the next is is C suite. So you've walked us through an entrepreneurial path for Rei is how would you like to conclude,

Dr. John Schnorr  51:40

I would like to conclude that we're blessed to be featured in the field of reproductive endocrinology, I mean, what a special place where and to help couples have kids and families that they wouldn't otherwise have. And I just as an entrepreneur, always wanted to make the world a better place. Whether I'm making it a better place because I'm working on environmental concerns or method. Maybe I'm trying to invent a better speculum, or maybe a better way of doing ultrasounds. I think we should all just work on our own little niche of our world figure out what our talents are individually and how we can apply those to patient cares to make the world a better place.

Griffin Jones  52:14

Dr. John Schnorr, thank you for coming on inside reproductive health. Hope to have you back. Thank you.


You've been listening to the inside reproductive health podcast with Griffin Jones. If you're ready to take action to make sure that your practice thrives beyond the revolutionary changes that are happening in our field and in society, visit fertility bridge.com To begin the first piece of the fertility marketing system, the goal and competitive diagnostic. Thank you for listening to inside reproductive health

162 4 Principles For Abandoning The Travel Agent Model Of IVF Care: With David Sable and Abigail Sirus

Former practicing REI, David Sable, and venture capitalist, Abigail Sirus, deconstruct how democratization will change the face of the IVF field. Sable and Sirus break down the four principles of how this will be accomplished, perhaps sooner than anyone anticipated, on this week’s episode of Inside Reproductive Health, with Griffin Jones.

Listen to hear:

  • What Sable and Sirus believe will happen when the travel-agent model for IVF care is abandoned and patients are empowered to oversee their own care.

  • Griffin question what risks this evolution may introduce to both patients and practitioners.

  • What Sable and Sirus think may happen to incumbent REIs- whether or not they will  be phased out entirely.

  • Why Sable and Sirus believe, one day, patients will pay for IVF if - and only if- they have a baby.



Abigail’s info:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abigailsirus/

Company: AWM Investment Company Inc.

David’s info:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidsable/

Company: Life Sciences


Griffin Jones  00:26

Netflix? Or are you Blockbuster Video? Or are you HBO? Or are you some other analogy that should be applied to the fertility field as we talk about the massive change that is coming from venture capital to the field of reproductive health. My guests today are Dr. David Sable, who needs very little introduction to you all. This is his third time on the show former practicing REIi also teaches at Columbia University for classes on entrepreneurship also manages a fund for Life Sciences. Today, we bring on his colleague, Miss Abigail Sirus, who is a venture capitalist and investment associate for another life sciences Innovation Fund. She had at IBM for another number of years before that, today we talk about the four principles for democratizing IVF. We get so engrossed into these principles and the changes that might be happening in the marketplace and who might be executing upon them that we're going to have a part to where we go through some of the mapping where of the areas of biggest potential disruption for the fertility field, I felt that we needed this conversation to set up the next one, and I don't tire of having Dr. Sable back on the show, and you don't seem to either. So until you do, then these multi part series make sense today enjoy the four principles for democratizing IVF. With Dr. David Sable and Abigail service. Ms. Sirius, Abigail, welcome to Inside Reproductive Health. Dr. Sable. David, welcome back to Inside Reproductive Health.

Abigail Sirus  02:08

Thank you for having us.

Griffin Jones  02:11

I'm always happy to have Dr. Sable. Back on the show Abigail, this is the first time that you and I have met. And I want to talk about an article that David wrote recently based on work that the two of you have done together. But before we get into the article, just give me a little background. How did the two of you link up? Sure,

Abigail Sirus  02:29

I'd be happy to. So Griffin, David and I actually had the pleasure of meeting on a project at while I was at my previous company, IBM, I was a blockchain strategy consultant. And David was actually one of my clients. So we in that instance, we're trying to create a blockchain enabled system called IVF, open to really bring standards to the way that biospecimens are stored and tracked and traced along with chain of custody for in vitro. And I admit, you know, Griffin, I'm actually the product of IVF. So my twin brother and I were born via IVF. And it's it's truly a miracle that, you know, I really wouldn't be here without. And so it's always had a place in my heart and been special to me. But when I got to meet with David and several others across the industry now a few years ago, and do this project together, my eyes were really opened to the industry in a new way. And I'm a process minded person. And when I started to understand the inefficiencies across the space, it really started to inspire me and grow my passion for all of the opportunity that is here. And things that we can can kind of bring to light through innovation, which I know we'll talk about a little bit

Griffin Jones  03:42

later. But what came of IVF open?

Abigail Sirus  03:45

Absolutely. Well, I'll let David answer that question.

David Sable  03:49

Thanks, Griffin. Thanks for having us. having me back. And having Abigail on. Going back to the decision to bring Abigail on I try to endeavor to be the dumbest person in the room. Wherever I am.

Griffin Jones  04:00

It doesn't work when you and I are hanging out.

David Sable  04:04

Well, certainly when she's around, it's today. That happens. But now IVF open was we likened it to building drainage ditches for to let the IVF industry scale try to help you and I might have talked about it briefly trying to have one place that assigned identifiers for frozen eggs and embryos so that nobody ever was stuck someone's eggs and embryos for somebody else's. And nice thing is it kind of got it's been taken up by a lot of the private industry incumbents and made part of their kind of overall strategy. Training Group enforce these kind of rules by a nonprofit is a difficult thing to do. So having kind of the industry say yeah, this is a really good thing to avoid these problems. Let's go ahead and try and see if we can build into our her handling of specimens, a uniformity of labeling. And that'll evolve in a nice way kind of organically. within the industry, what we did is we tried to put all the incumbents together into a single, not a room and single single zoom screen. And, you know, it really it's it was great was that everybody got it. Everybody understood, and left the effort, which hats off actually to Risa Levine, who you know, who's a super patient advocate activist in this field for kind of getting the whole thing off the ground. And the other great thing that came out of it is I got to know Abigail, because IBM was a big partner of ours, in that. And then when I was looking for someone to join me, actually just having us if you know anybody, and she said, Well, how about me? I said, well, they knew you were available, I wouldn't be asking. So I brought her on as soon as I could. And that's been terrific. She's been with us for almost a year. Now.

Griffin Jones  05:57

Let's talk about the article that brings us here today, which is about the four principles for democratizing IVF, the four guiding principles for democratizing IVF. And this was an article that you published just before ASRM David. And there are four principles, I have a feeling that we're going to go into the third one disproportionately today, at least that's where my disproportionate interest lies. But the four principles for democratizing IVF are abandoned the truck travel agent model for IVF patient care, use the gravitational pole, foreign by incumbents making today's highest pregnancy rates, the floor of outcomes for the future. And fourth, using greater certainty uniformly higher outcomes and improve data collection analysis to actually quote, qualified data leading to better risk management, who will talk about the four of those principles? Let's start with the first one. What do you mean by abandoning the travel agent model of IVF? Patient care?

David Sable  07:05

Well, yeah, 30 years ago, if you wanted to take a grand tour of Europe, you call up a travel agent. And they would book your flights for you book, your hotel, book, your tours, make reservation restaurants for you add up the bill, put a big margin on top of it send you one bill, and he'd write one check. And it's a it was a way of getting things done. And it's a nice model, if you a can afford it, be have access to a great travel agent. And see they actually give you what it is that you want. For the IVF world. That's kind of what we have. Now you go to an IVF clinic, you say I'm having difficulty conceiving, and the incumbents in the clinic make all the decisions for you. And they charge you one amount. So your input really comes down to just choosing a clinic. And they make all the decisions for you from there. What the future of IVF as we foresee it, and the way things seem to be evolving, as we disassemble the cycle into different places, into geographies closer to where the patients live. Using our inputs more efficiently, not putting everything into a $2,500 a square foot laboratory is that the patient herself or the family themselves will be able to choose maybe being monitored one place, have their egg retrieval somewhere else, take the rigs store them somewhere else. In initiate contact with the laboratory, once the eggs are frozen, and maybe bring your reproductive endocrinologist into the process later on. Giving the patient the opportunity to choose to stay closer to home do some price comparison shopping. Really the way we purchase just about everything nowadays, there's no reason that IVF cannot evolve into that model, which will result in greater access, more price comparison we have more price choices, and an ability to kind of oversee one's own care the way you can do so many other choices now in the marketplace.

Griffin Jones  09:24

Maybe we'll bring this up a little bit when we get to the third point where we talked about dollars until baby and time until baby in life disruption to baby but is there a risk if you are abandoning the travel agent model the all in one model by choosing your clinic of having death by 1000 cuts like I don't think the airlines have added a lot of value the Spirit Airlines and the Frontier Airlines by having people choose if they want to bring a carry on if they want to pay more for that or if they want to pay more for not having a middle seat and maybe there's something to be said For the Southwest, and the jet blues and the Alaska's that have brought down cost without making people have to nickel and dime on an each individual micro choice. But what about that?

David Sable  10:14

Well, I think that if you're looking at people, yeah, if you're looking at the people who have access to air travel now, without a very, very low close budget airline, we have to pay for your seat choice and pay for each bag you bring on. And there's no food and there's no flight attendants, then it may not be very additive to them. But we have to ask ourselves, and you have to start every conversation the same way, what problem are we solving. And if we're solving for access for the next million, 5 million people per year that need IVF, that have no access to it now, then they may be more than willing to, at a price point in a geographic location that works for them suffer and endure some of those little cuts of inconvenience. Whereas if the choice is they have no access to IVF at all, then were you kind of opening that consumer choice up where it will matter, people don't want to buy an IVF cycle, they want to have a baby. And if I, you know, look at some of the inconvenience and the things that people endure now to go through an IVF cycle, including traveling 1000s of miles, and taking off at 40 hours of work, per cycle, in order to go back and forth to the clinic to be monitored things of that sort, then, you know, I don't want to make consumers and patients decisions for them. I think that as you expand the market, you know, our big goal is to go from 3 million cycles a year to 30 million cycles. We've got to give a lot of different patient experiences, put them into the market, and let the patients slash consumers themselves decide.

Griffin Jones  12:06

You brought up the point of I don't want to make the patient's decisions for them referring to the travel agent model, but I can hear a number of RBIs thinking I make patients decisions for them. That's what my job is. What decisions are patients qualified to make? And maybe perhaps they're not qualified to make? Like, are we talking about picking their own PGT? Provider? Are we talking about picking where they store their gametes and their embryos? Are we picking where they're pharmacy to? What are what are we talking about

David Sable  12:44

all of the above? It's so amazing again, when I met Abigail, who had not yet had another than professional reasons to learn about it. She was incredibly knowledgeable about the process, the science, the medicine, everything there was I remember thinking, what was your healthcare background in college, this is like somebody who's like a pre med that decided to go into data and analytics. Turns out years an accounting major, pretty good accounting major imagine my patients knew so much about what they were undergoing that, why not entrust them with the ability to comparison shop for the best IVF process that works for them. Rather than have us decide for them. You look at the range of pregnancy rates from one cycle from one program to the next. And through the United States and through the world. Here we're doing about 2.6 million cycles per year, worldwide, hitting about half a million babies, tells us that our efficiency is somewhere between 20 to 25% per cycle worldwide. We know we have clinics here in the US that are doing 65% per single embryo transfer, if that embryos genetically normal. So there's an enormous range. So to think that the de facto proper way to navigate your IVF cycle is to put all the decision making in someone else that may turn out to be the case. But why? Why do we assume that's the only case. And again, this is within the context of trying to expand the size of the marketplace, to people who really, really need IVF not to have a baby or to have a healthy baby or to get pregnant at all by a factor of five or 10x. So it's the putting different choices out there. It's we go back to our old metaphor of we have an IVF industry that's the hotel industry with just the four seasons Is the Ritz Carlton. But we got a heck of a lot more people that need a place to sleep. And essentially, their frame of reference may be give me a comfortable bed, and a clean bathroom at a price I can afford. And they'll get the same eight hours of good sleep that you'll get in the Ritz Carlton. If we keep people the same probability of having a baby. And we're transparent enough in the marketplace the same way all other consumer marketplaces are going, then why not interest this the patients, again, because a lot of these people would have choice would have no choice at all, it'd be out of the market. And so I think that the REI is have done a fabulous job of making these choices up to now. It's great, and they should Oh, this should always be a place for them. And high touch high hand holding, kind of decision making for you service is fabulous the same way. There's still great travel agents out there. But it shouldn't be the only choice.

Griffin Jones  16:02

Well, not to defer to anecdotes. But hopefully to give some context, Abigail, during your journey, were there. segments of the journey where you wish that you had decision making authority that you could have opted for the option that you wanted? Or did you choose any options that are now informing how you view this from a business perspective?

Abigail Sirus  16:26

Yeah, and just to be clear, I do not have an IVF baby. I was born via IVF. So I can't speak directly to the process itself from that intimate of a perspective. Although, you know, who knows, maybe I will, I will one day. And I'll come back. And you know, we can have another discussion. But what I can tell you is just from observing the industry today, as David said, not only about the hotel chain model of making sure that there are the Holiday Inn expresses as well as the Ritz Carlton's, really, for us as well. It's about geographic access, and making sure that, you know, a teacher in Des Moines has just as much of a chance as having the family that she so desperately wants as anyone who's right near our office in New York City. And it's only by increasing that optionality and bringing services to patients through you know, at home monitoring and other innovations that we're seeing that we'll be able to bring those models to bear, which is part of what I'm so excited about coming from IBM, where we were doing consulting projects with innovative technologies, like blockchain, and AI and quantum computing, and starting to see some of those models take shape in this industry as well, is just, it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Griffin Jones  17:35

You talk about that there should be a gravitational pull for incumbents. That's the second principle of democratizing IVF. But is there often an inherent conflict from incumbent, Dr. Harrington sent me a book by Clayton Christensen, who is the author of a theory of disruptive innovation, or at least one of the theories behind disruptive innovation where he charts out the corpse of blockbuster and other incumbents that were simply dis their disincentivized relative to their current model, their expenses, their profits, their current obligations, against someone that's coming into the marketplace that doesn't have nearly as many obligations, they don't need to make as much revenue. They don't have current infrastructure as expenses. So you talk about using a gravitational pole for and comments or at least ideally, there should be one. But isn't there not one very often almost by nature?

David Sable  18:41

The agreement? It's great question and when we mapped out the strategy for reengineering IVF. The second principle really came down to the best what knew in the best circumstances, this will be steered, managed and navigated by the income. It's the people that know it best. You know, the experienced Ori eyes the best embryologists, but recognizing that there is a natural, rational and perfectly reasonable, kind of, you know, inertia towards changing the way you do things like frankly, when I was running a busy IVF program, I was making a good living, I was employing a lot of people. And I was busy as all hell. So if you came to me and say, Okay, it's your job to, you know, open up the world. So that the next million, 5 million 10 million people have access to it. I'd say listen, it's a nice idea. But where am I supposed to fit that into my schedule? So going from anecdote to generalization. You know, Eduardo Harrington is as visionary as any young Rei out there. And you recognize that you can't really rely on incumbents. So To do all the heavy lifting for you. So the way we look at is we can do with them, we can do without them, we can do it with the existing Rei infrastructure. And we try to make it in their best interest by looking at their operational capacity, looking at the limitations of the inputs, where they're bottlenecks are in their process, and trying to come up with solutions that make them able to expand what they do in a less costly manner. And they can decide to triage that input any way they want, they may decide to expand their geographic reach. If we cut the IVF cycle to three parts, retrieval and freezing being one part, storage being a second, and then thaw fertilization, development and transfer. Third, they may decide to have retrieval stations all over the place. And they may take their existing satellite offices and use them there. They may do alliances with large OBGYN groups in rural areas. To do them there, they could do them. alliances with other programs, leveraging the real estate that they have, they can use decision making decision support software to put 10 times the number of people through stimulations. And so the army on duty Rei on duty only needs to look at four or 5% of the results each day because the computer will make the same decisions that they are, you're all different ways that we can facilitate their operations. So in that way, we like to think that the incumbents are going to be served by innovation. But if they choose to keep things the way they are, which is perfectly okay, if some of these programs are doing fabulous patient throughput, terrific care, great results, then we can use these technologies to reach patients that have otherwise no choices by bringing other people into the marketplace as suppliers. In a way that maintains the quality of care, because we're gonna be using a different engineering, different data analysis, and different process optimization, try to arrive at the well, the well run IVF kitchens that exist now. So we can do them with these people without a lot of what we do in IVF is repetitive things that over and over again, a lot of embryology will lend itself to automation, robotics, things of that sort. So that way we can build the kind of bigger parallel industry that can take that next 10 million people in that aren't being served. And the incumbents can choose to participate wherever they want to. We want to make it easy for them to do so without giving them absolute control over who gets to be treated worldwide. Because again, what are we solving for? We're solving for access. And the size of marketplace not being served is a lot bigger than the size of the market currently being served. To the incumbent people. We embrace them, we want them to do a fabulous job. But we don't want to be in a position. And if we're acting as advocates for the unserved we don't want to give them control over who gets to be treated who doesn't.

Griffin Jones  23:32

Incumbents can be served by the innovation or it can be done without them. It sounds like you had a I wasn't at your talk at SRI. But it sounds like you were a little bit more stern with that message at SRI, what are the consequence? What did you say their first second, what are the consequences if they if they choose not to be a part of the innovation?

David Sable  23:58

Oh, it's a it's a competitive marketplace. You know, the right now we've got a small number of suppliers, with a enormous reserve army of new patients that are trying to get in and more and more patients getting coverage as well. Their coverage from employers, state mandates, things of that sort. I guess the the downside to not participating is you're locking yourself into a model that we may or may not be able to replace that you go into, you know, what are the what does a patient look at when they're trying to make a decision to how to navigate their journey? And Abigail and I came up with three key performance indicators. It's using an MBA term, but it seems I just saw the patients silently make these decisions. For the 20 years I saw patients dollars per baby time until they have a baby and the life disrupt Should they have to endure to have a day, every patient is solving for those things. And those are our North Stars in trying to kind of navigate or map out how we reengineer, the IVF worlds. So if the clinic existing now is operating at capacity, and they have full control over the pricing, it's exactly what you want as a supplier in any industry, you want to operate, you want to be as busy as you want to be. And you want to be able to charge what you want to charge. And this is not a value judgment, every economic actor is kind of solving for that. But they're operating within an environment where there's a cost structure, there's an access structure. And if people have no choices, then they're the kind of a, you know, they're at your whim. They, you know, the there, they have to serve under the parameters that you set. Now the markets can change. And if we put out a, whether it's technology, whether it's using AI, whether it's finding alternative practitioners, whether it's opening of centers closer to them, we're suddenly those dollars per baby time to baby in life disruption are much more skewed in the patient's favor. and to hell with it, I'm no longer going to the ball of the ball to buy a bookstore, to buy a book, in a big bookstore, I'm going to do it online, I'm going to download a Kindle file, I'm going to have all these other ways of fulfilling my need for a text file called a book, I'm gonna have all these other ways of fulfilling my needs to build a family. And the incumbents if they don't fund either change their marketing strategy, change the way that they fulfill that or, you know, maybe they maybe they're still doing such a great job, that people that want that higher touch, higher cost, higher travel type IVF experience will continue to come to them, which is great. It's a really it just puts that competition into the marketplace. That, you know, it's all doctors always say, no, we want the free we want free market medicine. Well, this is free market medicine. But it's free market in a way that the patients have access. And the patients themselves have choice. Not were the providers can rely on monopoly power to keep their keep their practices the way that they are now,

Griffin Jones  27:32

Abigail, are there some segments of incumbents that you see more vulnerable as others going back to the blockbuster example, that's the example that's always used in every business course is used in mainstream everyone knows that example. huge corporation in blockbuster, within a few years being totally supplanted by now a titanic Corporation of Netflix. But I think the story that almost no one talks about I don't ever hear anybody talking about is no that was HBO. So HBO live to tell the tale. And as far as I know, they're still doing well, I haven't looked at looked at their performance or their stock prices or anything. But as far as I know, HBO is still doing just fine. But that Netflix space in the market was HBOs to take and somebody came out of nowhere. Netflix and did it. But HBO had the same considerations. They didn't suffer the same consequences as blockbuster but they lost the land grabs, are you seeing some incumbents that might be more vulnerable than others and, and in different ways than just you know, being being supplanted? Entirely?

Abigail Sirus  28:48

Yeah. And it's funny, you bring up the Netflix and blockbuster example, because that's one of the first cases I ever read in college. But I think about it informed two ways, in terms of incumbents first, who are not going to be willing to innovate, and bring in new practices or new processes or see things in a different way, which I think of as blockbuster. They're the ones who are sitting there streaming was coming to a head, we were seeing, you know, it becoming less and less expensive, with the compute power becoming more optimized, and they decided not to change their business. And because of that, they were usurped by Netflix. But then we have also the incumbents who do a specific part of the process or have their specific niche, just like HBO does, and creating their own content and being extremely good at that, and creating a name for themselves in that way, who will continue to have their corner of the market based on what they do well. And so I think that for the incumbents who are choosing not to innovate, they potentially might be at the most risk. Because, you know, I think it's good to see businesses growing and changing and adopting new modalities in ways that might be better than they ever were before. But then there will also be the HBO models who are very good at doing so. specific things, maybe they have a specific capacity where they have a number of genetic counselors on staff, or they can focus on specific, you know, more complicated journeys than others can like an HBO model, and they will be able to survive as well. But generally, you know, I think we keep focusing, you know, we've we've got Thanksgiving coming up this week on kind of this pie. And speaking about these incumbents who have really in the scheme of things, just a small sliver of the pumpkin or pecan pie, but the the pie is quite large. And so I think that there's vast opportunity for incumbents and new players to come into the industry together, and to create innovation that can improve the patient experience and make it more accessible for all.

Griffin Jones  30:39

Let's talk about the third principle then of what needs to happen in your view, in order for that to still be successful. That which is that today's highest pregnancy rates should be the floor of outcomes for the future, that it's not about delivering a lower quality product at a lower cost. It's keeping the main metrics of dollars until baby time until baby and life disruption to baby at the forefront at the forefront, excuse me. But aren't those three principles very often in conflict with one another that if you reduce the time to maybe you might have to increase the cost of AV or vice versa.

David Sable  31:28

One of the things that we learned when we started examining the IVF industry, as an industry that eight years ago, is that it's really characterized by outstanding science and really mediocre engineering. It's, you know, the you look at you in my career that pregnancy rates when I came out were middle single digits by putting back three and four embryos at a time. And we didn't touch the egg. So the idea of sticking a needle into the egg to do insemination with the sperm was just beyond us, much less doing things like genetic analysis. So the progress has been just remarkable. And the fact we have anybody that can have a baby, that can create a baby, more than half the time with one embryo routinely, on average, is that seemed like a million years in the future, back when I started being exposed to this in the 1980s. But that being said, that means that someone has cracked the code to get that high. And what is engineering engineering is just getting everybody on board to these best practices to do is to do things as well as everybody else. And if our goal is which we think it should be that anybody that needs IVF, to have a baby has access to IVF, say to a baby, then we've got to proliferate these best practices. Now, there are some people who are more talented than other people for manual procedures. And if we look elsewhere in cell biology, and we look elsewhere, in manufacturing and engineering, we see that these things can be standardized, to using robotics, using machine learning, two way that everybody can operate at the highest level, we will migrate to that it's unavoidable. Every industry that's tech based does that. And the sheer size, the sheer enormity of the demand for IVF services is going to migrate the best clinics to higher and higher pregnancy rates, they're much higher here in the US than they are in the world average, you're very high in areas of Western Europe and parts of Asia. And that will it's just a matter of time, get up there, we will collapse the pregnancy rates always upward finish. Now that said that means as we engineer and as you do more and more process optimization, those rates will be even higher. And that leads us to probably the biggest innovation, which is really going to disrupt this industry and I also think is inevitable, unavoidable and an unequivocal good. Is that shows you how bad I am at writing articles because I completely buried the lede. But I wrote that because the real big point that I was trying to make is that we're gonna get to a point where the expectation for outcome is very standard, no matter where you go. And is high enough that we can risk manage in a way using very simple principles of finance. And we turn things around and nobody ever pays for an IVF cycle where they don't. That is the ultimate democratization of the process. That's where we really change the way we deliver it. And it's very, very, it's very doable. Just a question of how much time in there indeed We do see a conflict turns real choice as to how you want to run your practice how you want to deliver this. And, you know, in the interim, we will see a splintering, of which clinics do suck, do certain things, well, which ones adopt a more convenient model? Which ones adopt a highest possible pregnancy outcome with a super high price point model. And this is all fine. This is the market working the way the market should, you know, if you notice, we're not talking about forcing the insurance industry to cover things that the basic insurance model doesn't say that they should cover. We're not talking about convincing governments to provide price support, or provide supplementation for patients. This is really trying to go through a free market model. These things may be accelerated by governments getting involved maybe because they're concerned about population shrinkage and things of that sort. But ultimately, the to the individual choices that the existing clinics are not going to stop the movement towards a much bigger marketplace marketplace with lots of choice. And that choice will ultimately include completely shielding, the patients were having to mortgage their houses two or three times in order to do that next cycle, are people draining the life savings, and never ending up with the baby. And you know, what's the big motive, the big driving factor, there is just this enormous, enormous market of people that really want to spend money, want to dedicate their time and effort towards building and all of us your grip, and certainly you included who interact with IVF patients, that you can't underestimate the size of that motivation. This is not consumer discretionary. This is not choosing to buy a book at a bookstore on Amazon or downloading video text file from HBO or Hulu, or going to your closet and having VHS tapes. This is one of the prime motivators in life. So there's this enormous, enormous marketplace out there that's going to find out oh, by people creating we means of fulfilling these needs.

Griffin Jones  37:37

Does that mean that we should expect one of the factors to to improve before the others? For example, should we expect dollars until baby to reduce before we see time until baby to be reduced? Or both of those to happen before we see life? disruption to baby? Are we? Is it more realistic to expect one of those dropping? And then that setting the standard where the value add becomes in the other two segments? Or are we looking at technologies that could possibly reduce the concern of all three at once?

David Sable  38:15

Yeah, I think it's a Venn diagram where the three circles overlap a lot. It's like dollars to baby if a patient has to travel 25 miles to the clinic every two days to be monitored or needs to travel to another state to have the cycle done needs to stay in that state, then that's a dollars per baby and time to baby and definitely a life disruption to the you know, when we develop new medications that can be given orally instead of by shots. Well, those shots are real life disruption to baby. They're also very, very expensive. And there's only two companies that make those sets of dollars per day. The fourth thing is well, so it's I think that as you as you move one, it tends to drag the other two along. And it's not so much a conscious choice because implicit in these are specific things you're doing. You're moving your retrievals from the big, unbelievably expensive lab to a procedure room, because the engineering system is closed up. So the for the egg never sees the ambient air or light before it's frozen. Or you move the retrieval to your satellite clinics 10s or hundreds or maybe even 1000s of miles away so that you can better leverage the enormous lab that you built. And you can kind of defacto increase the capacity of your laboratory without building out without spending another 2500 for another square foot of space. You may be moving your storage somewhere else. All of these things are going to improve your operational capacity, improve your ability to grow By the service you're giving now, in ways that can turn into translating into offering your patient a better experience that's more affordable, or more risk managed, or closer to where they live. I think it's just kind of a virtuous ecosystem, where you start attacking these things one at a time. And they show up at all of these parameters, both for the clinic themselves, and for the patients, as well as being a motivation for kind of ambitious entrepreneurs outside the fields that say, Hey, you got all these people newly insured, all these people who state mandates, all these people that may be in other countries now need the service. Look, Japan is doing everything they can to make IVF more accessible. Let's build it and they will come because right now they have nowhere else to go. It's kind of it's kind of like virtuous ecosystem, because

Griffin Jones  40:53

it seems like it should be a virtuous ecosystem. But there are clearly challenges to integration. If that's the case. And Abigail, I want to get your experience if you see if you've seen these challenges with integration in other areas, because it seems like there shouldn't be a Venn diagram that someone that can come in and improve the time until baby would also help be helping reduce the costs until baby and, and limiting the life disruption to baby. And there's all kinds of companies at ASRM that are trying to sell into clinics, and I see them struggling selling into clinics or a number of different reasons that can be an a whole podcast episode. And I've probably done one or two, but they are struggling, even though I see the value that they bring they they reduce nursing workflow, they reduce the the legality and other workflow, not all of the workflow much of the workflow involved in third party cycles. They reduce what Texans did ographers and other support staff have to do, I think of these companies, and I see the value that they bring, and there have having a hard time selling in two clinics, partly because of its it's seen as an added expense. But also because it is really hard to integrate given the variability of clinic workflow. So it seems like it should be a virtuous ecosystem. But there's some roadblocks, and I'm wondering what you've seen in other sectors that might be comparable.

Abigail Sirus  42:39

Yeah. And for me, it goes back to my background and emerging technology and how tech gets adopted, really, I mean, when we think about it, I started doing blockchain back in 2016, which feels like a long time and blockchain years are in any emerging tech where, yes, of course, in the beginning, when you're changing the status quo and introducing something new, there is that friction in that hesitancy, especially when the incumbent clinics have a great formula, they know what they're doing, they know how to do it well, and they know how to bring in an optimized value for it. So adding anything to that or changing anything, can be, can be met with a little bit of, of that friction that I mentioned before. But as we see with kind of all the traditional tech curves going into, you know, any business school case, yes, there's that friction in the beginning, and you kind of go up into the curve where over time, as the technology begins to be more widely adopted, it becomes status quo, and it becomes kind of bundled along and become standard of care in this case. And so I think that we're just in kind of the beginning of that cycle of seeing some of these new technologies starting to take shape. And as the value becomes more proven, and as it becomes, you know, these are some of the best educated patients, I think it throughout all of health care. And they know exactly, you know, what's going on and where their money's going. And if they hear that this clinic over here is doing something that might have better outcomes than a clinic down the street, I don't think they'll hesitate to, to make decisions based off of that, and to also encourage that kind of innovation. So I think it's going to happen organically and naturally at first, and then quickly and kind of more all at once once things start to become status quo. But as for integration, integration is always difficult. But what I think is important is, is patterns do start to emerge. And so once some of these early stage startups, you know, I had the pleasure of walking through the SRM booth just like you did, and getting to speak with a lot of them. Once they start becoming adopted, you know, a couple clinics at the time, and start being integrated into their workflow, they'll be that much better positioned to integrate into the next one. And you know, as well as we do in this industry, there is some pretty significant consolidation. So just winning over a couple of those larger chains could mean that a lot of innovation is adopted at a faster rate.

Griffin Jones  44:53

Well, I see that but I also see a lot of steps back and I see it being I see it also taking several years. So I think of one company that's been around for many years that probably has half of the market share and does very well. And, you know, they and so there's probably okay, we get a few of the early adopters on board that will try anything. And then that provides the case studies for us to increase the market share. And then, and then they've got some rapid growth for a little bit. But then either it just, it just stalls because whoever isn't adopting, still isn't adopting, and and they don't see the improvements as dramatic enough to to make the investment. Maybe they're just incremental, or the consolidation does happen, Abigail, and then they they go back, it regresses because the the new partners coming in are cutting costs and say, you know, what, we just don't see this as dramatic enough. So is, is incremental one year after another possible? If so, it doesn't seem revolutionary, it seems like it's taking a really long time for many of these companies, or does it have to be so dramatic and so obvious to that? This is now the standard. And if that's the case, what's necessary to do that be given the variability of clinic workflows, if something is really going to be that dramatic of an improvement, that means it has to affect a lot of the areas of the clinic and lab, presumably. And in order to do that, there's a lot of things that need to be integrated. So, David, you've said on the show before, that the entrepreneurs job is to solve the chicken and the egg. But what about this challenge of of improving incrementally? When? If, if the adoption, the catalyst for adoption, is seeing dramatic improvement?

David Sable  46:49

You Yeah, well, like, like a lot of things successful only be in retrospect. Yeah, and we're going to look back at one point and find that it's gonna be an awful lot of overnight successes after 15 years work. The kind of cul de sac that everybody drives into intellectually, when they envision, you know, this kind of a sweeping statement, but I often see, when I discuss innovation with an IVF, is it's always done within the context of the existing clinic structure as it is now. And it's always okay, how do we go into these existing clinics convinced them to do something different. And I think that we may find that the innovation really reaches critical mass. And you see those revolutionary steps, when we start building that industry alongside the one that's there now. Now, this may be one of the large consolidated chains, and these are terrific doctors, terrific administrators, they may decide, you know, we've really reached a limit of kind of the limit of growth of what we're doing under brand name of what we've got. So we've got the four seasons there, let's build a nother system for a different marketplace. Let's take a critical mass of these innovations. 4567 have put them together in a way that really adds up to a substantial change in cost of development delivering the service, yet with the same outcome probability, you know, take this, the, the old thought that lower cost or more convenient, has to be a trade off between lower probability of the baby that's unacceptable, you've got to have at least as good a chance of having a child at the end of the whole process. But you know, there is an enormous industry to address that doesn't exist, right. And trying to kind of force feed incremental innovation into the existing infrastructure, the existing clinics as they are, or as they are consolidating. Maybe too difficult a way to get these innovations into play. However, like I've been, I've been talking to founders now going on seven years. And watching them as they evolve their business plans. And it doesn't seem like it's been all that long. We've seen some really great changes the way people look at these things. Like if you're looking at you, and I've talked about AI. And if you're talking engineering in the 21st century, you're talking AI, which What does AI it's math, but it's a digitalization, of which previously were just kind of our teas and all processes. But the all the Ag companies a few years ago had the same business model. We're going to go We ended, we're going to optimize one part of the process one part of the IVF cycle. And we're going to charge $1,000 per click to do, or $2,000, a click to do it. Absolutely unsustainable business, great engineering, great concept, you are making the process work better. But the whole idea of building a business around, when really what we're trying to do is drive costs down, it was very difficult to demonstrate the value proposition. But if you take those same capabilities, and you say, Okay, we're going to talk to intact the entire process. This is just bringing the data collection, feed into the computers have computers tell us those things that really make the process work better, make it work more efficiently, and really feed into dollars per baby time to baby life disruption. And let's reengineer the system itself, let's offer IVF places where it's not available to people that have no access to it that really want it that can afford it at a lower price point. And let's build that places where it doesn't exist. And we're gonna start filling in a lot of the holes around the existing infrastructure around the existing clinics and the clinic networks. After that, we've got the existing clinics looking and suddenly, wow, there's someone else doing this. And it turns out that some of our people, some of our market, maybe want to do that instead, maybe it's closer to where they are, maybe there's they could do the same get, they get the same probability of an outcome. And they're willing to do the trade offs of not having quite the same experience that we've been offering. And that way, that kind of parallel industry is going to flow into the existing industry. This is what I'm not smart enough to be able to predict it. What are you already know, that incrementally looking at people with no access at all. And we're trying to one after another build systems that can deliver that access to them. And actually can do it in a way that we can measure and we can process optimize, iterate in a way that the current kind of artisanal system doesn't let us do that I think you're gonna see in retrospect, that these things had really revolutionary effects. But you just can't map it out. It's going to happen organically. And when you look at the proliferation of technology over the past 100 years, how did airplanes go from the Wright brothers to the first jet for two years later, to what we have now, which essentially the democratization of air travel, including airlines that charge you to pick your seat, and have no food on board, you have to pay for every single bag you bring. These are things that evolve, because the technology was built in let it evolve into that. And turns out there was a market segment, looking for the first eyeglasses were invented in the 1300s took about 300 years before everybody over 40 could see. And, you know, it's it's a very, very long time to put these innovations into a marketplace. it up if you can see it a lot faster. Because there's an extremely fast proliferation of knowledge. Consumers know where to go for the information. And given the information of the the way information travels over the internet, things of that sort. This a very, very savvy group of patients is waiting for access to the waiting for access. And again, we go back to the desire to have a family. He is one of those incredible, you just can't. It's just this is not consumer discretionary. This is not something you could like people give this out.

Griffin Jones  53:56

So it could be the case that the disruptive model coming from venture capital becomes not one that says we're gonna create something that sells to all of these people or even sells this to the patients as a as as a direct to consumer base, but rather all of these booths that are ASRM are at SRM trying to sell to the clinics to improve these envision they themselves are now the model we create a model running alongside the the current model. That's how I see the 15 year hard work the 30 year 40 year hard work potentially being an overnight success based on your insight.

Abigail Sirus  54:42

And I mean to me Griffin a great analogy and one that's obviously used quite often now is electric cars like Ford and GM. Chrysler everyone knew electric was coming but decisions were made not to pursue it until they were forced to buy a new entrant coming and doing things differently inspiring change and having customers or in our case, patients demanding that new kind of experience proliferate in other areas. So I think we're seeing this in other places, it will be modeled here, as David said, hopefully faster. And so we can get to more patients as fast as we can. But I think that

Griffin Jones  55:17

that's a good point. That's a, you just made me think of something, Abigail, which is that I suspect that that part of the reason why Tesla was able to come in as the entrant there were is from all of the different vendors and companies trying to sell to GM and Ford and Honda and Toyota over the years to develop certain technologies. And that made it possible for Tesla to come in faster possibly to acquire some of those to, to, to integrate some of those that weren't happening and build a whole new model, which could be the case of venture capital coming into

Abigail Sirus  55:49

exactly. And we're seeing, you know, new clinic models emerging where they're bringing in these technologies, almost as if they're within the clinic's DNA itself, they're getting off the ground while thinking about re engineering processes that still have yet to be optimized that kind of some of the larger the larger chains as well. And so they're starting off on that front foot of the innovation as they go, which I think is going to be really exciting to see how they can grow and progress and continue to innovate, since they're starting in that place already.

David Sable  56:21

In the kind of unspoken on talked about part of this, as well as there's an entire industry of cell biology, feeding into biopharmaceuticals, for example, and all sorts of new types of fluid engineering, that is not operating in a vacuum, like IVF is just one more area of cell biology. And a lot of these technologies are mature, they're in place elsewhere. And we just have to cart them or put them in the lab, plug them in. And it can really radically rattled radically change the way a lot of the IVF cycles performed in ways that can benefit the providers themselves in ways that can provide new founders who want to build different delivery systems of IVF. And all follow them benefit the patients, their mortgage, they're better engineered, so they're easier to scale. Since they're better engineer, they're easy to measure the benefit from these are things that are gonna go into bringing that IVF pregnancy rates higher and higher, towards the towards emerging of kind of the emergence of a best practices, and then give us a springboard to keep iterating to keep reengineering, to keep finding the thing that's working the least. So we can inch that pregnancy rate higher and higher. Then we bring in our actuarial and financial principles, we risk manage the whole thing. And we build an entire different IVF industry, where you pay for baby instead of buying IVF cycles. That's what you want to you want to get people's attention, you start totally risk managing the process. You will see the floodgates. So

Griffin Jones  58:09

that's your fourth, that's your fourth principle that you talk about in your article and talk about burying the lead David, I buried the lead as I read this again, and think oh, this, this will get people's attention. So the fourth principle recaps what you just said greater certainty uniformly higher outcomes and improved data collection and analysis leads to actually actuarial quality data, which leads to better risk management, which leads to pain and getting paid for outcomes, not cycles, you pay when the procedure works, you really believe that that's not only possible but inevitable.

David Sable  58:49

Yep, absolutely. It's too important. It's to the people that are consuming. People are also very yet it's the the optionality right now. It's just unacceptable for most the idea that someone talked to me for that five, six years ago, they say, Well, what's an IVF cycle costs like the cost of a small Toyota. What's the big deal of this? Well, you go into a Toyota dealer with 15 or $17,000, you drive out with a car, you walk into an IVF clinic with 15 or $17,000. And you walk out with a possibility of having a baby or a 35 to 65%, possibly of having nothing other than endured a lot of inconvenience, a lot of heartbreak and set your financial stability back quite a ways. Now, that is a a need in a marketplace that screams for someone to open up that market. So this is something you're talking about with incumbents or without incumbents. This is something that really plays right into the The underwriting insurance playbook. If the traditional insurers want to assume that, so far they have not. So we've seen the emergence of a secondary market, people doing IVF and fertility only underwriting insurance, which I'm thrilled about, we're seeing some of the practitioners start to re explore using risk management. And these kind of risk sharing strategies. This goes back to the late 1990s. But it was done very poorly. And as the numbers get better and better, frankly, it's an easy thing to do. If no one else does it, Griffin Newman, Abigail and I all started our own insurance company. It's just taking actuarial data, crunching the numbers using some very basic insurance principles, sticking the margin on top, making everybody else pay a little bit more. So the nobody pays to get enough. And it's really kind of trying to

Griffin Jones  1:00:59

think of where the precedent is for that, David, I see the actuarial principle. But I think of if we have a tumor removed, and we undergo chemo, if the if the cancer comes back, we'd still pay for that procedure. If we pay a landscaper to install drainage and and level our backyard and the flooding returns, we still pay that landscaper, we might write a bad review. But this happens all of the time, in other segments where people are paying to have a problem solved, but for whatever reason it it still happens. So what makes this possible in IVF? In a way that doesn't seem to have been possible yet. And oncology?

David Sable  1:01:45

Well, I don't know if we want to trade anecdotes. But why. But I practice that I did surgery, it's like until the problem was solved. You paid your surgical fee, and that was it. You know, follow up problems, things that complications that things have brought you back or part of what you're paying for upfront. Yeah, it's it's certainly there may be, you know, co pays and things of that sort along the way. But we really, you know, we're talking about risk managing in a way to make something affordable and acceptable, can take away the big optionality with whether there's some small, you know, it's like administrative fee that goes into paying for IVF. And certainly, let's say there's a late pregnancy loss in the third trimester, tragically, how does that get, you know, internal internalizing for the system, these are sort of details, what we're talking about is the, you set up a pricing system for your for your based on your outcomes, and you define the outcome, however you want. The same way, you know, it's maybe it's like a warranty. Maybe, as we've mapped out for the disease prevention, part of IVF, which is a enormous another enormous industry, when to be developed. Maybe the pricing marketing structure is essentially a gym membership for the family. You freeze your eggs early, you go on birth control, all of your pregnancies occur, using IVF and PGT. Him. And you have a zero risk of having a baby that dies of sickle cell disease, as 9% of babies born with a do have childhood. That you pay a certain amount for unlimited access to the service. And since we know what the service costs to produce, and we know the likelihood, and we build our business over selling your lifetime of access to disease prevention. Pricing is really just it's just taking the cost of production, looking at the enormous size of the marketplace, bringing some creativity, and a little bit of fearlessness into addressing a new market, rather than trying to just make a little bit of a change with the IBM ecosystem is one that most people are not served with really. We're really trying to build an industry that doesn't exist. And a big part of that is that this whole part of what was offered the possibility of having a child or family to people that don't have access to and making it affordable. And we're not going to make it affordable by just doing what we're doing now. And putting a lower price tag on although that's one one way of doing that. Wherever you address another 1015 or 20 million people worldwide, for a million to 2 million more people who in the US is by tackling price and the patient's own risk. We attack that with engineering, we attack it with certainty and attack it with numbers. And it's a, it's very antithetical to the idea of this produce now. And yeah, this is a big idea. But if you talk to all the people that don't have access to having families, you know, they're very open to big ideas. And there's not a room in this industry, both for the people that are doing such a good job. As well as people are going to cover and address those people in our research.

Griffin Jones  1:05:45

We spend so much time talking about the four principles behind democratizing IVF, that we didn't even really get a chance to go into the map, it could be its own topic. And I would love to have both of you back on the show to talk about how you mapped engineering solutions to IVF success because there is so much in the lab in the clinic. And you really give some of the main problems with labor, with embryology, with medication, with lab space and complexity, that I think it merits its own topic. So I'm inviting you back in front of everyone. David, your invitation is constantly standing. But Abigail, I'm explicitly inviting you back with Dr. Sable. To go over just the map in a sequel part to this episode, if you would oblige us in the new year.

Abigail Sirus  1:06:44

I'd love to absolutely looking forward to

Griffin Jones  1:06:47

it. I'd like to give both of you the floor to conclude and in a way that either summarizes what you talked about today, or what you want people to pay attention to, either within relation to the article or other things that they should be studying up on.

Abigail Sirus  1:07:08

So to summarize, Griffin, my perspective is is simple. We continue to talk about the small slice of the pie and how to cram as much innovation and new thinking and bring integration into that sliver. But I think that there's such a broad opportunity beyond that. And that innovation will come from all areas. And we're going to see different kinds of businesses entering the market, challenging incumbents learning from incumbents. And hopefully our goal is that over time, what it will do is increase access to anyone who needs IVF that they can happen and have the best outcomes of anywhere in the world. So that's how I would conclude.

David Sable  1:07:49

Yeah, just reiterate to what Abigail just, you know, this is a if there's a entrepreneurially healthcare entrepreneurial playground that's more interesting than this one. I haven't found it. You've got an enormous enormous life moving need, with a huge population of people. We've got a confluence of terrific engineering, information technology and great science. That is this this is yet having been the I look back at the last 30 years when we've done it IVF is breathtaking. It's absolutely spectacular. What we can do to scale that is, you know, it's it is just such an opportunity to take fearlessness, creativity, and just a lot of heart, your heart knows brain and is looking looking for comparisons. Don't look at healthcare. Don't look at the IVF industry. Look at what we've done. You know, my first computer, I love putting a picture of it one of my one of my talks, my 1988 Commodore PC 30, which was a fabulous $2,500 computer with 10 megabytes of RAM, and one male, half a megabyte of RAM, 10 megabyte hard drive, and a 286 chip. And it was a great computer wasn't connected to anything else. And to think what that computer does, what you can do with $2,500, the computing world now. That's where we are in IVF. Now where that computer was, which was about 40 years ago. Look at the IT industry, look at the transportation industry, look at communications. That's the kind of growth we're going to see to helping people get pregnant and families which argue is just as important. And the need there'd be the desire to suck that entrepreneurial effort up into an enormous industry is there and that's the opportunity. And that's the kind of growth that you're really looking for in the next 1015 20 years. And I'll leave it at that. In Griffin I will say this again. You are the only person that provides this kind of forum to talk about this. So I always like whenever I'm on your show, I always want to back it up by reinforcing what you're doing. Because this is not a insignificant part of. So, you know, I could stick myself in there and just a plug for what you're doing, which is really, really necessary, really important.

Griffin Jones  1:10:23

I'm grateful for the plug, I hope to be able to provide a lot more coverage in 2023, as inside reproductive health expands its scope. And there's certainly no shortage of material to cover based on what we talked about today based on what else is happening in the field. And I look forward to having both of you back on the show. To explore this more. Thank you both very much for coming on inside reproductive health.


You've been listening to the inside reproductive health podcast with Griffin Jones. If you're ready to take action to make sure that your practice thrives beyond the revolutionary changes that are happening in our field and in society. Visit fertility bridge.com To begin the first piece of the fertility marketing system, the goal and competitive diagnostic. Thank you for listening to inside reproductive health

161 Is Time Running Out To Sell Your IVF Practice? Advice From Financial Expert, Richard Groberg

 Long-time fertility financial advisor, Richard Groberg, joins Griffin this week to review a Yale School of Management paper and to discuss whether the time is right (or wrong) to pull the trigger on selling an REI practice. What factors should you consider about timing, taxes, keeping a piece of the pie you created- and everything in between- on this week’s episode of Inside Reproductive Health.

Listen to hear:

  • What it really costs to sell your fertility business.

  • What hidden caveats to consider when selling an (even profitable) REI practice.

  • The reality of compounding growth in the fertility field

  • What the long-term hold principle means for younger fertility specialists who are not yet owners, but who may be on the brink of buying in.

Yale School of Management resource: https://www.readkong.com/page/on-the-nature-of-long-term-holds-holding-a-business-for-5835798

Richard’s Information:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rsgadvisorsllc/


Richard Groberg  00:04

On a recent fertility sale, one of the internal discussions was, how much do I bet on myself versus taking equity in my acquire, which diversifies my risk? Because now, my results aren't dependent on much just my practice, they're dependent partially on 5 10 15 practices around the country.

Griffin Jones  00:26

Is it time to sell your IVF practice? Are you getting screwed over by not holding on to your IVF practice? Are you getting screwed over by being a young physician who isn't building equity in their own IVF practice? To begin with? I visit these questions with my guest, Richard Groberg. Richard has been on the show before he's been a Chief Financial Officer, he's been a for-hire financial advisor to help practices on the sell side to sell their practices and devalue them. And together we review a paper by the Yale School of Management that visits the pros of a long-term hold of a business when it might make sense to sell though I think Richards’s commentary is a lot more in-depth and interesting than what the paper has to that particular point. And the different things to consider when you're building an asset versus just trying to flip one. For those of you that have practices that are thinking about selling right now, this paper and this review is hopefully good news to you. I try to get more advice from Richard for younger docs than is offered in the paper. And we also get Richards’s insights on what he sees happening in the marketplace. Now as practices are selling, are they selling at rates as high as they were? Are? Is the buyer side starting to slow down our volumes starting to slow down what returns some practices are still getting? We get those today. And so I hope you enjoy this visit again with Richard Groberg. Mr. Groberg. Richard, Welcome back to Inside reproductive health.

Richard Groberg  02:07

It's good to be back riff and thank you,

Griffin Jones  02:09

You are a popular guest the first time I wanted to do this in a live event with you. I've just been so busy. I tell you audience; I will do a live event with Richard at some point so that you can come on and ask questions directly. While we're talking. I still want to do that. But in the meantime, I had to have Richard back on, so I was chomping to talk to him before the interview starts. Richard says Hang on a second, how are you slow down and caught up for a little bit. But today we're going to talk about the nature of long-term holds, particularly talking about a paper that came from the Yale School of Management on building a business or buying a business and then holding it for a long time. This is mostly about building a business and then holding it for a long time, as opposed to selling it or flipping it. And so I want to go through this with Richard because I think a lot about the younger docs that are not building equity themselves by building a practice and again, getting multiples down the line. And I don't know how much this consolidation happening in the field helps or hurts younger dogs, I have heard arguments made for younger dogs that they are able to buy into things that will be worth a lot more and then sell for a lot more later. But I don't know. So we're going to review this paper together. So and bring up some points for all of you. And then we'll share this paper for you in the show notes so that you can review it yourself. But let's talk Richard, about buying and holding a business and then we might be able to also talk a bit about some things that are either accelerating or decelerating in the field. Maybe it's a good time right now. But in your view, how do you Scott, how do you do summarize the pros and cons of holding a business?


Oh, Grif, I'd actually unpack this article from two perspectives if I'm putting on my pure corporate finance numbers guy hat on. One is every year my business makes money. What do I do with those profits? Do I Do I pull it out? Do I invest in something else? Do I buy a new sports car or do I reinvest in my business? And the second aspect is when do I sell and I think whether you're in the fertility business or another business, to the extent that you can reinvest your profits to grow your business profitably. It always adds value whether you're adding another doctor to fund growth, you're opening a satellite, you're buying equipment, you're expanding your facility. If over a period of time, that endeavor generates a higher return than the cost, you've added value to your business. And some of the great success stories in the fertility industry, Shady Grove, Boston IVF, others CCRM, in its early days have added value by reinvesting in themselves and growing, as long as you can earn a higher return than the cost, or alternative investments, that always is a positive, especially in owner operated businesses. The second aspect is the whole concept of do I sell? Or do I continue to grow my business? And that's related to the first answer, if you can reinvest in your business and generate an incremental return above your cost relative to the alternatives, you're going to be better off in the long run. Now, there are some caveats that the article talks about, which I'll double back to in a minute. But if you continue to grow your business versus Okay, I want to sell like the article talks about I have to pay lawyers, I have to pay accountants, I have to pay advisors, I'm gonna have taxes, am I really getting what I think I'm gonna get. And again, some of the great success stories in American business and in the fertility industry, are companies that have held long term. Now that that can change. When you and I talked in January, the market for PE back groups buying fertility practices was heating up, multiples were increasing. And when someone wants to pay you 910 1112 13 times your profit. And there are other factors that make you think about selling, I'm getting older. I don't want to be left out of the corporate consolidation. I have leadership issues. I need help with renovations. It's hard to resist that. But as the market pulls back, which it is now, people, I'm sure are rethinking? Do I really want to do this now? Or do I continue to grow my business?

Griffin Jones  07:24

So there can be conditions to sell? And that is part of the second part of the equation that you're talking about is when do people make this decision? But you also referenced the first part of growing the business investing in the business every year it's making money, what do I do with the profits? Do I invest? Or do I take some of it out how much of each the papers starts with this thought exercise, and it's an anecdote, but it's useful for people to think about, which is, think about where you're from, and our audience is from 75% is from all over the US and other 7% or so is from all over Canada, another 6% or so is from all over India, and then everyone else is from all over the rest of the world. And so think about wherever you are from Think about the wealthiest people where you are from. Are they employees of larger company? Did they do they flip businesses one after another? Or do they have at least one major enterprise of which they're still the either the largest shareholder or some kind of plurality shareholder? And I think of Buffalo New York, there's only there's only three billionaires in all of buffalo Richard so my list is a lot easier than somebody from Dallas or somebody from Las Vegas like yourself. In Buffalo. There's only three billionaire families the rich family which owns the very fortunately named by the way right that owns rich products. There is the Pegulas who own who now own Pegula sports entertainment which owns the Buffalo Bills and the Buffalo Sabers. But they've held the interest in their energy company is escaping me at this point and the Jacobs family who some of you know, the Jacobs family for owning the Boston Bruins, but before that they own Delaware North, which is one of the largest concession companies in all of the world and they still do and so so that passes that sniff test but Richard, can you give us more to think about if not data then other points for the best pathway to wealth being holding a business other than just the anecdotes phrase like that in the paper?


Well, some further anecdotal examples in our industry. Most of the transactions going on in the industry. The sellers are taking some combination of continued equity in their own business and or equity in the acquirer. And if you think about some of the growth A success stories of people who've built businesses and sold them. Most of those people are people who've made great wealth outside of ownership, the first thing they want to do is look for something to buy. Investment bankers, pe people, when they make their riches, they then want to own their own business. People like Griff Jones, rather than being consultant and working for somebody else, you own your own business and continue to reinvest. And so the world evidence is that when people make good money, if they're not holding their business long term, most of them that are really successful the second time around, are buying another business reinvesting in themselves through partial ownership, investing in the company that's bought them looking for that long term value. Now, there are a lot of good, there's a lot of good information in that article about what it really costs when you sell your business, you think you're selling your business at x times your earnings, by the time you get done with the fees and expenses and taxes, you're not getting as much as you think you're getting. Which is why, again, from a pure mathematical standpoint, if your return on reinvesting in your own business is higher than what else you can do with your money, apart from the social, the social equity value of building community and building Employee Relations and building community relations, it's always better off to wait as long as there's not a prevailing alternative scenario.

Griffin Jones  11:40

So what you're talking about Richard is substantiated in the article with the 2017 version of the Federal Reserve's evidence from the survey of consumer finance, indicating that US wealth predominantly resides with entrepreneurs and business owners, the top 1% of wealth holders in the US derive the largest percentage of their wealth from business equity, and other financial health as as, as opposed to residential equity or retirement assets. And,

Richard Groberg  12:08

you know, are people people who who earn high salaries and, and get sales commissions, they don't build long sustained wealth, unless they become owners, or they reinvest those profits in something that gives them ownership or long term value.

Griffin Jones  12:27

So maybe, you know what I do want to go down this rabbit hole for younger Doc's listening, I kind of want to save being prescriptive or even not being prescriptive, but giving younger ducks more to think about after we get more into the paper. But it raises a good point, which is, sometimes people do get money from other ways, then being the capitalist from the beginning, and then they become the capitalist. So in other words, may be one route, is to build a practice from the beginning and and then you're building equity from the start. But another potential way is you go work for someone else, like a dog, and earn a lot of money and minimize your expenses, and then start a group you open up a practice or buy into another venture, do you think one is usually better than the other? Well,

Richard Groberg  13:27

it's hard to answer that without looking at the other factors that affect it. For younger physicians in the fertility industry, the cost of getting in business, the cost of operating is very high, and you come out of school and med school and your specialty, and you have so much debt. How do I afford to open my own practice? How do I compete with the big group down the street makes it more difficult, and we've seen that in other industries. So there seems to be a movement away from younger doctors coming out of school, opening their own practices, versus going to work for somebody else. And, and hopefully, and I'm seeing the PE back groups, granting equity over time and options to the younger physicians, so they do have a stake and can build wealth. And it's not just about maximizing my current income, but at the same time Grif I am seeing some groups starting, that are backing doctors to open practices from scratch. I'm working with one now in the southeast and for them, and hopefully for a lot of others. It's not about how much what's the most salary I can make. But how do I earn equity and build long term value? But as I said before, it gets difficult in an environment where the cost of getting in business and staying in business is very high. And I'm competing again. Hands roll up groups with hundreds of millions of dollars of private equity backing, that can spend on marketing and recruiting and opening satellites much more easily than a doctor just out of school can.

Griffin Jones  15:15

Okay, so we have major expense considerations for doctors just finishing training, we've got other considerations for ducks to think in the when do I sell question that are within a few years of retirement, maybe they're within one or two years of retirement, and it's just getting to be to be a lot and, and there are reasons to sell that you brought up earlier. But what about the folks in the middle? In your view? They're, maybe in their mid 40s. They've been a partner for eight years, and maybe they have one senior partner, then they have two peer partners and then two associates on the way What about that middle group here is this is that really who the paper is talking to about holding their that holding their practice?

Richard Groberg  16:07

Yeah, I've had a few situations like that this year, where you've got to practice with a few doctors who are significantly older and closer to retirement, and other physicians who are 1015 20 years away. And interestingly enough, in some of those scenarios, where they've sold to the roll up groups, the younger doctors have retained a significant equity stake in the business to bet on their future versus cashing out. Whereas the older doctors would cash out. I've worked with other practices where absent what I call stupid multiples from the buyer groups, they're like, Oh, I'm 45 years old, I've got 1015 years at most, my practice is still growing, I still have opportunities, I have no interest in selling now. And I remember in one of my former lives grift when I was in the veterinary industry, and I was tasked with going out and buying practices for a corporate group, I need some doctor who's making a ton of money. And I basically said, unless you're ready to retire, or have some strategic reason for wanting to sell, there's no reason for you to sell. Here's my card when you're ready, call me. Because they're making too much money, there's too much growth, they can reinvest incrementally, profitably, again. But doctor can open a satellite and a physician and generate enough incremental business and grow his or her practice or change your quality of life by not being the only physician. The value added there is better than I'm going to sell, pay all the advisors pay taxes. And then what do I do next? Where am I going to make this higher return as my business.

Griffin Jones  17:58

And that ties into performance. The paper also talks about compounding and of course, compounding capital as a surefire way to accumulate wealth that's discussed anywhere that wealth is discussed. But in the paper, they talk about the concept mathematically, and they illustrate it by depicting the growth of $1, over 25 years, at 15% interest per year, initially, barely any interest is paid. But over the 25 year holding period, the initial investment soars to over $32, the first 15 years representing 60% of the holding period, show the first dollar have grown to $8.10 20 for 24% of the total capital growth in the final 10 years, that $8.10 More than quadruple to $32.90. And a full 13% of the total growth occurs in the final year. So translate that for the rest of us that are not CFOs, please.

Richard Groberg  19:06

Well, that example is a little bit sort of mathematically theoretically static, in that if you're reinvesting your money, and you're earning 15% a year, that that's the case, unless you're investing in bonds or some interest bearing account. That's easy math. But that doesn't necessarily apply, if I'm reinvesting in my business, unless I can earn those kinds of returns versus pulling the money out and putting it elsewhere. But there are also some tricks of the trade if you're if you're opening a new satellite, there are expenses to open it that get deducted for tax purposes, that you're generating the incremental revenue. And if you sell a year from now with the same multiple you could sell now But you added $1 of men earnings than you're worth $10 more. If you wait two years, if you keep doing it over and over again, you get the same compounding effect. The unfortunate reality is that for the average fertility practice across the United States, and frankly, for the average roll up group, unless you're doing something unique, and you're adding services, or you're again, opening satellites, adding doctors, it's hard to generate a 15% compounded return year over a year. Again, unless you're doing things like some of the great success stories have done, or, again, companies like engaged MD and others that are increasing their number of subscribers and increasing revenues by reinvesting constantly in marketing and sales people and adding services. I hope that I hope that answered the question.

Griffin Jones  21:03

It helps to illustrate the concept in a way that isn't like the example that's often used just about compounding interest, how much money would you have if you compounded a penny every single day, if you just started off with one penny on day one, and on day two, you had two cents, and on day three, you had four, etc, etc, that by the end of that it's in excess of $5 million, I believe. But of course you're not you're not doubling money every single day in any kind of investment or owning a business or being in stocks or even writing the crypto wave really. But the so you help to give more context to that example of that. That's how compounding can work. But it doesn't mean that that is the way that it always works. You talked about what do you do with your businesses making money? What do I do with the profits? Is there a way of thinking about it? With regard to how much one should invest? Other than the other side of it, which is this is how much I want to withdraw for personal expenses. I want the Tesla now I want the vacation home, I want to go to Bora Bora. Is there a way of thinking about how much money to reinvest versus how much to distribute? And at what point?

Richard Groberg  22:29

Yes, the practices that I work with that are not sale assignments, but looking to grow and expand. It comes down and in any industry, it comes down to a fundamental, you know, a doctor says I want to add a doctor, but I can't afford it. So okay, how much is that doctor gonna cost you? And how many more cycles-starts? Do you have to generate a month to pay for that and be incrementally profitable? Or I want to open a satellite? Okay, well, how much is it going to cost? What's my overhead gonna be? How much more business do I need to do to be profitable? And what's the likelihood? Or I want to buy a piece of equipment? Not because obviously, safety and patient care is always first. But someone says I want to buy a piece of equipment because it can do extra me. Okay, well, how many more of those procedures will you do a month? How much are you going to charge? And is it profitable. And if it is, then assuming you don't have other things personally, you have to do with your money, it'll that investment will make your practice more profitable. And if today, your practice is worth a multiple of x, as long as that x doesn't change a year from now, if you're making $1 more than your cost, then your business is a bit more valuable than it was today by reinvesting in it versus taking the money out and doing something else with it.

Griffin Jones  23:59

I suppose that this could be an entire episode in and of itself, especially when we talk about satellite offices. You talk about forecasting of this is how many more procedures I expect to do this is how much more revenue I expect to Bill. Is there also a way in perhaps it's just going against those projections in real time. But whether you cut losses on an investment because I think that's one of the things that make people perhaps want to sell sooner is like well, I could invest in the business in this way. But if I am wrong, and I don't make $1 more than I did last year, because the expenses are more than that set on that satellite office then we expected that they would be how should one review that perhaps review the forecast to decide okay, this is this is something that we were right up out and we should keep going or, or, or bail on. Where? Because I think satellite offices. This is anecdotal. So I don't know if this is true, Richard, but it seems to me like they get let go more frequently than they make it a year or two. And maybe I'm wrong about that. But how can people make more informed decisions either as they're forecasting, or they already have forecasted and open, but they have to make a decision on to, to continue to investor cut their losses?

Richard Groberg  25:34

Well, any kind of decision like that there's a judgment call, people need to do their homework, if they're opening a satellite or adding a doctor, they need to weigh demand and potential demand and weigh the risk against the costs. They need to have the wherewithal to make the investment and bear the risk that maybe instead of taking one year, it takes a year and a half or two years. But that does need to be weighed against the alternatives. I mean, I could argue the other side of it, some people feel, you know, something, I work in this business, I make my livelihood, it pays my salary. Maybe I need to diversify. On a recent fertility sale, one of the internal discussions was, how much do I bet on myself, versus taking equity in my acquire, which diversifies my risk? Because now, my results aren't dependent on not just my practice, they're dependent partially on 510 15 practices around the country, and the ability of the corporate group to do some things, or, you know, something, I'm going to put the rest of my money in the stock market, I want to know a very famous broker, who would not buy one stock ever. Because he said, I make my living on the stock market, if the stock market goes down, my livelihood gets hurt. So my profits from the stock market, I put in real estate, so I'm diversified. So there is no one right answer. But I think it should be balanced. But I also think that there's another concept from from this article that I think is important is that if you're building your business to be fundamentally sound, and not be dependent on a flip, then you can weather a storm. You know, look what happened in 2020. With COVID, a lot of businesses that weren't prepared to weather the storm in various aspects of the utility industry were hurt 21, it rebounded 22, as an industry has been a little softer. So if you're fundamentally sound, and you've protected your downside risk, then it's not about what I'm going to get bailed out, because the next roll up group is going to pay me an insane multiple, you don't have to sell and when the time is right, and the factors, say this time, then I can choose that decision versus being forced to.

Griffin Jones  28:12

Let's talk a little bit about taxes. And I'll come back to other parts of the paper. But we talked about diversifying risk, we talked about compounding one consideration in how much money that one makes is how much they have to pay in taxes. And so can you talk a little bit about the advantages of holding business versus not with regard to tax?

Richard Groberg  28:37

Well, when you decide to sell, even though in today's market, people are taking some retained equity in their business stock in the parent, which usually can be tax deferred, the cash portion of what you get is going to be taxed. And that means that your net proceeds are less, there are always some strategies and tactics and things that tax experts and tax lawyers can do to minimize that. But you don't get what you think you're gonna get. Versus Holding, holding, holding. Again, you build a very valuable business, you always can borrow against it to create liquidity. There are things that you can do without selling, paying taxes and having a lower net proceeds. And again, depending on what state you're in, it can be painful California. If you're selling your fertility practice, between federal and state taxes, it's a pretty painful number. And a lot of people don't set up their corporate structure preparing for that. And then when the deal happens, they realize oh my goodness, I'm not getting what I think I'm getting. But again, it also comes back to why and myself Like, if I'm selling because I'm older, and I'm closer to retirement, and I need to diversify, I'm worried about competitors coming in my market need a big brother behind me. Multiples have gotten so high that I'd be crazy not to sell part of my business, I need to build a new facility or renovate, then you take into account the tax aspect. And you just understand that I'm gonna have to pay what I have to pay. I want to make another point there. To the extent you're reinvesting in your business in a way in which you get deductions, then when you sell some of your taxes or long term versus short term, if we go back to my example of I add a doctor, physician, and the physician costs me, let's say it's a major urban market, by the time I got them with salary, benefits and malpractice insurance, they're costing me over $400,000 a year. But I generate enough incremental revenue that I'm profitable, then my revenue and expenses are proportionally balanced, I've made $1 more, if my business is still worth 10x, then I've added $10 in value that will be taxed as long term gain versus income short term.

Griffin Jones  31:28

And I suppose there's also the benefit that a business owner has. And in order to be able to deduct some of the expenses that we talked about, in our previous episode, where you were advising on categorizing as one time expenses, these are things that maybe maybe it was a business trip, that was kind of a business trip, but kind of a personal trip. And and I don't even know if the paper is talking about that kind of tax advantage.

Richard Groberg  31:57

No, it's not. I mean, it's like, again, if if I had a doctor for Doctor cost me $400,000 a year, and I generate enough cycles, that my profits, my revenues are $401,000 a year, I have 401,000 of revenue, I have 400,000 of expense. So but I've added $10 of value to my business if my business is worth 10x, because I have $1 More net profit with that new doctor. So I've offset the revenue. So I've got no tax impact. And I've created $1 More of long term value.

Griffin Jones  32:36

To give some more context to the paper as well. They're not talking about businesses that are suffering for a long time that aren't creating value that have a poor investment thesis. They say that a business that is slog through for five to 10 years without really getting off the ground should be liquidated or exit even then I don't know that that's totally obvious of what that is, there could be some, there still is a line that says well, it's making a little bit of money is it worth getting rid of and moving on to doing something else. But what they're talking about is healthy business with a tenable investment thesis that is improving their revenue consistently should not be sold just because of a 60 month period of up and down what they are talking about in terms of really good business to hold on to is one that is capable of generating mid teen returns on equity for at least a decade with a path forward for equally desirable returns, in your view from looking at a lot of clinics, books. Are they doing better or worse or around that?

Richard Groberg  33:51

As a general industry? 2021? I would have said yes, in the post COVID recovery. Most of the industry statistics say in 2022 in general No. Of the eight practices that I'm currently representing one way or another, some are growing significantly. Some are relatively flat. And there's a whole host of reasons why. So every business is unique in that regard, but as an overall industry. They're not growing that dramatically. Which by the way is part of why recently the PE back roll up groups are starting to pull back from being as aggressive, lowering their multiples that they're willing to pay. And some of them have even temporarily paused in the market, because the growth does not support the valuations being paid because practices aren't growing double digit like they did in general in 2021.

Griffin Jones  34:57

So there's a bit of a Yeah. I don't want to call it, Jacqueline. No, I wouldn't. So there's a bit of a catch 22 in that if you want to diversify and reduce some risk by selling at a higher multiple, because you're not doing as well as you were last year, well, the buyers are also seeing that. And so there may have been a six month window, where there, people could have said, you know, what, I probably only have about two years left or three years left, and I don't know how long this slower growth or flatlining will continue. But now, buyers are potentially seeing that as well, from what you can tell.

Richard Groberg  35:43

Yes, I mean, if I'm a, if I'm a fund that invests in the PE back roll up groups, between the slowing economy and slower growth in general, the utility industry and higher interest rates, you know, how do I justify the valuations on paying? Now, having said that, the and we talked about this last January in our podcast, the premise that one of these groups will find some economies of scale, and value added, above and beyond an individual practice, that hopefully will make the corporate group and the underlying practices more profitable over time than just going it alone. But like any other investment, stocks get overvalued. And they eventually correct back to a rational place. And that's going on now. Because just like the individual practices, the corporate groups have to ask themselves the question, if I'm reinvesting all my profits to buy more businesses, am I generating a higher rate of return than doing something else with the money? It applies to everybody all the way up and down the food chain.

Griffin Jones  37:04

And from the seller side, we talked about taxes being one of the things that they have to consider. But there's also transaction fees that the paper discusses. So how significant is that? And How significant are transaction fees when a practice is selling their practice? And how significant is it when they're selling part of the practice that maybe they're not totally exiting, but they are selling a controlling stake in equity, maybe even a minority stake in equity, are transaction fees similar in each of those cases? Or do they vary depending on how much of the business someone is selling?

Richard Groberg  37:48

Well, if you're selling a minority stake to an associate, or partner leaving is buying out another partner, the fees are much less significant. And I have some of those clients and you manage it properly, it doesn't get out of control on on sales to the PE back groups, even when the selling doctors are retaining equity in their practice, equity in the buyer or both. The fees can can be very significant. The buyers hire an outside accounting firm that goes through your numbers with a fine tooth comb to make sure everything is recorded properly. A lot of businesses are on a cash basis and need to be converted to accrual basis, you have legal fees, you have an unbelievable burden of document requests that burdens the practice manager and other people. And if you and then of course, you have fees to the advisors, people like me and others in the industry that helped guide through the negotiation process. And then the lawyers and accountants, you know, it can get expensive, but you only do this once. So making sure that you've got good counsel and good accountants and good advisors is worth the investment if it's not getting out of control. Because if you're still going to own part of your practice afterwards, you got to wake up the next morning and know what the deal is with the person you're now working with, as opposed to being on your own.

Griffin Jones  39:24

Well, so do you only do it once? Or is there more transaction costs to consider if I'm selling a controlling stake in the practice now I'm selling 60% of the practice. I'm retaining 40 Do I have to expect the same transaction costs to be incurred the next time? When

Richard Groberg  39:44

what no because what typically happens is, let's say one of my recent transactions. That was a multi Doctor practice where two of the doctors were older and closer to retirement, but there were younger doctors. They sold the practice They took some equity in the parent and they took back 40% of the practice going forward, which differed a bunch of taxes, and gave them an incentive to grow their practice, but also gave them the diversification. The documents themselves were such that when one of them's ready to retire, or a new doctor physicians coming in, that they want to sell some equity to the documents were so thoroughly negotiated, that there might be a little bit of legal work internally, but not to the extent of I'm selling all over again.

Griffin Jones  40:33

Do you want to talk about the idle cash? Because I don't I want to I wanted to ask you about it. But I don't totally understand it. The idle cash part of the paper?

Richard Groberg  40:44

Yeah, I mean, especially if a business is expanding and taking risk, like you talked about before, I think it's important to keep reserves in the business. In case things don't go well. But if you keep too much reserve in the business, it's what's called dead money. So if if interest rates are one or 2%, you're keeping a whole lot of money in the business, you have to say to yourself, oh, if I pull that money out, what else could I be doing with it? Could I earn a higher return somewhere else, versus just letting it sit there and not be reinvested or in return. But again, it's very important. And I'm a big believer that businesses should have some cash reserves. Because you never know what's going to happen. You never know, when the next COVID happens, or you get seven feet of snow in Buffalo, and you can open for a week, or, you know, I had some businesses in Staten Island where they had the hurricane come through a few years ago, and they got flooded and took six months to get insurance money. So again, there's no black and white there. But cash just sitting there not doing anything isn't earning your return.

Griffin Jones  42:02

So I think what the paper is talking about here is that there's also risk of have the opposite of that wretched. So if once you if you do sell a business, you don't want to just have it do nothing and not compound. But there's a risk in the redeployment of that cash that finding a new business to start or purchase is hard work requires a lot of time. And there's also a high possibility of false starts. So you have something right now that's making money, maybe it's making 10%. Maybe it's making 5% compounding year over year, maybe maybe some years, you're doing really well. But if you sell it, and then you have to make the decision of well, it's not it's you know, it's gonna make one to 2% in a savings account. What do I do with this money? Now, in terms of how I redeploy it, it takes a long time to start another business or even find one that's worth buying.

Richard Groberg  43:02

Yeah, that's what I was thinking about the other aspect of idle cash. But that's true. And you and I both know, some people from the industry who sold their businesses for a significant amount of money. And then they're scratching their heads, what do I do with it? Do I speculate, where can I reinvest it? It's not earning much for me anymore. And some people make colossal mistakes in that regard. It also depends on where you are in your life. You know, if you're 60 years old and closer to retirement, you're going to be more prudent with it, then, you know, I just cashed out and I'm 35 years old, and what am I going to do and there are some great success stories and there are also some people who've gotten in trouble making rash mistakes.

Griffin Jones  43:54

So that has to do with the the redeployment risk of the money, there's also redeployment risk in choosing a venture. So if you have a practice that's doing really well, and you think you know what, I can sell the practice right now. And then I can start a company that is maybe I start a surrogacy agency or I start an AI company or I start a finance company for fertility cycles, that I'll just take that money, and I'll I'll start the next venture. But this paper talks about the redeployment risk in doing that, that that is far from a guarantee that just because one person was successful at an untrue entrepreneurial venture in one area, that they will be in another for a prolonged period of time.

Richard Groberg  44:50

Right. And you just brought up a good point, which is the redeployment of human capital versus financial capital, someone who started and ran their business and may have A lot of money. Getting there are two aspects is what am I going? Where am I going to redeploy it? But where am I going to redeploy my expertise, and my passion. And sometimes those two can be in sync. And there are some great success stories when that's happened. Think about Mark Cuban are some people in our industry who've done things successfully one time and then redeployed in a different area, and there are others who were doesn't translate.

Griffin Jones  45:29

So now let's start to explore when it is time to actually sell. So we talked about risks to selling we talked about the compounding benefits of holding on to a business, the paper says that we think keeping a business that is performing well has a durable investment thesis is a privilege and is an economic golden goose that should be nurtured, pampered and retained for as long as possible. Doing so provides a few other primary benefits, like we talked about avoiding transaction fees, avoiding tax fees, and or avoiding certain taxes at certain times. But as you mentioned, there still can be a time to sell. So let's pretend all of these things are the case, Richard, that that things are still going well, is there? Is it still? Is there still a time to sell. And let's pretend everything was like how you saw it in 2021. And it was year after year after year, is there still a time to sell? If things are mid teen compounding returns every single year,

Richard Groberg  46:41

I think there are a combination of factors which lead people to sell. And this year, even with the market now pulling back, there's still people doing and it's usually not one reason but a combination. physicians who are getting closer to retirement, thinking about retirement diversification concerned that they don't want to go it alone. The some of the big groups are going to come into my market. And while I'm still growing, and doing well, I need a I need a strong partner to help me. I need to renovate my facility or build a new one. I'm having a hard time recruiting. There are some practices where you and I know where a doctor was 60s partner was retiring, he had a hard time recruiting, he wasn't ready to leave. So he sold part of the practice. Or the practice has problems that the current leadership can't solve that perhaps. And then of course, if you take any combination of those factors, and then valuations are high, you know, if I've got practice growing double digits, and that's a multi Doctor practice. And someone's only willing to pay me five or six times, well, I might as well keep going. But if I have a multitude of those factors that are weighing on me, and valuations are still strong, and some of the subjective factors meet my objectives. While it is still time to sell. And even with multiples coming back to reality, there are still practices that I'm working with that are selling because they want a combination of those factors. And then they figure out how do I minimize my taxes? How do I diversify my risk? How do I still own part of my business so that because I still believe in it. And by the way, some of the practices that I'm working with are still on double digit growth paths, but meet some of those other objectives. And their attitude is, well, if the price is reasonable, and I have the right partner, and I still retain part of my business, it makes sense to do it. If not, I'm growing 15% per year, so I don't have to sell I'll wait.

Griffin Jones  49:03

That level of growth. And those concerns seem like they should address each other meaning for practices that are growing 10 12% 15% year over year, it seems to me like it makes sense to solve for a lot of the issues that you talked about while they're having that level of high growth meaning they get to a point where they don't want to face competition. They are there. They're getting close to retirement but they're having a hard time recruiting ducks to come in. Maybe they're having a hard time recruiting other staff like embryologist it seems to me like solving for those issues investing in the the company while they're doing that well make sense to do because a lot of times people will say, Well, we're growing so much anyway, why do we need to invest in these areas? because eventually you get to a point where that might force your hand to sell, it seems to me. And it seems to me that if they do invest in those areas that they're not as pressured by this sale and an answers to some of the question of how much do I reinvest in the company right now?

Richard Groberg  50:22

Well, in most cases, when they're getting that kind of growth, unless there's a very strong other factor, it probably makes sense to wait. I have a few situations where the combination of factors is such that okay, I probably could wait. But because of my growth, I'm going to get a higher valuation and cut a better deal and get the help I need but still own part of my practice. So, you know, I like to say there's a reason why they're 31 flavors and Baskin Robbins, everybody likes it differently. So depending on which who the group is, the answer might be a different answer. But again, the longer you wait, if you're growing, the more valuable your businesses on a pure economic basis, the way this Yale study is calculated, which is, which is an accurate way to do it.

Griffin Jones  51:19

I'm stepping away even from the sales question for a second, going back to the reinvestment section for or the reinvestment thought for a moment, which is, if you have a practice or a business, whether it's in the fertility field or anywhere else that has mid teen returns compounding year over year, and really isn't the investment, just making sure that that thing goes on forever. Don't you just want that to go on forever. And I guess it gets to a point where if you start to see some growth, that's a lot higher, like a lot of people saw in 2021, a big jump in the end of 2020. over the previous year, doesn't it make sense to say, you know, what, what we're trying to do is preserve our 12 13% growth year over year, anything after that is going to go back into investment into making sure that we're that we're doing that for the next five and 10 years,

Richard Groberg  52:16

if you have a valid place to put it. Yes. So let me give you an example. I'm working with a company in another industry that has a bunch of retail locations. And last year, the business was at breakeven, the business has tripled, it's making a lot of money. Every dollar has been reinvested this year, to open more locations to replicate what it was doing. And by the end of the year, it'll have twice as much revenue and be twice as profitable. And instead of pulling out $3 million, that $3 million is being reinvested and probably created $10 million in value to the owners. Now, a year from now, the investment proposition may not justify reinvesting. So there's, you have to reevaluate all the time, whether I can make more by reinvesting then doing something else with that money.

Griffin Jones  53:14

So those things are immediately obvious in terms of where you could reinvest your money. There's other things that maybe work but aren't as obvious as if we open up in this location, we'll get this many more patients right now. Or we can hire this doctor right now and see this many more patients and do this much more volume. But I think of things like, Oh, if you were doing really well, in 1996, maybe you didn't need to buy a website and invest in having a website, but by the year 2000, you you needed to have it. So do it in 1996, even though it's not a place where you have to put your money right now, but in a few years it will be or social media in 2012, let's say but then by 2017 or 18 is you're not attracting nearly as many patients if you don't have that and or all of the things that are necessary for recruiting young Doc's that might not be a place that we have to put our money right now. But in order for us to not become the older group that has a hard time competing for the newer talent, we have to make a couple of changes. So what about those investments that good point that aren't as immediately obvious.

Richard Groberg  54:39

So if I put my financial geek hat on, and someone says Look, I need to hire Griffin, I need I need to build a new website. I need to have a marketing campaign. I need to figure out how to convert more of my leads into interest into actual cycles, new patients and cycles. At the end of the day, while there's not a black and white answer you still need to die would do the financial analysis, what's it going to cost? And over time, is it going to generate more more patients for me, which results in revenue, which results in profits, which makes my business more valuable. And those often are not short term decisions. But if I've also seen the other side of the equation where someone spends money on something that feels good, but if it's not good, either improve the quality of medicine, improve the quality of customer service, or bring more customers or revenue in, you have to question the economic validity of making the decision. That makes sense,

Griffin Jones  55:48

it does make sense and to me, it hits the nail on the head of what makes the best visionary entrepreneurs is they can navigate those decisions, when the clearest, and most obvious data isn't in front of them in that people can err on the side of well, I can't make that calculus right now. Because I don't know what the return will be. And then they end up not investing in the things that allow them to continue to appeal to the people that they're trying to recruit to come work for them, that people that can that become their patient base in the future, because they're doing well attracting patients right now. And then just over time, they become the less desirable group and their volumes decrease and, and then you get to the 2022, end of calendar year where they are in the group that you're talking about that isn't doing as well, because they didn't make those decisions five or six years ago, and or maybe even two or three years ago. But you can also err on the other side, like you said, of people that just throw money away. And, and there's a lot of faux entrepreneurs that do that. Because this lol This is an investment. And it never pans out to be one. And I think the best visionary entrepreneurs are the ones that make those decisions without airing too far on either side of the spectrum.

Richard Groberg  57:18

Right? Typically those kinds of decisions, you're going to be 51% right or wrong. But you've got to think about what happens if I don't do it, well, I lose business. If I don't make this investment. If I don't update my website, if I don't figure out how to convert better. If I don't improve my lobby, am I going to lose business. That's the same economic analysis, it just works in reverse. Not how much incremental revenue and profit am I going to get? How much I gotta lose, if I don't do it. And great leadership, you can't great leadership, you can't just live by the numbers, you can't just live by the seat of the pants, and I'm gonna hold my finger up in the air and see which way the winds blows, you have to look at both and make balanced decisions. And if you're taking a huge risk, you better have the wherewithal to withstand the storm.

Griffin Jones  58:17

And I would define a huge risk as something that that bets the farm. And if it has to do without, do I just take out a bit more profit this year, and you don't really need to take out a bit more profit than my gut tells me to reinvest back in the business. And that's if it's, if it's something that's if you're if you're kind of on the fence, and you don't totally, you don't really need the profit, then if you make five of those decisions, it's likely that one of those is going to have a Pareto effect distribution where it's truly significant for the business.

Richard Groberg  59:00

You know, again, without revealing anything confidential I know over this last year or so you've done that you've reinvested in staff and other things to expand your business and make your business more valuable by being a more robust greater depth service provider to your your clients.

Griffin Jones  59:21

I think about the the building the business in this way of having a hold asset and that's why I wanted to go over this paper with you and and like you said that applies to me with what I'm doing with my business. It applies to a lot of practice owners. When I first wanted to talk to you about it, I thought of the younger Doc's that have not bought in yet that are about to buy in. And I don't think this paper really speaks to them. So what do you what do you think this paper means for those folks? So that's who I was originally thinking of the folks that are me Be they've been in associate for two year three year, they have the chance to buy, they either have the chance to buy in, start something on their own or, or buy in or work for a new network group. And so what do you think this long term hold principle means for the folks that are not yet owners, but are on the cusp of potentially being owners,

Richard Groberg  1:00:26

I think in the fertility industry and other health care businesses, where the practitioners are the primary drivers of the business, in the long run, if you have any kind of ownership mentality, you care about your business, you want it to do well. And it's not just the job, you're not going to build the same kind of wealth, just taking a salary, maximizing your income, as having a piece of your own business, whether you're starting your own practice, you're starting a practice backed by one of the groups and I've got a client doing that, or you're opening your own business, the concept applies if you're, instead of making $500,000 a year, if you're making $400,000, you're here. And that other 100,000 is building equity in your business. If you believe in yourself, and you're building business value, then somewhere down the road, you're going to be worth much more money. And frankly, from a from an self appreciation standpoint, you've built something that's partially yours, you're better off. Now that needs to get balanced against do I open my own practice? And where do I get the money to do it? Or do I work with one of the groups and make sure that they give me equity or options or those kinds of things. But again, I've worked with physicians who want no part of that. But for the most part, physicians in this industry and other practitioners are so dedicated to the craft, that why would they not want to own a piece of what they create?

Griffin Jones  1:02:03

I think it is okay to not want a piece of it too, even though the evidence that we've gone over today is dictated that the people that make the most are the capitalists, the owners of the capital, doesn't mean that everyone has to do that, and you can't have a really good life. If you don't do that. I also think it's true for some business owners that as long as they don't walk away with lots of debt visa, as you make some money for a while, you can still go back to the to the employment path, if you decide, you know, what, I have now made myself a much more senior person I've been I, I have put myself on a track to now be number six are the number four at a much larger organization. And I never would have been able to build that career capital had I not been the number one of this smaller venture, and I can walk away from that and then go be somebody else's number four, number six, I think that's a reasonable. I think that's a reasonable career path. And I think it's it could also be the case for people that if they start their own practice, and maybe it's just them in a partner, and they do okay for five years. But maybe that makes them the opportunity to be a senior partner at a much larger group after that, as long as you're not going into debt. Or if you're making more money than than what you're borrowing or spending, then that still can be a part of the Career equation.

Richard Groberg  1:03:38

Yeah, not everybody wants to be an owner. In my former industry in the veterinary industry, there are now statistics that more than half of the veterinarians coming out of school don't want to be practice owners don't want to work full time, and the burden and stress of starting a practice and the debt in the ownership, which plays into the corporate groups. There is some of that in our industry. Not everybody wants the burden, financially and mentally of being an owner. And I'm fine. But even then, to the extent they can have a small piece of the equity, whether it's options and equity in the parent company or a piece of their practice. There are ways that roll up groups are making that happen now. But again, there's no one right answer because everybody's different.

Griffin Jones  1:04:29

But I would love to have you back on for a live event where people can ask questions in real time, but for concluding this thoughts on the yellow paper, which we will include in the show notes, what would you like to summarize for the audience?

Richard Groberg  1:04:45

I think the premise of the paper is, is that if you can reinvest in your own business, and it doesn't have to be at a 15% return at a higher return than you can do elsewhere with your business. You You're building value you're building community, you're building loyalty amongst your employees and constituents. And your business will be more valuable when the other factors say it's time to sell. But every micro and macro decision should be made with some thought process of what are the financial implications, and the non financial implications? Not one or the other.

Griffin Jones  1:05:27

And I suppose that valuing one's time would also be a tiebreaker for that, isn't it, Richard? So if you could have a business that's doing well, but if you're working 80 hours a week, and you feel that you could be doing as well working for someone else, it at some point, one's time is is valued in that not just for earning potential, but also quality of life and, and their time with their family. And

Richard Groberg  1:05:54

that is one of those factors that would lead someone to say, you know, something, let me let me get the benefit of selling to another group and having them help with certain things. Take some pressure off

Griffin Jones  1:06:08

me. You had a few people that reached out last time we shared your email address. Are you comfortable with doing that again? How can people find you?

Richard Groberg  1:06:17

Absolutely, I can be reached at Richard Groberg and outlook.com. I'm on LinkedIn as well. And your podcast is so well viewed and received, that I had a number of calls, I picked up a number of assignments to work with fertility practices, both in the United States and surprisingly from Europe. So I think that's a testament to your reinvestment in your business to continue to grow it.

Griffin Jones  1:06:43

I appreciate that very much, Richard and I appreciate being able to cover these topics and I look forward to having you back on to cover them some more. Richard Groberg thanks for coming back on inside reproductive health.

Richard Groberg  1:06:58

Thank you. It was my pleasure.


You've been listening to the inside reproductive health podcast with Griffin Jones. If you're ready to take action to make sure that your practice thrives beyond the revolutionary changes that are happening in our field and in society. Visit fertility bridge.com To begin the first piece of the fertility marketing system, the goal and competitive diagnostic. Thank you for listening to Inside Reproductive Health

Revisiting Improving Patient Experience by Building An Empowered Team, An Interview With Dr. Peter Klatsky

There’s a challenge in finding the balance between keeping both your staff and patients happy. On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, originally aired in 2020, Griffin gets Dr. Peter Klatsky’s take on managing everyone’s satisfaction while providing a new standard of care. Working with his partners at Spring Fertility in California, their goal is to provide their patients a level of service that isn’t seen anywhere else, all while keeping their employees happy and in for the long haul. 

Learn more about Dr. Klatsky and Spring Fertility by visiting www.springfertility.com/

Read about the work done by Mama Rescue and support their vision by visiting www.mamarescue.org/

To get started on a marketing plan for your company, complete the Goal and Competitive Diagnostic at FertilityBridge.com.

Other episodes mentioned in Episode 54:

Ep. 50, Dr. Pietro Bortoletto

Ep. 54, TJ Farnsworth


Dr. Klatsky  00:04

I've learned that not every single patient is going to have to have perfect experience. And our commitment is when we have a patient who had an experience that didn't live up to our goals that we listen and react immediately and try to improve our system.

Griffin Jones  00:18

Here's another flashback episode for you tell me if you do, or if you don't like these flashback episodes, email me, text me, many of you thought that they're a good idea. I always hated them, watching them on sitcoms, as a kid couldn't stand when they did that. So you tell me, if you liked them, I think it's useful to go back and see the growth that some of these folks have done. And for those of you starting your career, growing your practice, calling on some of these practices, it can be useful to go back and listen, I had Dr. Peter Klasky, on in the winter of 2020. Anything big happened since then. And we talked about the growth of spring fertility. And at that time, there was a handful of practices that were on the up growing fast and new practices, I should say a lot of established practices were still growing. And many networks were forming to buy practices, there really only handful of groups starting at that time, kind of it made it may have not even had a brick and mortar that time. I don't remember, there was spring and there was bias. And and then you know, maybe a couple others in different senses. But if like these brand new practices that were moving real fast, then of course we know Vioxx was acquired by combat even know that kind body went on to raise a lot more money and make an acquisition, like viruses grow to a number of different marketplaces. Spring fertility also has grown quite a bit in that time and time. When I spoke with Dr. Klasky. There, he was just they were just in San Francisco in the Bay Area, at least. And I don't know how many providers a day at that time, but I think it was Dr. Klasky, Dr. Trim and a few others. Now they're 1314 physicians are 1314 rei physicians, and a number of advanced practice providers. They're in different marketplaces that include scheme self was practicing in the Bay Area at that time that was back in New York, that are in Canada now with an acquisition of Genesis Fertility Center in Vancouver. And so this has been tremendous growth. And and it's from one of these brands that was meant to be one of the new exciting practices, one of the new exciting ways of opening up a practice. So you decided is spring fertility, done it the way they said they were going to do I think model for others going forward? Are they a new contender they they now part of the establishment? Are others going to do what they do love to hear your thoughts about spring fertility student group based on this old episode with Dr. Klasky, from January of 2020. Enjoy. So I want to talk about what that means to the standard of care not seen anywhere. But I want to talk about what that vision for spring fertility is because there's a pretty common trajectory for a lot of people to either join up with an existing group or to maybe start their own, which is less common because it's harder to start one's own group. Now you've done it with a pretty impressive speed and starting to be scale. So what was it that made you want to do that in the first place? What was the void in the marketplace that you thought? This is what I could add to it?

Dr. Klatsky  03:46

Well, you know, I think it starts with seeing an opportunity to practice medicine the way I always dreamed. And I felt that it for a variety of reasons in this places that I was I wasn't able to practice the kind of medicine that I wanted to practice. I was fortunate enough to have a best friend from residency, who I went through fellowship with and that was Dr. Nam Tran. He was practicing at UCSF, I was practicing in Albert Einstein College of Medicine. And we both had wonderful academic medical careers. But when it came to the practice of seeing patients and the way in which we wanted to deliver care for a variety of reasons, we weren't able to practice the way we wanted to in a larger academic center. We then also noted that most of the major innovations in our field had come from the private sector. And so they had come from people came before us who we were fortunate enough to follow people like Bill Schoolcraft and CCRM, where he worked with one of our partners. Now Dr. Devin haras, who's brilliant and amazing people like Richard Scott who really really innovated people like on at Cobo and our colleagues over in Spain and So nominate woke up. And we said, Gosh, the really big game changing innovations in our field seem to have come not through NIH funding, which is near to absent in our field, or at least in the IVF component of our field. But we're coming from from the terrific world class private Fertility Centers that invested their own money and time to research and develop. So there was a combination of one, we could leave academic medicine, and still do provide the cutting edge care and actually provide it in an even more cutting edge and even more rapid way we could control the kind of research that we wanted to, and try to push the field forward one and then two, from a patient experience standpoint, there were so many areas where we felt like we wouldn't have been, we were not able to serve patients the way we would have wanted to be cared for if we were the patient. And so we may add to that, that I'm having this conversation with my best friend, who we happen to be on different sides of the country. But we blue sky, what would it be like if we had our own practice, we could do it the way we wanted to do it? And what would that vision look like? And then we were fortunate enough to have two other close friends who happened to be the best embryologist on the West Coast, who also shared our vision. And they wanted to push the field forward. And, you know, in their words, they felt like they were what they were wonderful institutions, but felt that if they had stayed there, they wouldn't, they wouldn't be practicing the same way 10 years from now that they were at that time. And so the four of us came together and sort of had this idea that, what would it look like if we were starting from scratch? From the patient experience from the patient care? And what would it look like in the lab, if we could take the best technology available? And then imagine what technology might bring us over the next 10 or 15 years? And how would we design and build a lab. And then after about a year to a year and a half of planning and thoughtful analysis, we then decided to take this job.

Griffin Jones  07:06

So I want to come back to that question of the lab and springs perspective on the lab. But I want to explore this idea of why you felt you couldn't pursue the way you wanted to practice medicine or build your own infrastructure in the Academy because I've only talked about the academic side of our field really once on the show with Dr. Petro Borgia Leto, and I'm having a few more guests on to talk about it in 2020, because I realized that it's a void that we really haven't covered. I've done a little bit of business with academic centers, and the very smallest consulting engagements are like a bureaucratic nightmare to go through the red tape. So I can infer why you might not have been able to realize the practice of medicine that you would want to realize in the academy. But describe why you had to take your vision out of it. And it's probably beyond NIH funding, I'm guessing.

Dr. Klatsky  08:08

Yeah, I think one of the draws to an academic centers to do amazing research, and to do amazing teaching. And the thing that you still can do in a one in a great academic institution is provide terrific teaching. And you can teach residents, medical students fellows, and that is incredibly rewarding. In a private sector practice, you can also continue to teach, we have residents come to spring fertility from an endocrinology group, we have new physicians who are when you join spring fertility you before you see a patient, you probably spend another two to three months just training with us learning our protocols and our perspectives on how to deliver care in so we haven't lost that that teaching angle from public funding the NIH, whether it's the NIH or somebody else, there's just not a lot of research dollars into the really exciting stuff that we do when it involves human embryos. And too, it's not a high priority for the NIH. From a bureaucratic standpoint, I share some of your frustrations I one point had over a quarter million dollars of funding from the World Bank to do maternal mortality research in Uganda. And that was matched by several other private foundations. And being able to deploy funds that we already got, you had to go through multiple layers. And so you can imagine what it's like as a vendor trying to, you know, work with your services. But But even more than that, from a patient that to get what it means to be a provider, occasionally to have a patient who wanted to be seen earlier so she could get to work and you knew she had a very stressful job. And it was important for her to be seen and out of the office by 730. So Nam or myself, we're pretty committed to our patients. We're not pretty but we're very committed to our patients. And we're willing to come in at 7am but in you know, essentially that you don't have control over the resources. There might not be a nurse or a medical assistant to help you do it all For Sale, and therefore you can't do that. So I've noticed you'd say, well, I, I'd like to come in and see this patient this time. No, that's not available, we don't have the staffing for that. And so when you have control over the system setup, you can set up so that something that would be incredibly popular, like earlier monitoring hours is a viable option for your patients.

Griffin Jones  10:22

Yeah, it seems to point out, the nuance between where the standard of care begins in the form of whether it's best business practices or simply is now the standard of care. To me, it's not immediately obvious. It's something I talk a lot about on the show, but you're talking about being able to accommodate patients in a way that works for them. That might be best business practices, and therefore, is favored by the private sector. But at what point? Is it just the standard of care?

Dr. Klatsky  10:57

Yeah, I don't like to think in terms of best business practices, but I like to think in terms of what's best for my patient. And well,

Griffin Jones  11:04

that's what I mean, Peter, I think we divorced those two concepts. And but Customer Service at one point is patient service.

Dr. Klatsky  11:13

Yeah. 100%. And so, you know, that's where you we, and all it really takes us is looking at, what would I want if I was a patient? Right? And then it takes a little more effort to figure out how would I change my system, for example, we have two shifts of nurses. Why do we have two sets of nurses because that's the only way we can have patients come in early. And also get results to patients in the afternoon. But that, but that's not the way most larger institutions are set up. And that's also not the way an institution, even private sector institutions are set up. Because if you if you were the only Fertility Center in New York City in 1992, you didn't have to worry about what patients wanted, right? You had 612, month, waitlist, whatever you did, and you could make the patient's jump through whatever hoops were necessary. And, and they could go through that bureaucratic maze, and the doctor could get there, you know, have the best parking spot in the lot and then show up at the time that was convenient for the clinic or for the provider, and patients would wait. And what we're seeing today, you know, is that patients do demand more and a place like spring fertility that actually thinks what would I wanted I was the patient is going to continue to grow and have incredibly positive patient experiences, if other centers aren't going to do the same thing,

Griffin Jones  12:32

which really makes me wonder how someone can worry about what the patient wants, while also serving the patients. So we've had others on the show and have talked about the CEO role. And a lot of companies now have a chief executive officer who is in charge of the C suite, and they manage all of the business. And mostly the physicians are often their advisors, but it's effectively the employees of the company. There's a few folks like yourself who are physician led groups who are in the entrepreneurial seat and in the physician seat, so you didn't have to worry or a physician didn't have to worry about what patients wanted in 1992, you Peter Klasky, very much do. And you also have a patient caseload, you have to do retrievals you're still an REI, within the practice group, as well as being an entrepreneur that leads the vision and the scale and the future value of the group. How are you able to do both things at the same time? Because I'm just running a client services firm. And it ain't frickin easy. How do you manage it?

Dr. Klatsky  13:49

Not alone. And so I focused during the day from 7am until 6pm, I focused entirely on my patients. And when I'm focusing on my patients that's going to inform what spring fertility should do from an operational perspective. I'm lucky that I don't it no part of spring has been Peter Cloudscape. Alone at all. I have the best partner in the world. Dr. Nam Tran, who is the smartest person I know. And in addition to being the smartest scientist in position, I know you he's also the best operational leader that one can have. And we were very fortunate early on to hire really terrific people. So I we have a chief operating officer who is excellent at taking our vision. And in managing the day to day operations. We just hired an amazing woman who is running our VP of operations. And she came from, from the Vita which is a large healthcare organization where she takes a lot of the structure and organizational stuff. And so you know, between Derald and Marin, and then we've got an array of additional folks who we have both given direction to and who who we trust to carry out that direction and trust to check in with us. So we have weekly check in meetings. And when Nam and I are seeing patients, we're getting feedback so that we know how to adjust operations, right? When we when I'm seeing patient nice to hear somebody's frustrated about something, we respond not, you know, in a month or in two months, we respond that day. And our team is all motivated. So the other important important thing is to make sure you have a happy team, and that you empower those people. So we were so fortunate to hire Dr. Devin unharnessed, who is now the CO medical director of spring fertility, and overseas medical operations and process on par alongside of Dr. Trump non track. And so the way we do it is not the way your question was sort of, Peter, how do you do it? I don't, you know, we have an amazing team that together functions really well. And we complement each other. And what we share also is a vision for how to be everybody join spring wants to deliver the best service for their patients. And we define services in equal parts, patient experience, and clinical outcomes. And, and everybody knows that that second best isn't good enough. And so we're united by a desire to deliver the best experience for our patients, the best care for our patients, and a desire to be the best at that. And then we hire wonderful people. We hire people who are effective operationally, but also fun to hang out with. And so we have a great time hanging out tonight, I'm going out to dinner with all of the providers and we've got a dinner for eight with some of our key management people and the providers. And it's going to be our end of year last physician meeting, we have a physician meeting every month, everybody has an equal weight, everybody has an equal say. And we take feedback, whether it's from our patients, or our teammates, or their physicians incredibly seriously, if you joined spring, and now we're seven positions, if you join spring, and you have a suggestion for something you think we can do better, we want to hear, right, we don't want somebody else to come up with that idea. And and we want to make sure that we hire the best Doc's and that we keep those Doc's in New, and then we, we make sure they're happy. And in California, there's no non compete either, right? So so it is all about making sure your team is empowered, you have the right people, and everybody communicates well. And so a lot, also a lot of hard work, right? late hours, but I think the thing that's you allowed spring to, to effectively scales thus far, has been a team of people who will complement each other.

Griffin Jones  17:42

It started with two, how does your skill set and Dr. Trim skill set? Where do they overlap? And where do they diverge?

Dr. Klatsky  17:53

You know, usually, this is where I would make a joke and say that I'm better looking and more charming. And he he's good at managing the plantings around our office and some of the wires that sometimes get tangled. But all kidding aside, there's a total joke, I think that nom is these isn't has always has been the smartest guy in our field for for as long as I've known him. And he's just one of the smartest people I've ever met. And I and I'm comfortable enough to recognize that and confident, are smart enough to recognize that and confident enough to let him run most operational practices and not feel threatened by him saying, Hey, I think we should do it this way. When I've been doing it a different way. I think that there are areas where I have strengths that may be complement areas where he's not quite as strong. And both of us if we had to, or you're over everything, or if we had ego around who would get to do this or who would lead that it would just slow us down and get in our way. And it would affect our relationship. We really also liked each other. So even though we're quite different, and but because we like each other, it creates an environment where the nurses like working with us because we're because we're going to be having more fun, we're going to probably be making fun of each other. And we're going to be supporting each other. And we're never going to worry about who took more calls or who had a little bit more work on one thing or another. We're both trying to make sure we're not holding the other person back. And then when you have that environment, and you bring in somebody like dedmon, Horace Uzziah Harris, these are are incredibly brilliant physicians who are also committed to that same vision, give patients the best clinical experience possible. And, and one of the most amazing things that I've experienced and then on the lab side, we're led but by just to an amazing team of embryologist. And you know, in as to married embryologist, who we started with Sergio Bukhari, he's to monitor Porsche. And they just delivered the best not only the best quality work, and constantly trying to push the envelope for innovation and to improve outcomes. But they also create an environment in the lab, that is a wonderful place to work. So we're able to attract and retain top embryology talent. But But I think, if I were to shorten it, and try to make it more concise, NOM manages detailed operating protocols. And I probably manage some of the vision voice. And I'm very attentive to the patient experience.

Griffin Jones  20:42

When you're growing up fertility practice fast, you need the best that there is. And the best that there is that I'm hearing from half of the Fertility Centers on this continent is engaged in the with regard to the informed consent, the pre treatment, education, and the workflow assistance that engaged in the software provides engaged MD is over and over again, something I hear from clients and from you all, at SRM and a meetings about how useful it's been for staff how useful it's been improving patient satisfaction, because the patient gets to go through the modules on their time that makes their care with you their time with you personalized, and you'd have a much more defensible informed consent. As you can see, people were watching these modules, they have the time to do it, they agree that these different phases, and you don't have to track down all this paperwork, all the time that you save your staff, how you make them more efficient, and improve the satisfaction of the patient. That's part of the standard of care, the patient has to go through paperwork, if they have to do all the education themselves, they're a deer in their headlights, they're a deer in headlights in their interactions with you is that the highest standard of care, engage them the input improves these things. And you can get on board with engaging in the you're among now the minority that are not going to engage md.com/griffin to get a free workflow assessment, assessment from engaged and V. Team. And you'll also help to create more inside reproductive health content, because you let a sponsor know that this is one of the places that you've heard them. I heard from the show you heard that from me. But it's an advantage to your team. And it's most necessary if you're going fast. It's a competitive advantage engaged in the.com/griffin. Now back to this conversation to Dr. Peter Klasky. Spring is often known for its vision for the lab, it's its functional outlay of the lab and looking at the lab very differently from how IVF labs have been structured in the past. When people say that, what are they referring to?

Dr. Klatsky  23:04

Well, there's a lot of things we do uniquely in the lab. But we the flow in our lab is extremely efficient, and designed to prevent minimal movements and to minimize any risks to embryos or eggs. With regard to egg and embryo storage. There's everything has not just redundancy, but two layers of redundancy. There are some things we do very uniquely in our lab. We are the only I believe we are the only practice in the country that injects in those ACCION eggs in a hypoxic environment. That's the same ambient air quality that exists in the incubators. We are the only lab in the country that does the same thing from egg retrieval. So when the eggs are being retrieved from somebody's body, they immediately go into an isolette while the embryologist is looking at them, where the carbon dioxide level is 5% and the oxygen levels 5%. So that's matching what it is in the fallopian tubes. I don't believe I don't know of any center that's doing that currently. And to be honest, we weren't able to do that when we built the lab because the technology didn't exist to lower the oxygen to displace oxygen in a nice sight. And within two years of opening, we were able to do that. But we built the infrastructure in our lab that can do that. So we have nitrogen gas and co2 Gas throughout our lab. And we have other infrastructure that's anticipating what technology will bring five years from now. That is amazing innovation that we you know, I credit 100% to Dr. Trump, and his vision for what the lab, the IVF lab will look like in 2025.

Griffin Jones  24:41

I think innovation like that, which is groundbreaking in some ways and other things that other people are doing and it harkens back to something that TJ Farnsworth had said on the show a few weeks ago and I actually really agree with that I've thought about both before and even more since I want to see if Few agree. First off, if you if you don't why, and if you do, what do you think can be done about it, but his sentiment was coming from the oncology field was that there? There is less peer to peer sharing of best operations practices of best practices, both from a business and clinical setting. And I really do see that, Peter, I really see it from independent owners, especially I think everybody feels like they've got the secret sauce. And maybe you're a guy that really does have the secret sauce. And you think Well, I do. And I don't want to share with folks that are doing the same. First, do you see it that way? Do you see that our field isn't nearly as collaborative as it could be? Why or why not?

Dr. Klatsky  25:45

I don't, you know, I think we I don't see it that way. And I'm sad that TJ doesn't feel that way. It feels that way. I actually think that there. I started this off by saying, we followed great minds and great practices that shared their advances in our field. And he, I don't think oncology even moves as quickly as the field of fertility does and oncology moves incredibly quickly. But why do we have egg freezing because of a commitment of somebody in Japan, carried forth with clinical trials performed in Spain. And those publications came out in 2010. And by 2012, egg freezing was no longer considered experimental in Europe or the US. And it was, and people were traveling to other places to learn how to do that. I think that Richard Scott and Bill Schoolcraft, shared advances in pre Implantation Genetic testing with the field. So I don't know that there's been a lack of peer to peer sharing, even when even when people have secrets. When we opened up the lab, we had Barry bear, who's whose lab director for Stanford, which is maybe 40 miles away, walk through our lab, and tour it with us and in the professionals in our, in our field, I expect that they do share. So I know the embryologist are constantly sharing with each other what they're doing, because they have long standing relationships. It's kind of like when Nam was at UCSF and I was at Einstein, we'd always talked about what each other was doing. So and, you know, all of us had peers and colleagues and other centers of so I've not seen that that much. I do think people are tied to their practices, I think maybe some of the border docks, and we're pretty young group, but maybe some of the older dots don't want to change the way they're doing it. And that's what he's referring to. And so they say, Oh, this is really special. Because this way, I've always done it. But I think most innovations have been pretty. It's hard to keep secrets in our field, you know, trade secrets, because our trade secrets are information and knowledge. For example, what I just shared with you on your podcast, everybody I know nobody else is doing hypoxic xe made me you know, but I'm not. I haven't been shy about that, since we've opened that, you know, and maybe people will start doing it, people have to buy into something and believe that there's a benefit to it. But I don't think people are really secretive.

Griffin Jones  28:08

I see both sides, I definitely see enough examples of both. And perhaps you're right, that there is an age difference. I think there's probably a practice structure difference. The people that I see sharing are the people that you mentioned, plus yourself plus TJ, the people that are growing groups pretty quickly, and adding a lot of new things tend to share. And then there are probably another class of folks that they want to hold on to their piece of their particular market. And I often find those folks are reluctant to talk to the folks across the street or have nice things to say about the folks across the street are reluctant to meet with them or join some of the broader groups. And so

Dr. Klatsky  28:57

we all just do. And that's where so if they're acting that way, that's what's silly. Like, they may not be but you but you're embryologist are when you're nurses aren't as RM they're sharing. Your your junior Doc's who both went through fellowship together are sharing with each other. So that's where we try not to be, you know, we try to have good collegial relationships with everybody. And, and, and we always want it and the great thing about our field is it doesn't stand still. So what is amazingly cutting edge today in five years, four years, maybe standard of care, and you'll have to continually move the needle. And that's really to really really keep growing, you're gonna have to attract and keep the best people who all have that future in mind, you know, want to move the field forward. So we have better patient outcomes, so we can provide a better patient experience and I guess that part you need to really give voice to your your new hires. So that doc who is straight out of fellowship Hey, you know Meet me. Maybe that's the person who's going to be Richard Scott or Bill Schoolcraft, you know, in 20 years. So listen to the suggestions that they have. And that opportunity.

Griffin Jones  30:12

Yeah, that was gonna be my next question is does it become binary for Talent Recruitment and how you're able to build your group because I belong to a few different masterminds of owners of other creative firms. And our fertility marketing blueprint took us years to build the way it is a really good strategy piece and allows us to make sure that almost any group is going to be successful if it's if it's done right. And took us years to do, and I willingly share it with other agency owners. And I just tell them, if you decide that you're now going to go into fertility field with this, you'll burn in business development, hell, but other than that, I'm not making people sign an NDA, I'm not, I'm just sharing it with other peers. And so that they can use it to help

Dr. Klatsky  31:08

like you, Griffin, and in your your, your becoming a thought leader in our field. So people are gonna want to always have your, your thoughts and opinion and I think that makes sense.

Griffin Jones  31:20

Well, to your point, though, I can't keep secret sauce anyway, there is no secret sauce. The embryologist are talking to each other, the nurses are talking to each other, the Jr. Doc's are they're talking with their pharma reps who come in who are talking with other folks. And so it's either you're either offense of this is what we're doing. And I'm doing a podcast episode every single week, and Peter is sharing his version of xe on the podcast with everyone and sharing that and bringing that to the field on offense, or on your or your you're on defense. And I'm starting to see the folks that are struggling with that. But to me, it's binary, there is no maintaining the secret sauce, you've talked about how you are building a team based on that ethos, how else are you building the team to be collaborative, like what's the structure of springs team that makes sure that it's one of as you say, advancing the core value of what's in the best interests of the patient, we

Dr. Klatsky  32:21

onboard people slowly providers, you know, most places, you're seeing patients a week out, provider out of fellowship will probably take a minimum of two months before they're seeing their first new patient. And more likely closer to four, we maintain regular full team meetings where we talk about clinical issues and also practice issues. And what we have built in, I guess, modeled from the top down is a relatively flat system or flat operating system. So that medical assistant, you may have just heard somebody knock on my door, nobody feels timid about knocking on anybody's door, it's spring fertility, and if a physician is running five minutes late, that means a patient's been waiting for too long. And so everybody's instructed to let that patient that physician know and empowered to do so. So we've actually a small waiting room has been virtually every year in San Francisco combined. And people are usually surprised because these patients don't wait here. And that's because you know, the physician would be in trouble, regardless of who the physician is, if the patient's waiting for them. And that's, you know, a core value is that the patients come first. And everybody gets a copy of our mission statement. Everybody knows what our pillars are. And everybody is oriented for two days, every single hire, whether you're in the finance area, or whether you're in a clinical operations area, to understand what that mission is, and we try to hire Well, we try to screen for people who are interested in that mission before we bring people on.

Griffin Jones  33:55

Yeah, other thing when I say binarias offense and defense, it's really Who do you want to work with and for? And who do you not want to work with and for and in order to attract people who are self motivated. The values and the reinforcement of the values, the reiteration of them, I think, is critical. And I think in that group of clinics that were founded in, let's say, the mid into late 1990s, many of those don't have them. And I think part of the reason why some of them are starting to struggle now is because they're not built in this way, which is not only just built for talent shouldn't be built for patients but also built to attract talent. So where do you see this going in the next decade, let's say in terms of I guess what you want to do with spring but where you see the field, really starting to bear to some of the demands that have been eking the past couple years,

Dr. Klatsky  35:05

I think the field is growing expansively they massively. And so I think I think that it will continue to be growth in our field, driven by demand for IVF services as women continue to have their first child and start families later on in life, but also with the advent of egg freezing. And as people get more comfortable with that technologies, we have more data on the on the viability of that technology, I think people will demand more and our patients are are more demanding. And they're used to having an individualized and personal experience. And so the centers that are able to provide that enable to provide a patient experience will grow in those that want to continue putting the doctor first as opposed to the patient will see you know, probably see a retraction in their market share and clinics like ours, where people like working together. I said last night, we went out to dinner with a candidate, a new physician recruitment candidate, and she was lovely, and the team was just happy to be out together for dinner. And mentioned tonight, we're having another dinner with all the physician and providers, and then we're having a party for our entire staff and their partners on Friday night or holiday party. And so sprint like spring is a fun place to work. We every quarter, we do something as a team and not, you know, they're usually not boring. And, and sometimes, they're arguably too fun. But we really try to make sure everybody in the in the organization feels valued, and that people enjoy being around each other. And so if you can do, and I think that's a critical element to the patient experience, it is almost impossible to deliver a wonderful patient experience. If your team does not like working together. In order to make patients happy, you have to start by making your staff ensure that vision that we're all what we're doing is important, and it's about the patient.

Griffin Jones  36:57

The old adage had been shareholders first customers second, employees. Third, I think many forward thinkers have corrected in our field, you could say its employees first patient second, in that case, the for the for the exact reason that you described

Dr. Klatsky  37:16

would be very, I don't want to say that because I still think the patients come first. But but almost like in order, you have

Griffin Jones  37:22

to say that because you're a doctor, if you were if you were just a business owner, not a physician, you wouldn't have to say that because I'll say it right now in front of everybody, clients come second, if any of my clients are listening, and most of them do, they know, my employees come first. And if I felt like my employees, were not someone that put the client's interests at the top of their mind, and we're willing to go the extra mile, they wouldn't be on my team to begin with. But if it ever came down to, you know, if client ever dog cost an employee, I would rip them apart in front of the whole team just to boost morale.

Dr. Klatsky  37:59

Yeah, wouldn't rip apart a patient. We're very sensitive with our patient, but but you can have both. Let's agree you can both they're both critically important. Your mission is about your patients. But you can't fulfill that mission. If you're if your staffs unhappy or feels like you're in any way not doing right. But

Griffin Jones  38:17

I just don't think that point can be understated that when employees when team members are happy, they take really good care of the people that they're supposed to be taking care of. And that's true in medicine, as well as client services I wasn't going to ask you about this wasn't on my list. But I do want to talk about your endeavors for social good particularly in Uganda. One of the reasons why I started my own company is because I want to be a philanthropist. But for me, they're very much separate I guess that my business is what I do to make money so that I can give money to the organizations that I care about. We're not like TOMS Shoes where we're selling a pair of shoes and then another pair it goes to the individual in need for you are your endeavors for social good, very much infused with spring or is spring a business venture that helps you to contribute in the ways that you want to.

Dr. Klatsky  39:14

I think it's all in so so first spring is about providing really excellent care to people on a really important level. So if you're an infertility patient been trying for the last 12 months to get pregnant, and every period feels like a wound in a stabbing, you know, insult and pain and injury, then providing sensitive, compassionate fertility care, you know, is a social good in its own right, helping somebody preserve their future fertility and their options and empowering them to go on their next date and not feel stressed. Like it has to be the guy they're going to marry. You know, for somebody who's going to freeze eggs is a social good so I feel like I'm so fortunate that the business or profession that I'm in just doing my job is a social good No, no, I'm passionate also about just reproductive health globally and in reducing disparities in care. And so the mama rescue program that I started in Uganda was really successful. And we were funded by the World Bank by UNICEF. And I basically had a decision to make whether I was going to get out of the fertility space, and go full time into the nonprofit space, or go all into the fertility space. And I chose the ladder in the way we sort of marry those two things right now is it spring fertility is actually making a donation sort of like TOMS Shoes. And so we make a donation for every person, we get pregnant. To spring fertility last month, we authorized the $24,000 payment to the organization's running mama rescue. And that will provide for every pregnancy, we have, we provide for two women in rural Africa to get an emergency transport in the event of an obstetric emergency, and to transport 10 women to a health center for skilled obstetric care. And so and we do that, with every pregnancy achieved at Spring. And so so that's where we get to marry, you know, helping women who can afford advanced reproductive technologies have gradually built up care in the United States, with women who are no less deserving in an environment in an area with far fewer resources, and try to connect those two worlds through our shared humanity. And that's something that's been important since we started in, I mentioned that, that Nam Tran is the smartest person I know, you know, he came to United States as a refugee. Like, my God, like if Donald Trump was President, you know, 40 years ago, we might not have had the benefit of having somebody like him in our country. And so we still believe in that shared humanity and that shared reproductive health, and I sort of pivoted off on the politics, but I like to, but we're real infertility is real. And in frankly, like, I'm disgusted with our current administration, and as a CEO of a company, or as a founder of a company, I probably shouldn't say that. But I don't care. Because it's reproductive health, right. And that's what we're passionate about. And so we're passionate about helping improve the lives of women, both in our own community. And if we can tie those eyes to women who are deserving and caring and, and underserved. We want to and so that's what we do with every pregnancy we we actually support access to skilled obstetric and antenatal care in in western and central Uganda.

Griffin Jones  42:36

How do you want to conclude with our audience of how spring fertility is going to build this new standard of care that's not seen anywhere.

Dr. Klatsky  42:46

I hope that we continue to have great feedback from our patients. I've learned that not every single patient is going to have to have perfect experience. But our commitment is when we have a patient who had an experience that didn't live up to our goals that we listen and react immediately and try to improve our system right now. I think we deliver amazing care. And I hope that we can continue to hear the kind of feedback from patients that they have pregnancies quicker, that the experience is less uncomfortable and more empowering. And if we can continue to do that, and continue to empower our patients provide a more comfortable, compassionate and efficient experience. Those are words that don't always go together. It spring will continue to grow. It will continue to grow in the Bay Area. And as well as new geographies. And anybody who's interested in that mission should give me a call or send me an email because we are hiring

Griffin Jones  43:48

new geographies, watch out folks that are coming to your town. Dr. Peter Klasky. Thank you very much for coming on inside reproductive.


Thank you. You've been listening to the inside reproductive health podcast with Griffin Jones. If you're ready to take action to make sure that your practice thrives beyond the revolutionary changes that are happening in our field and in society, visit fertility bridge.com To begin the first piece of the fertility marketing system, the goal and competitive diagnostic. Thank you for listening to inside reproductive health

149 Extend Fertility’s Lessons From The Market For Egg Freezing

Dr. Joshua Klein, REI,  Chief Clinical Officer, Medical Director, and Co-founder of Extend Fertility in NYC joins Griffin this week on Inside Reproductive Health to discuss the business of getting into business. Listen as they share perspectives on risk tolerance, people-management, financial backing, and the potential to lose -or gain- it all on the path to entrepreneurial leadership.  

Tune in to hear:

  •  Dr. Joshua Klein share how he successfully cornered an underdeveloped segment of the fertility market, and what steps he took to get there.

  • Griffin question Dr. Klein on how he knew when to time the change in his career path, and what others in the same position should consider before making a move.

  • Griffin question Dr. Klein when he says “people are the hardest part.”

  • How to not get way over your head in overhead before you even start.

Dr. Klein’s information:

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshuakleinmd/

Website: www.extendfertility.com


Griffin Jones  00:04

How many ways are there to start an REI practice? How many ways are there to start fertility business? Explore that today with my guest, Dr. Joshua Klein because a lot of younger REIs think about well, do I have to go partner with somebody? Do I get a salary right at an academic center? Do I go off on my own, and I risk everything, because I've got this stupid medical school debt. And I went to some very expensive undergraduate college and maybe my parents were wealthy enough to help me but maybe they weren't. And I've got that debt to some of you who are coming out with a lot of debt. And, and so starting a venture, your own entrepreneurial venture can seem pretty daunting. And so our guest today Dr. Klein talks about another possibility is finding other people with financial backing. And in starting your own endeavor, as a piece of that you won't necessarily be a majority owner and own everything. But that's one way to do it. So we talk about the massive learning curve that you're gonna go on, if you want to learn more about the business of fertility, whether you own it or not, that it's drinking from a firehose. So Dr. Klein talks about some of the things that he picked up and the challenges of managing people, a vision for an REI practice. To start the whole thing of looking at fertility preservation is something that was underserved in the market. And what Dr. Klein thinks is the right demographic, or the more appropriate demographics for fertility preservation, and why he saw that as a need in the marketplace, and other hard lessons learned, like cost per lead cost per new patient acquisition. And so we both we talked about those things, and Dr. Klein closes with thoughts of how younger dogs might approach making that choice. So I hope you enjoy today's episode, Dr. Klein originally was a he completed his fellowship at Columbia. And then he was an associate physician at RMA of New York. And now he is a partner at Extend Fertility. And I hope you enjoy this conversation with him. Josh, welcome to Inside reproductive health. 


Thank you so much for having me, Griffin. I am interested in the topic for today because we have had people to talk about egg freezing on in the past. And but I'm interesting because your group extend fertility was one of the first to make a brand around. Yes, you're a comprehensive IVF practice. But you did have a special focus in fertility preservation early on. And so I want to spend some time talking about that. Maybe we get to the business second, but you were where were you in your career, when you started to feel like, you know, fertility preservation was something that was clinically viable, because, you know, that wasn't the case. 20 years ago, maybe the people just getting on board now are late. So when was it for you? Yeah, that's a question that that I thought a lot about. When we first were putting this place together.

Dr. Joshua Klein  03:31

I came out of training in 2012. So I finished my fellowship at Columbia in 2012 and took my first job at RMA New York, which is as many listeners probably know, is affiliated with Mount Sinai. It's one of the big academically affiliated programs in New York City. And part of it is just history because ASRM? Well, I should say, the studies that demonstrated that egg freezing could be done through vitrification relatively reliably and reproducibly. And with relatively good success rates really came out in the late 2000s Going into the early 2010 2011. That sort of timeframe. And then actually was at the end of 2012, technically published, I believe, in January of 2013, when he ASRM sort of put their guideline out that said that egg freezing can be offered as a method of fertility preservation without the rubric of an IRB without an experimental protocol. There was a lot of buzz around that that didn't mean that ASRM was you know, endorsing egg freezing or something that everybody should be doing. But at the very least, it wasn't considered an experimental modality anymore. And so that that was 2012 2013 which was literally the first year I was out in practice and kind of getting my feet under me. And, you know, sitting in an office in New York City and Manhattan with that The culture around us, you know, certainly being the case that most women are not getting getting pregnant and building their families in their 20s People are, are sort of young if they're getting pregnant in their 30s. It felt like to me, egg freezing is something that might be super valuable to like, a lot of women, not just a select few, but to like, sort of in some way, the average educated professional 30 something year old Manhattanites, who isn't, you know, hasn't partnered up yet, or isn't ready to settle down yet is still building their career and not at that stage of their personal or professional life where they're ready to have kids. And so, you know, at that time, egg freezing was still very small, it was still new, most people didn't know about it, and this people weren't accessing it for one reason or another. And so even at a big program, like RMA, they were doing, I think, something like 120 Egg freezing cycles a year, which means, you know, maybe 10 a month and the entire practice. So I was seeing a small handful of patients of who are interested in egg freezing. And it just felt like it didn't match the demographics of what it should. So at some point, that kind of light bulb went off that there's a disconnect between the number of like single, professional educated women who might want to do this, and then people are actually doing it. And then of course, the question became like, what's the missing link here? How come? How come it's a mismatch. And so the things that I thought about and that kind of got parlayed into building extend fertility, where people don't know about it. So there was a lack of proactive education about fertility preservation, you know, IVF, clinics, are doing a really good job of keeping busy helping people build their families, people who are struggling to get pregnant with IVF. And so egg freezing was kind of not the center of their attention. So that's one was education and awareness. Two was sort of, I think, the environment, I think egg freezing was never really thought of as like an important piece of an IVF clinic. And so I always used to say that, like, you could pick out the egg freezers in the waiting room, because you know, they were the ones sitting by themselves younger, kind of looking awkward when most of the infertility IVF waiting room is couples who, you know, kind of sad and tortured a little bit in the egg freezers, or they don't have a problem, they just are wanting to be proactive about planning their, their their reproductive life. And then third is cost because egg freezing tends to be priced as sort of like the IVF pricing, but a tiny notch less, even though technically, it's a lot less work for the lab to do so. So it kind of was overpriced, I think at that time. And so those principles were the ones that we tried to harness when we created a Extend Fertility as a center that focused on egg freezing back in 2015 2016. To kind of build a brand and a culture around the idea of making egg freezing and fertility preservation more understandable, more accessible, making the experience a little bit less unpleasant, especially if it's a sort of a purpose built environment, and then bringing the price point down in a way that that could still allow us to have a viable business model. So that's kind of the threads that went into it.

Griffin Jones  08:11

So you saw the market. You saw the the the the flaw in the market when it came to pricing and availability. What about demographics? Because that is a point of maybe contention, but that I just I don't I don't hear a lot of consensus about is what is the ideal demographic, and there are both clinicians and egg freezers did say, the younger, the better. And it it should be something that, you know, 22 year olds parents gift to them for graduating college, I hear both clinicians and egg freezers say that I also hear clinicians and egg freezer say that no way, like it's a very narrow demographic, and it's for 3839 year olds, maybe who are right, right, just before the window of have a real DOI risk, I suppose. And so, where how do you? How do you come to what you think the proper demographic is? Yeah,

Dr. Joshua Klein  09:19

it's a that's a great question, because it is something that I think gets debated hotly, and we have patients every day that say, you know, can I wait a year? Can I wait two years and sometimes it gets a little silly, you know, how can I wait six months? It's like a negotiation. But I think what, what has to be recognized to sort of think through that intelligently is that it's in arguable that in general, if someone does egg freezing younger, they're going to get a more valuable end product meaning younger woman will get or any particular woman if she doesn't younger, will probably get more eggs and more healthy eggs and that same woman who in an alternative universe does it older So, by that rationale, it's, which is oversimplified, as I'll explain, everybody should do it, like you just said at 22. Like, it should be a universal thing, the younger, the better. And so there's not much to argue about. But the reality is that even even at a place like extendable, we tried to keep it on the more affordable side, it is a luxury good meaning between the cost of of the service and the cost of the medications, and then the cost of storage, it's a, it's a, it's a significant amount of money. It's not the easiest process, we try to make it as easy as possible. But it's not the easiest process, it does take a lot of wherewithal to kind of get through it. And so it's not, you know, if if it really was something that you can get come into the doctor's office, you know, get a procedure done for 10 minutes, and it costs $100, I probably wouldn't be singing that same song of everybody should just do it when they're 22. Because kind of why not. And it could, could really be an important thing in your life. But but it's a lot different than that. And so what I what I want to point out is that every year that passes that you don't do it is another year that you might not end up having to do it, right. Because if you're 25, and thinking about doing it, but you wait. And then by 28, you actually got married and then started your family naturally, then that you want that gamble, right? Because you didn't have to do it. And now you may never have to do it, because you're already getting getting your family started naturally. And so you kind of dodged that bullet and you save the money and you save the anxiety and the investment of time, energy and resources to do it. And so in a certain way waiting to do it longer makes sense. Because the younger you are, the more likely you're going to end up starting your family in an easier way than egg freezing, if you just give it some time. And that's why I don't think that the 22 year olds should be less, there's a special situation which I'll actually get to also in a moment. But for most average healthy women, 22 Doesn't make sense because you can afford to wait because if you do it when you're in your late 20s or early 30s, you'll still get a very good end product. And there's a large percentage of women who will in fact, the majority of women who are thinking about it 22 By the time they get to 30 they won't need it anymore. So I think we're overselling it if we're selling it to 20 year olds. So that's something I think isn't always articulated clearly. But that's a reason not to do it too early, even though it's true. If you do it at 22, we'll do it at 30, you'll get more out of it 20 at 22. But you might not need to do it at 30. And so a lot of times it makes sense to wait to sort of let your life unfold. And then but then you gotta be careful not to let that slippery slope slip. Right. So if you do it at 39, I certainly would think that that's a mistake, because that's already you're sort of reacting when egg freezing works best as a proactive maneuver, right? If you're freezing eggs that are mostly not healthy already, which is when you're getting close to 40. That's the reality, it might work. But it's certainly not a great situation. The other thing Oh, the other thing I wanted to emphasize is the fact that age is only half the story, which is to say age is the best marker of egg quality. But there's another issue which is quantity, right how many eggs a woman has and we've learned over the last 1020 years, especially through how Hmh testing has become very common. And actually a symbol of a test. That is , it's been a very important development, I think, in the last 1020 years of fertility, management and treatment. Because if you're a 28 year old with a very low Hmh, which there are a lot of healthy 20 year olds that are going to have a low AMI, it's something that's very highly individual variable, it will probably make a lot more sense than thinking about freezing eggs at that point. If you're 28 year old with a very great Hi imH. You could say okay, I've waited a year. And that's not such a terrible decision. So I think that's another thing that's often overlooked is it's not only about age, it's another dimension when it comes to egg freezing, which is your egg supplier ovarian reserve and Hmh testing is so easy to get it's almost a shame that, you know, I believe that that OB GYN should just be doing it routinely, they do a lot of other health maintenance stuff that may or may not be helpful. And this is something that could be really useful. And I think slowly they are doing it more and more. But I think that's another dimension of calculus that needs to be recognized. And that can help a woman who's trying to strategize to make that kind of decision is really useful to have.

Griffin Jones  14:16

I don't think that this question is gonna go away because it doesn't seem that it doesn't seem that we have hit the plateau for the age of first birth in this country. So I think everybody remembers that headlines from earlier this year hit the first average birth. For women in the US the median age hit 30. And if my records are right from the CDC, it was even just in 2014 it was a little over 26 years old. Yeah. So it went, it went up one and a half years from just shy of 25 and 2000 to 2026 in less than 26 and a half in 2014. And then in 2022, it's 30. So I suck at math, but I think most of the people listening can see the exponential growth. So I don't think that this is going away. What do you see in the marketplace? Do you see peaks and valleys? You know, what I wondered is when you started in 2015, in New York is like, okay, are we going to see this in Charlotte in three years? And then in Cleveland, two years after that, and talk to us about what you're seeing?

Dr. Joshua Klein  15:46

Well, I think you're right, first of all, that this is still a moving target, and the market is still maturing. The, it's interesting, because there were some well publicized predictions that were made 2014, let's say I think about what the expected size of the egg freezing market would be. And there's one quote that's out in the media that said something like 85,000, or 100,000 cycles of egg freezing by 2020. The truth is, it hasn't grown that explosively. And you could think about lots of different reasons why that might be the case. But I think that egg freezing has clearly grown a lot. I do think it's going to continue to grow, I actually think that some of the kind of spin off growth that we're seeing, and that others probably are seeing as well, is more and more married couples, or not just married, but I guess more and more couples are coming in to proactively plan their families, even as couples when they're not ready to have their children yet. And also, and this gets a little hazy, where the line gets drawn between fertility treatment and fertility preservation. And sometimes it's an issue with insurance coverage, and so forth. But lots of patients who, you know, come in in their late 30s, for fertility treatment, they do IVF, and they get an embryo. And they say, Well, wait a minute, we always wanted two kids, and we struggled to even get one good embryo. So what we want to do is we want to do another stimulation cycle to at least get one more before we go ahead and use this one. And that happens all the time, these days that people are trying to bank at least, you know, not bank inventory of embryos, in some unreasonable way. But to put away one or two good embryos for the second baby if they're having their first baby in their late 30s, or 40, which is actually very logical. And so the I think the fertility preservation concept is kind of growing and branching out into other in other ways that in some way, are still evolving, by the way, another, I think, idea that will come to fruition, but I don't think it's happened yet, is I've had a handful of patients who have read about and are interested in doing proactive couples who are interested in making embryos for PGPT, which is the polygenic testing, you know, looking at, particularly if let's say, a couple comes in, the guy says, you know, my, my dad has terrible Parkinson's disease. And I know there's no gene for a consensus disease that I can screen for, but it just scares me to death that that's something that I might have a kid and it's going to be at high risk for. And so what I want to do is do these kinds of polygenic testing, you know, involving multiple genes to say which embryos have a higher or lower risk for developing, whether it's Parkinson's or Alzheimer's or diabetes or heart disease and things like that. So that's something that's not common yet. But I think that it's coming, as this sort of feeling devolves into a lot of this proactive planning your family type of and then genetics is obviously evolving and improving as well.

Griffin Jones  19:02

So you made a brand that I think is pretty well positioned for that. The brand Extend Fertility really works for both sides of fertility preservation and fertility treatment, it is because it's the extension is very intentional. And so you, you started this in 2015 is when the was when the business started, right. So you completed a fellowship at Columbia in 2012. You go work for RMA for three years. This is the point that a lot of the listeners are at they're either just leaving fellowship or their associate docks and they're thinking about the next step. You are at a place where you're at a great practice. You could pursue partnership there, or you could go off and do something risky. What was your decisions? When did it start? to appear in your mind of I could go off and do a venture like how did that originate?

Dr. Joshua Klein  20:07

That's a great question. So, yeah, I mean, without getting, I guess, too personal, I have a lot of gratitude towards my years at RMA, I learned a lot. And it's a good place. I think that for me, I think that it well, it was a hard decision, let me just say that much. The truth is that when I started speaking to one of my associates, my business partners who was interested in investing money, putting together investors to build out Extend Fertility, my original expectations that I would sort of be some kind of consultant on the project and not actually do it myself. But as we kind of continue those conversations, and I got more enthusiastic and excited about the idea, and he got more enthusiastic about me actually getting in it, it took some time, to warm to the idea, but I kind of got more excited about about doing it myself. But it's scary, you know, especially first job out of training. And I was fortunate to have, you know, good training and at large academic centers at Ivy Ivy League institutions. And so I hadn't kind of been really out in the business world before before then. But I think that my mindset essentially was that I felt like a small fish in a big pond at RMA, which isn't necessarily passing a judgement, it just the way it is, when you're working for a large institution like that. It's a big pond, it's a big pond, and to their credit, it's a big pond. And so I felt like I was young enough at that point where if I was going to ever take a risk, you know, I didn't, I probably couldn't have done it the day after I finished fellowship. Or I certainly think it's very hard to do it. The day after you finished fellowship, there are those who do it, and I give them credit, too. But I felt like having gotten my feet under me at for a couple of years. If I if I stayed for another few years, it probably would have been that much harder to leave. Probably my income, presumably would rise slowly. And so that, you know, the better you're doing the more than make it attractive to stay. And so, you know, when you're young, you're just getting started, it's a little easier, because you're not giving up so much. And so, I don't know, I guess my thought process was basically I felt like this was a good idea. And at the end of the day, I felt like, before I started my before I finished fellowship, before I started my professional career, I felt like I questioned, like everybody has self doubt, I knew I was a bright kid. But like, it's hard to see yourself doing what your what your teachers and mentors and superiors are doing, like, Can I really handle it when when stuff gets, you know, kind of difficult when there's an unhappy patient? And how do you? How do you deal with that, or when you have some issue with like an inspection and there's regulatory stuff, and hiring and firing and all that it's very intimidating as a young, you know, kind of medical trainee. But I think that what I started to realize was that the hard stuff is still hard when you get older, and everybody does their best to handle it. And so and everybody's just human, I think that's what I what I really kind of it became clear to me that everybody's doing this is doing their best and no one knows all the answers in advance and kind of everyday brings another challenge with it. But if you know if the other guy can handle it, probably so can you and you just have to kind of have that courage and have that confidence in yourself. And so that was what I think allowed me to take that leap is sort of getting out in the world seeing that nothing's perfect. Even behind the curtain, every practice, every lab has its own questions and issues and, you know, uncertainties and every practice has its own issues that come up and like that's life and you kind of do your best to keep people happy and to do to keep the patients happy and go home, you know, doing the right thing and hopefully sleeping well at night. And you know, so it kind of lost that in that side of the intimidation. And then I felt like you know what, I'm going to take the leap. And by the way, if you take the leap and you kind of just fall on the floor. So you still have your training and you're kind of embarrassed probably but you can get up and go get a job and so you know, I felt like it's it's not if you if you let that opportunity go when you're young doc it may not come back to you. But if you take it and you swing and miss Well, no one's gonna fault you for taking the swing I think and and your career isn't ruined just because you tried something it didn't work so

Griffin Jones  24:40

and if you fall flat on your face and you're humble and self aware enough, it will make you a better partner somewhere else absolutely Well, as long as you are and those are two big as. Those are two big conditions. Not everybody is onboard and self-aware. But but if you are falling flat on your face can give can can make you do that much more valuable as a as a partner somewhere else is if the gays and then you know, if you are successful, then that's then you have you've done it long before most other people have. So in your view, what's harder? owning a business or residency

Dr. Joshua Klein  25:21

apples and oranges I guess I mean, I think I think Well, the obvious answer residency is harder, because it's physically so demanding. And then you also have to kind of keep your mind sharp while you're literally exhausted. To be clear, and for the record, I don't, I'm a very small part owner of extent, but I wouldn't call myself the owner of extent, because there's a lot of investor money that went into building this place out, and that and by the way, too, for, for the, for the, for the record for the listenership here also. So I'm talking like a big shot, oh, yeah, I'm gonna, you know, go off my own and start something new. And I in some ways, that's true. But I wasn't in a position to put up tons of my own capital, because I didn't have it. And so I did start off with investor money. And I guess I had to earn their their respect and their confidence to get that investor money, but I didn't, I didn't find $5 million in my own pocket to put down and build out a lab and build out a program. So I didn't have that much courage, or I guess, wherewithal at that point. But having said that, there's no doubt that running a program is hard. And I think that the reason that that's true is because literally you feel stressed and responsible for like 1000 different things that can come up and everyday, something does come up. A lot of it's the people, the people is the hardest thing. You know, they say hiring and firing. And that's, that's the most blatant example. But, you know, people who are thinking of leaving, and people are unhappy for X, Y, or Z and people who don't get along with each other. And they're both important pieces of your, of your of your of your team, and you gotta help them get along somehow. And, you know, the day to day, team, building, Team preserving is is is is complicated, and there's no playbook and you just got to do your best to sort of read people's emotions and feelings and instincts. And that's obviously not easy. Also, the fact that you feel responsible for everything, and maybe I that's one of the things I have to continue to mature to learn, let go. But like a silly little example, there was a, someone who dropped off a gift bag for a patient letter retrieval. Was it yesterday morning or two days ago. And somehow that gift bag disappeared. And it never got to the patient in their post op, it was supposed to be like some snack. It was nothing. It was like some snacks. And some, I don't know what, maybe a heating pad or something. And the person who dropped it off was obviously not happy because the patient was was was heard about and they were expecting and and I don't even know what happened. Somehow it never, never, never made the way and so then I'm was approached by the person who dropped it off. Because of course, like, you know, I'm kind of considered responsible for everything and like, Where can we figure it out? And then I'm asking you at the security cameras and the security camera wasn't focused, it wasn't working. And then I'm asking the lab and it's just like, this is the last thing I want to be you know, working on is finding the snack bag. Like Who else am I gonna you know, I did get help and and still not figure it out. But the point is, like, from the littlest to the biggest things, you worry about it because you feel responsible for everything that happens under the under the four walls or under the roof. And so that's that's not an easy way to live. And my hair's a lot grayer than it was five years ago, that's for sure. But well good news,

Griffin Jones  28:36

Josh. That means you're not a sociopath. So you it's, it's like it to be a business owner is one I it's so hard and I'm not running a medical practice but just you know, even running a client services are it is so hard for the reasons that you describe balancing, delivery and sales and, and the people that the to do all of those things and and you have to be so you have to be receptive to people. You have to listen and then there are other times where you have to forge ahead and say okay, we're moving on and and so you have to be agreeable enough to listen to not be a sociopath AND and OR a narcissist and but also not so agreeable, that you're just Oh, okay. Yeah, I guess I guess that is too much work for you to do. Yeah, I guess. I guess the patient doesn't really need that. You know, it's you have to you have to walk a line that can be pretty heavy.

Dr. Joshua Klein  29:48

It's funny the way you frame that because I also think it sort of tangentially but it connects to, in my opinion, how to be a doctor with a good manner in terms of how you manage patients and patient make patient recommendations. In the sense that, especially with infertility, where most of our patients are, you know, relatively young, relatively educated, lots of them are doing lots of Google research. And they're on the message boards, and they're talking to their friends and their and their sisters and whoever else that that their doctor said, you have to do this or that doctor said that never should be doing them like that, or Google, you know, says X, Y, and Z. So I think it's a really hard balance to strike, you always want to be open to hearing your patients feedback, or thoughts or questions or suggestions. If you're perceived as as dismissive of their input, that's going to be the kiss of death, patients hate bad. But at the same time, and this is something that I've also learned and continue to learn is that it's not healthy to just say, Oh, you read about that, you want to try that, or your friend did this, I'm sure we'll do that. Like, I think you not only is it not good practice, but it also you lose respect. And it's not a healthy dynamic for the patient, if you're just willing to do whatever. And so, you know, you have to really strike that balance of being being open minded, willing to discuss but also firm when you know, sort of what's right and what's wrong, and make sure that you express your opinions, so that people know that you kind of have something that you kind of believe in and that you're willing to draw boundaries and give firm recommendation. So anyway, tangential to the managing a practice. But I think it's the same skill set in a certain way to be able to read people and allow them to see that you're willing to listen to them, but not kind of just they're

Griffin Jones  31:43

both examples of leadership. So the idea of partly being is that you're meant to lead me as the patient Yeah, you have to listen to me in order to be able to lead me effectively. But at the end, you you are not the pharmacist and I am not the physician, you are the physician, I am the patient. And you have to be able to lead me in the same as drew in a business and for not just fertility practice owners and other business owners in the fertility field who listen to this show. But all of us business owners across the market think the last year and a half, two years have gotten unbalanced advice from it's all been about the employee, just go on LinkedIn. And see I haven't seen one post on frickin LinkedIn sticking up for a business owner in two darn years. Everything is and we deserve this too. And we also should have that and we're finally making what we're worth. It's like, really, that's what your worth is, is right now in the most unprecedented inflated economy of all time, like, is that house really worth a million and a half dollars? Okay, but then does that mean that that's what you're worth when there's a recession or or the pendulum swings the other way. And for business owners, the advice has been do whatever you can to retain, show that you care show that. Listen, give them what what they're asking for. And in many cases, you do have to do that. It also has to be balanced with leadership and saying this is where we're going and holding people accountable. And many people, the last few years, many of us have been afraid to hold people accountable, have been afraid to, to really, you know, leverage leadership. Because it's like, well, if I lose that person, you know, we're already down three people. And, but, but it sure makes things worse. Because then it becomes a cancer in the organization. And and then nothing you do is good enough, when you are listening when you are if you don't have the other side to balance and say this is where the organization is going. And we're all accountable to it.

Dr. Joshua Klein  33:56

Right, right. Yep. And it's not easy. You know, it's and it's, I think it's probably as hard as it's ever been for the reasons that you're talking about it. We all do appreciate our employees and our colleagues and genuinely, and they do deserve what they deserve. But yes, it can get out of hand pretty quickly if you don't set sort of some framework for what's reasonable. And that's not an easy thing to do. So

Griffin Jones  34:25

other than like principles like that, about people just even like function? What are things about business that you knew nothing about when you started? Like, I think now, good advice for most people, unless they're 100 on this on the entrepreneurial spectrum, and by 100, I mean, Mark Zuckerberg, I mean, Elon Musk, I mean, that type of but you know, your average business owner might be like a 70 on that spectrum. And, and so I think for most people, unless they're the most extreme on the entrepreneurial spectrum are better off I'm going to work for someone first learning as much as they possibly can, and then starting their own business, if they still think that's a good idea. And I say that and I believe that at the same time, though, I know things like I wouldn't even Effingham County what to look for, in many cases. So what are some of those things where you're like, I didn't even know, to look for that. Before I was, before I managed to practice.

Dr. Joshua Klein  35:30

I think I mean, in a very fundamental way, I think one of the things that has become clear to me is that so much of business relies on assumptions that are necessarily loose. You know, one of the things we struggled with and as they struggled with, but but that we, that we learned along the way was, I mentioned earlier that when we started extended, we wanted to push down the price point and egg freezing to help make it more accessible. And this has been an ongoing debate that's still ongoing, you know, what's a reasonable price for for an egg freezing cycle? And even more, it might sound crazy, but what does it cost for us to deliver an egg freezing cycle, because it's not simple math. You know, there's fixed costs and variable costs. And so I think when I when I agreed to join in San fertility, and I had some really accomplished smart business, people who joined as well, and we started, you know, kind of making decisions about how we're going to set things up in the framework. I was, I think, expecting that these business business people with their MBAs, Ivy League MBAs would have some magic formula, they're going to pull out some Excel spreadsheet, and they're going to just have it all figured out. And like this is, you know, it should cost x. And as it turns out, they don't know, at best, they say, well, let's assume that this year, we're going to do this number of cycles. And let's assume we're gonna have to do X number of embryologist, doctors and obviously, you all the different things you have to put on paper. And then yes, there is some smart math you can do to sort of make a smart, smart decision and a smart assumption. But I think that it was sort of a little bit disturbing about how much of a business is done in a way that you just have to like, make thoughtful decisions based on as much available data and often there isn't a lot of available data, and kind of just try it and see what happens and then adjust along along the way. So I think that, you know, it definitely I've learned a lot about business over the last number of years. And I've learned to respect people enormously for their successes in business. At the same time, I think the my perception that there's like this business secret book that like you only get if you're a business person, and that doctors aren't privy to that, I think misconception has been, or I've been abused of that notion. So you kind of just have to get comfortable with saying, Well, this is like the best guess we're gonna make. And let's, let's go with it. So that's something I think that you only learn when you're on the other side and really see the books and know how the some of those decisions are made with regards to the dollars dollars and cents. That's one, I'd say another sort of big learning item for me was, I think, when you're on the outside and thinking about a business, from a financial perspective, in a relatively unsophisticated way, are you tend to think mostly about revenue and not about overhead, and he's out while they're doing 1000 cycles of IVF. And every cycle is, you know, they're getting 10,000 bucks. And so that's like, well, whatever that is $10 million of revenue. And so like, it's 10 million bucks, like that must be rolling in the dough, except that you don't realize that, like, your annual rent, if you're in Manhattan can be easily a million dollars or more. And then you've got, you know, four or $5 million of payroll for all of your people. And then you've got all of your equipment, and then we got like, etc, malpractice insurance. Yeah, and the insurance and not just malpractice and liability and the cyber insurance and like, and all of a sudden 10 million bucks is not exactly a ton of money anymore, you know? So I think that the to the to the uninitiated, it's easy to see a business as as a revenue entity, but it's not it's it's a it's a P&L entity. And so and there's so many more overhead items that you never dream of before you're kind of in it. And so I think that's something that I would definitely caution people to think about if they haven't gotten on the other side of the curtain yet is just you got to realize that that delivering a product and certainly a high quality product and certainly a you know, a high touch service. highly regulated product, like health care in America, for fertility patients is a very expensive thing to deliver. And it's not so easy to cut out a lot of these major major expenses and so, you know, it's for full transparency, you know, I kind of imagined we'd be able to push price points down a lot more than than is realistic before I knew what goes into it. And so you know what we charge for our server He says now is more than I thought we'd have to charge but the reality is, it's it's it's very expensive to deliver good quality care or even mediocre quality care, let alone good call quality care. And so, so don't forget the overhead it's it's it's an important other

Griffin Jones  40:14

how I remember the first time you did a budget, the first time we tried doing a budget was like, it's like, I don't know how much that's gonna like before we launch the podcast, but I don't know how much it is to podcast, like, I don't know how much we're going to end. So it does take some, like some expense tracking, which is different from budgeting that helps that informs but you know, it's a lot easier for us to do a budget and forecasting, because like, How the heck are we going to sales forecasts in the beginning? I don't know, how many clients am I going to sell this year? How many. And so that's that's two areas that I really would recommend that if somebody's thinking about starting their own business, their own practice and their their in an organization, I would I would try to do two things. And the first, well, maybe three. First is is see as much of the financials as you can some people do like that our firm is moving towards open book management, where we share that with our team. And maybe some places you can only see a piece of it. But David sable recommended a book to me last year called how to read a financial report. That's exactly what it sounds like. It's as interesting as reading New York state tax code. But it is it's the basics. And it would be great if you could do that for your own practice, or even your own Rei division if you're at an academic center, and to see what that is to have some education that the second is to know what to know, the sales and marketing pipeline, how are people coming in? That is extremely important to know, as deeply as you can. And the third is the Human Resources pipeline. How are we getting in retaining people? And like those are three areas where I think it makes sense to really delve in May, maybe even more than operations and delivery, I might even put those three areas ahead of operations and delivery. In terms of priority of learning, what do you think?

Dr. Joshua Klein  42:15

I think you're right, because that's kind of how you get to have a team that can do the things you want to do. And if you have that, then you figure out how to do you know, if you have the right team, you're gonna do the things you want to do the operations and delivery, but you can't, you can't get there without sort of getting your Human Resources figured out without getting your sales and marketing figured out. So you have you know, a customer and that you get your finances straight. So yeah, I think that's probably right. And by the way, the sales and marketing piece is also another thing. And I can reflect with our own experience that extend you know, we came in to be open and came into the market heavy on the increasing, increasing is more so than, you know, infertility treatment, an elective service line, it has less insurance coverage than IVF does. Even today, you know, even with progeny and Karen and when fertility, there's still only a very small percentage of of women will have coverage for fertility preservation, and only a minority percentage of our patients have coverage. And we were very aggressive with our marketing and our marketing spend early on. And we grew very fast. And so it was clear to us from the first couple years of doing it that marketing works when it comes to egg freezing. The problem is that that only actually works. Ultimately, in the long run, if you can spend money to get customers in a way that allows you to still have a profit margin on what you're charging for your service. Meaning if you got to spend $5,000 on marketing for every customer that you're going to convert every patient you're going to convert, that may not be a viable business model, because you're not charging enough to justify it. And so you know, how you're gonna get your patients the best way, of course, is when they show up, you know, they word of mouth, it's free. But the reality of fertility in the US right now, certainly in any major metropolitan area for sure, is that there's lots of competition, and everybody's got an angle. And most practices, even the academic practices are doing something on the sales and marketing. And so it's important to be realistic about the fact that that stuff has to be done carefully, thoughtfully, and it costs money and you have to keep track of how much money you're spending and what you're getting for that for those dollars. And once again, like maybe I was way too naive, but this isn't stuff that I thought about, you know, figuring okay, just buy some Google ads and there's your marketing and like it, you know, it's a lot more complicated than that, obviously. So that's definitely another area that that I've learned a lot about over the last number of years.

Griffin Jones  44:55

We're talking about lessons learned, you know, owning a practice or owning a business in the future. silletti field and things that you may want to learn how to do or learn about before you go and start your own venture. Another thing is some of the systems that are used, and oh people that can give really good recommendations on the different EMRs. They've shopped and the depth and scope of functions. But I would ask someone that you know, that uses engaged MD, if you're not already, if you don't use engage them D in your system, you're thinking, I want to open my own office within my own group, or I want to open my own practice, I want to go join somebody else, and I want to be able to add something to it, engage them D is one of the surest bets that you can do, but you don't take my word for it. Ask someone that you know, because more than half of your colleagues are using EngagedMD and more than half of your colleagues are extremely delighted with EngagedMD because they got real informed consent. They don't have stacks of papers that people have to sign and then account for and then keep an eye out file cabinet somewhere. They have true informed consent from patients that have a module at their convenience, so that the staff isn't overburdened with questions that they don't need to be getting that they can help the patient with the attention that needs to be devoted to that patient's case. Because the elementary the rudimentary is covered, and now it's just what that patient is stuck on or what's unique to their case that the care team can focus their care on. That's what personalized care is. And more than half of your colleagues have seen the benefit from engaged MD that way, so just reach out to any of them. Hey, guys, do you use EngagedMDin the people you want to fellowship with people that you see it ASRM? Hey, do you use engage MD? What do you think I hear Griff, talk about it. But he doesn't want to practice? What do you guys think, and see what they say. But if you want that free workflow assessment, want to see what other practices are doing, you want those insights that engagedMD has, and you want to see how your practice stacks against that ideal workflow, then you go to engage them the.com/griffin. And you mentioned that you heard them on the show, you mentioned that you heard them from me, and then you're going to get that free workflow assessment. So ask somebody else, don't take my word for it, but go to engage them db.com/griffin Or say, or an on the show. So you heard from me, so you can get that free work assessment for you. That's one of the biggest system wins that you can have right off the bat. And you can verify that just by asking people you already know, I hope you enjoy the rest of this episode about things you need to know for the fertility business, you might start, I'm gonna let you conclude on whatever topic you want to but before that, because we have so many younger Doc's that listen. And they're thinking about like, how do I choose who I'm going to work with you were you chose your your business partners, and, and they chose you. And so talk about how you did that? Well,

Dr. Joshua Klein  48:21

I'd say I was probably luckier than I realized, the main person, the main business person that I that I partnered with, is a wonderful guy named Michael Kohn, whose private equity hedge fund guy, the truth is looking back, I got lucky that he is of as high integrity as he is, because I probably could have gotten really treated much more poorly or gotten abused more if I wasn't so lucky to find someone. So I think that the advice would be, you definitely have to choose we get into bed with very, very carefully, especially when it comes to business people because I think that they're not all going to be the most high integrity people. And to be fair, like business people are, their profession is to use business to make money. And that's true for doctors too, obviously, with our professionals, how we pay our bills and make a living. But I think the mindset of young doctors is a little bit more idealistic than the mindset of probably mid career fitness people is and you got to be very careful not to be too trusting or too idealistic in that sense, you know, for young blacks are coming out and looking at job opportunities. So it's, it's complicated, because I think that, you know, the people that you're going to work with day to day are the clinical team, you're going to have obviously Doctor colleagues, and then other clinical colleagues and embryology colleagues and so forth, but these days, a lot of practices are either owned or part owned or managed by business entities that you may or may not have much direct interaction with. And it's it's a very, very seen I think that I Have the level of involvement and exposure to the business behind the practice is going to be very different from one place to another. And I think that that's those are important questions to try to really investigate while you're looking at different practice opportunities, you know, if there are going to be places that are looking at the conversion metrics, you know, how many consults did you do, and how many of those turned into IVF patients, and if you're below a certain bar, maybe they're gonna get dinged, or you're not going to get your bonus. And, you know, to some degree, that's not crazy. But if that's gonna bother you, like you better you should be aware of it. And in other places, certainly in more academic environments, the culture, maybe more sleepy, but, but that might be more comfortable, to not have to sort of think about numbers like that. And so I think that I'm not sure that I have much brilliant insight other than to say, it's a very, very playing field out there. And so you really want to ask as many questions as you can and talk to as many people as you can, looking at to what degree is that practice run like a business or like a medical practice that has a business behind it, because the culture of the place and look, business is not terrible. And there are some very successful, very busy places out there that run like a business and that patients are happy, and the doctors are happy. And you know, that's not necessarily always the worst thing. But I think different doctors have very different priorities of how they want to practice medicine, and what kind of lifestyle they're looking for. And it's going to be pretty different from one practice environment to another. And so just Just do as much investigation and homework as you can. Because it is going to be very different from one opportunity to another.

Griffin Jones  51:45

So that's for the homework, let's conclude with the introspection thing, because a lot of people listening are in the position of the 2012, Josh or Jean Klein. And maybe there's a couple different routes for that type of person, but some of them should stay at Columbia or wherever their academic center is, wherever they're doing fellowship, because they're going to be happy, they're at another one, some of them should go on to be should should just gobble and gobbling, gobbling till they're a bigger fish in the bigger pond that they end up with it someplace like an RMA or or an RMA or wherever they end up, some should go off on their own. And then there's other people still that it's like, oh, there's somebody that just started their own thing couple years ago, I don't totally want to start my own thing that I don't feel like starting from zero. But there's also a lot of opportunity for me to help make this bigger, I want to go join the Josh Klein's out there. So there's a couple of different options introspectively. And then this will this will be your final thought for the program? What How should people decide what's best for them?

Dr. Joshua Klein  52:58

That's a great question. I think that you can't have everything, I think that it's important to be realistic about the fact that if you're someone who is going to prioritize, you know, maximizing income, then you're probably not going to get that at a pure academic program. Because you're going to be salaried. And usually, that's not the culture. If you're someone who enjoys teaching who enjoys having some abstract today's stream every year going to conferences, then you're going to get that at a more academic program, it's gonna be much harder, you're gonna be sort of swimming upstream at at a pure private practice. If you're someone who has, you know, family, or hobbies or outside interests that are very important to them, that that, you know, you want to be out of the office by 5pm every every evening and not work weekends, you know, that that's going to be something that you want to take into account. And I think the bottom line is that there's no job, probably, that's gonna let you be like the division chief, and academically active going to conferences every couple of months. And you know, making a seven figure income, and not working weekends, and being out of the office by 5pm, every month, and every week, every day. So, so I think it's just a matter of, and again, no brilliant insight here, but you really just have to think about what are the things that are most important to you and your lifestyle and money is important, but it really is not necessarily the most important. And so, you know, make your list and then try to get as many of those things as as you can, because you're just it's like buying a house you're just not going to get everything unless unless something's you know, your I guess our unlimited budget, but most people are going to have to pick and choose. And so just think seriously about what's going to make you happy in five years and 10 years and then chase after those things. And maybe some of it will come along with it. You know, you can be in a private practice and still be the research person who does put together some research abstracts every year and like that's fantastic. But as long as you you know, are are comfortable the fact that that's kind of if you can, you'll do it but it may not happen then you're being being smart. So I think it's it's really a matter of triaging what what is going to be highest priority for you and your career and, you know, being honest with yourself about what's going to make you happy. And if you do that you should be landing in a good place. And there's lots of good places. That's another comment is that there's not like one right job, I think there's a lot of ways to be happy. So we're in a good time, there's a lot of good going on.

Griffin Jones  55:27

Well, if if one of those routes makes sense to talk to you, as you say, talk to everybody is that an offer you would extend are there that you would extend to the younger dogs that they can reach out to you on LinkedIn. So we will include that in the

Dr. Joshua Klein  55:45

video, I think my journey has been an interesting one and not the most common, you know, working and big place academic place, and then in New York, kind of CO founding my own place, and it's been a journey and it's been a learning journey. And so I do think that I can give people guidance, or at least my, my personal, you know, perspective, so I'd be happy to be available.

Griffin Jones  56:05

Dr. Josh Klein, thank you for coming on inside reproductive health.

Dr. Joshua Klein  56:09

Thank you for having me. It's been my pleasure.


You've been listening to the inside reproductive health podcast with Griffin Jones. If you're ready to take action to make sure that your practice thrives beyond the revolutionary changes that are happening in our field and in society. Visit fertility bridge.com To begin the first piece of the fertility marketing system, the goal and competitive diagnostic. Thank you for listening to inside reproductive health

148 "Physicians Are Bad Business People" And The MedikalPreneur Author Who Says That’s A Lie

This week on Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin hosts MedikalPreneur author, board-certified REI and OBGYN, and Inside Reproductive Health fan-favorite, Dr. Francisco (Paco) Arredondo to discuss the misguided concepts of physicians as business owners and operators, and what it takes to make it as both a healthcare provider as well as a successful proprietor. https://medikalpreneur.com/product/medikalpreneur/

Listen to hear:

  • Dr. Arredondo’s 5 H’s for hiring success.

  • Griffin point out that doctors can get away with bad business techniques because their trade is so high in demand.

  • Griffin press on the tension between employee satisfaction and client retention, and question who really comes first, and why it matters.

  • How much culture influences business success, and what to ask yourself about your own clinic operations.

  • Dr. Arredondo’s crash course in business success as a practicing physician.

147 The Fertility Private Equity Playbook: The Players And The Payors. As Analyzed by David Stern, CEO of Boston IVF

Boston IVF CEO David Stern describes some of the challenges of private equity backed businesses. Griffin grills David on the models of Boston IVF and their parent companies.

Listen to the latest episode of Inside Reproductive Health to hear

  • David Stern talk about how little of their own money private equity firms typically use

  • Griffin press David Stern on whether business decisions and clinical decisions are always separated

  • David Stern and Griffin discuss the meaning of “trapped equity”

  • What happens when Private Equity doesn’t flip at the right time, who pays for claw back provisions, and what about those hidden fees?

  • David Stern talk about Boston IVF’s model for partnership

146 Held Over The Coals: Fertility Insurance Not Created Equal

This week on Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin gets to the root of the insurance debacle in the fertility industry with Holly Hutchison, managing partner of Reproductive Health Center in Tucson, Arizona. Are cash pay patients subsidizing insurance companies’ poor coverage? How can practice owners survive when insurance authorizations are exceedingly slow, reimbursements are laughable, time to pay is unpredictable, and patients don’t understand their own coverage- or lack thereof? Who is left holding the bag when insurance doesn’t cover what it claims to, and can anything be done about it?

Listen to hear:

  • The evolution of insurance in the fertility space: how it began, when it was successful for a hot second, and where it is today.

  • Griffin question which is more beneficial to the provider- employer benefit groups or insurance companies- and why.

  • Griffin question why fertility clinics haven’t cut out the insurance companies who are draining their bottom line.

  • Griffin discuss the cost-benefit analysis: (Reimbursement, time to authorization, time to payment, volume to practice, patient cost sharing) and how to bring more leverage back to the provider.

144 More Dangerous Than Overturning Roe? The IVF Legislation You Really Need to Watch, According to Atty. Igor Brusil

Griffin hosts embryologist-turned-attorney, Igor Brusil, to discuss what he, as an attorney, believes is a bigger threat to the fertility space than the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and why. What implications could changing donor privacy laws have on your practice-even if you don’t practice in the state that overturns them? Could they extend beyond donor rights and result in an inspection of your business? Listen to hear one specialist’s opinion on Inside Reproductive Health with Griffin Jones.

Listen to hear:

  • Who is advocating for the release of donor information, including medical history.

  • What laws, changing in states like Colorado, could impact your practice (even if it is not in the same state).

  • Griffin press on whether Roe v. Wade has a larger potential to damage the fertility space than changing donor privacy laws.

  • Griffin question why no one is protecting the rights of the donors.

  • Igor’s opinion on what you, as a practitioner, can do to protect yourself and your business.

Ep. 142 When the pretty lady in green comes to the fertility field: 4 Competitive Disadvantages for Fertility Business Owners

This week on Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin Jones explains how reputation and brand overlap, how they are both born of positioning and culture, but are not equally synonymous. “Brand is about relevance and differentiation. Reputation is about legitimacy”.

In this week’s podcast, Griffin shares four competitive disadvantages for fertility business owners.

Listen to hear:

  • What four things brand can do that reputation cannot.

  • How impactful recognition is in your brand, and how to improve it.

  • How your brand can align with peoples’ individual expression of self.

139: Two REIs Debate OB/GYNs’ IVF Capabilities with Dr. Brauer & Dr. Arredondo

Dr. Anate Brauer (REI, co-founder and IVF Director of Shady Grove Fertility’s New York Region) and Dr. Francisco (Paco) Arredondo (Chief Medical Officer and founder of Pozitivf and author of MedikalPreneur) hash out their agreements, and disagreements, on the upskilling of OBGYNs in the fertility space

Listen to the full episode to hear:.

  • Dr. Anate Brauer argue that years of training and experience as an REI do not equal OBGYN general practice upskilling, which compromises patient care and increases risk.

  • Dr. Francisco Arredondo state that it is taking place already, the need for providers far exceeds supply, and that OBGYNs are capable (and successful), if properly trained.

  • Dr. Brauer and Dr. Arredondo agree on where APPs can offload the burden of REIs. 

  • Griffin question whether upskilling OBGYNs to handle IVF will create another chasm in the healthcare system.

  • Griffin push back that a solution needs to be identified, (after years of overpromising and underdelivering on the increase of graduating REIs), as they are handcuffed by fellowships and educational institutions. 

Dr. Anate Brauer’s Information: 

Website: https://www.shadygrovefertility.com/locations/new-york/manhattan-fertility-center/

Dr. Francisco Arredondo ’s Information:

LinkedIN: linkedin.com/in/fertilitysanantoniotexas

Website: www.medikalpreneur.com

[00:00:52] Griffin Jones: Can OBGYN do IVF retrievals? Are you good with that? Are you okay with that? You disagree. You the inside reproductive health audience disagree on if non REI fellowship trained OB GYN can do IVF egg retrievals or not. This is one of the things that we talk about today with my guests, Dr. Anate Brauer and Dr. Francisco Arredondo. We try to get down to the exact point that they disagree on and really zoom in on what they think OB-GYNs, that are not REI fellowship training, can do and can't do. There's a whole bunch of things that pile into this access to care argument, and I try to piece them out and I try to elucidate.

Okay. What's the exact point that you disagree? And I think we found that as well as we talk about the duopoly, the duopoly of the pharmaceutical manufacturers, we talk about the shortage of embryologists is that need even greater of a bottle of the bottle neck. Then the shortage of REI is we talk about expanding fellowship programs, which is never gonna friggin happen from my vantage point.

Maybe I'm being cynical, but Dr. Brauer promises to get me somebody that can walk us through that in a podcast episode. And I think these are two of the people to do it. This is a bit of a continuation from the debate that I have with Dr. John Storment and Tracy Keen, the CEO of Mater Fertility, both Dr. Brauer and Dr. Arredondo had listened to that episode as well as some others and felt that they had something to offer. And I think they both did have something to offer Dr. Brauer's of course, with Shady Grove Fertility in New York, she's fellowship trained from Cornell, which a various med fellowship program.

And Dr. Arredondo is the Medikalpreneur is going to be on a different episode to talk about that there are initiatives that he was involved in, including the foundation that he talks about in this episode that I didn't even know at the time of booking. I also didn't know that he sits on the board for Mate Fertility.

And so I feel that should be disclosed. It wasn't disclosed in the conversation. And so I'm disclosing that here, but I feel that both parties really spoke what they truly belief and and they both make strong cases for what they believe in. The shout out for today's episode is going to go to Dr. Matt Retzloff.

I'm sorry, friend. I probably butchered the study that you were recommending that would give us better data on making decisions about the quality of care. So, Dr. Retzloff, if you want to come on the show and spend the entire time talking about what you recommend. I promise to let you to do justice for you there.

So I can't make this debate. I'm not a clinician. We have two good clinicians on here who disagree, you analyze their motives. You do all the psychological analysis that you want, but you tell me, who do you agree with? Who do you think is right in this context and what are we missing? If anything, enjoy this discussion with Dr. Anate Brauer and Dr. Francisco Arredondo.

Dr. Arredondo Francisco welcome back to Inside Reproductive Health, Dr. Brauer Anate welcome to inside reproductive health. 

[00:04:21] Dr. Anate Brauer: Thank you so much for having me. 

[00:04:23] Griffin Jones: Dr. Arredondo has been on twice before. And part of the reason why you have Dr. Brauer is because I have had probably four or five people from Shady Grove on, at this point, and I'm going to be accused of playing favorites, but now I'm going to be accused of playing favorites with Paco too, because this is his third time on the show.

He's going to come back on for a fourth because he's got a new book, medical preneur that once I get finished reading that he and I are gonna go over that, but you're both on, because you each had some points of view on an earlier episode, a couple earlier episodes that I've done. One started off with mate fertility and that got people talking.

Then we had the CEO of made fertility on to talk with Dr. John Storment even before that episode aired. And that you shared with me that you had concerns about what the REI about taking things out of the REI preview and what that means Paco, you had points after that came out where you felt like that there needed to be a physician arguing for the side of upskilling or training OB-GYNs outside of fellowship, but let's start with your concerns not. And just, what was the concern that you had when you listened to that first episode, or just in general about the issue? 

[00:05:43] Dr. Anate Brauer: Sure. So I think my background is I trained at Cornell, which I realize is in New York City, where there are 22 other IVF centers and there is a lot of access to care.

So I understand that we're coming at this from different perspectives, but my fellowship director always said to us when the time I was a first-year fellows. Our field of medicine, more than any other field of medicine has the potential to change society. As we know it right. For better or for worse. And I think that that comes with huge responsibility and liability.

And so it's a big undertaking. And one of the hardest things we'll talk about kind of bottlenecks to access because that's a big part of this discussion. But one of the hardest things I do is counsel patients not just do procedures, but also counsel patients on very complicated endocrine issues that have to do with competing, brokering failures and other things that we'll get into.

And I don't feel like I would be equipped. To treat the patient with the level that they should be treated. If I didn't have the training that I had. So it does concern me this idea of standardization of pair as a CEO of, of Mate stated that said that those words multiple times because each case is individual and all of the training that we've received and experience that we've had, I think helps us get that individual patient to their goal of competing safely.

And so that's my concern here in New York, by the way, what prompted my conversations about this and actually will prompted my interest in being on the start QA committee, which I'm now on, is seeing chart after chart of complications of IVF cycle overseen by general OB GYN who have not been properly trained, who are working for some of these companies that are looking now to scale very quickly.

And so that's what kind of prompted this concern in me. So there you have it. 

[00:07:53] Griffin Jones: Okay. I'm going to come back that I took a couple notes on two different points. You made one about fellows and then another about the complications that you seen, but Paco, when you reached out to me and just said, there needs to be a doctor arguing.

There needs to be an REI arguing for the case of training OB-GYNs outside of fellowship. What did you mean by that? And if I'm paraphrasing correctly. 

[00:08:14] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Sure. No, no. Yes. I thank you once more for having us and thank you to, and not to be willing to do mental gymnastics here. So I would like to set three things straight before we enter into any debate in one of them is that debates in my view are not to be won or lost.

The baits are to be learned from that's the first thing I want to state. The second one is that if we agree in the context here, that we believe both sides, that human reproduction is a universal, right? That's the other thing that I want to set as a context, because everything else evolves from there.

And the third thing is that there is a difference between clinical medicine and health policy that we asked physicians at the clinical level. We use sometimes not always created at the same, and there are very different interests in individual care versus health policy. And when we have 90% of the needs of the fertility unmet in this country then is when I do argue that we have to think of different models of providing care and among them, we have to explore the possibility to utilize every one a was at the top of our licenses.

So that's basically what I meant. And I would start by saying that it is not my intention ever to replace REI's we don't be ever, but we have to learn from other places, even within our specialty, let's go to fetal maternal medicine, the fetal maternal medicine, which are high-risk deliveries and high-risk pregnancy.

Those guys do not do one single delivery. All of the deliveries are done by OB GYN. They basically handle themselves at the top of the license by managing different pregnancies, recommending guidelines, recommender, and course of actions, and are executed by OB GYNS. And it's the sociologist, the only way they run five or so at the same time is by having extensors like CRNAs radiologist.

They don't do every single x-ray. In fact, they just sit and read the x-rays that the technicians and other people run healthcare. Otherwise. If we have a potential market of 3 million IVF cycles in the United States, and we are currently doing 300 cycles. Even if you crank the production of REI, we will never have all the REI is doing every single egg retrieval that is out there.

So my argument is, and this is the argument of our nonprofit, which is called universities to train people, to do other tasks that physicians are doing, or nurses are doing that can be done by different people at the top of the license that is there. 

[00:11:54] Griffin Jones: I want to let Dr. Brauer and analyze that in a moment.

I want you to start though Paco with what is the limit of what the REI can do? So if you already, I needs to practice at the top of their license. What is the limit to what can be done outside of fellowship training? 

[00:12:12] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Yeah, so I think I would approach it gradually. The other way it is, there is no question that an OB GYN and a nurse practitioner or a PA with good guidelines should be able to do every single diagnostic step of the fertility patients.

Number two. I think that doing an egg retrieval. For example, I would not give it to a nurse practitioner or physician assistant because they are not capable of resolving a complication bleeding, et cetera, but an OB GYN absolutely can do an accurate very well. There is no reason why an OB GYN can let's put it this way in the last week I spoke with probably 20 different fellows that our fellows out there that are coming out doing 10 egg retrievals in their whole fellowship that it's still to this day, they are reproductive endocrinologists that come out of fellowship without with zero embryo transfers, zero embryo transfers 

[00:13:36] Dr. Anate Brauer: This is an issue write that down Griffin, because that's something that should definitely be touched upon regarding fellowship program.

[00:13:43] Griffin Jones: So I am writing that down. I want you to continue Paco with so every step of the diagnostic process OB-GYNs can do egg retrievals.

What else?

[00:13:52] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Currently we're doing IUI is playing IUIs in the OB GYN office. And I think that there's no reason why they will not be able to do IUI and again, all under the supervision of a fertility specialist. Now you will have control of, or a guide, several OB GYN and there is a difference between what we call improvement in quality and innovation, because the requirements for improving quality are exactly the opposite to innovation quality requires consistency, repetition, precision standardization, because quality, the enemy of quality is variability. So that is what is required for improving quality. However, for innovation, you actually required the opposite. You require failure variation and serendipity. So we have to be able to dance this delicate dance between improving quality and innovating in healthcare.

And yes, how I see the market right now, or fertility taking certain steps imply that we will take some breaths. But not taking a risk right now, you will imply that will never satisfy the demand. 

[00:15:37] Griffin Jones: So before we go improving the, before we go innovating, now, I want to see in this game of, of blackjack, let's call it and that where we're hitting you one after another, at first OB GYN is doing every step of the diagnostic process, then doing egg retrievals, then doing IUI.

Do you disagree with any of that? 

[00:15:55] Dr. Anate Brauer: I think in general, all of these access conversations are glossing over one major issue, right? The issue with access does not just come down to how many RAs are graduating every year. There are other major roadblocks to access. So the three issues that I see with access are costs and affordability.

Even more than our eyes embryologists. Okay. And then REI is for us at SGS our biggest issue as we're expanding in various markets is not necessarily finding doctors to put into the clinic. It's even more so finding embryologists right. Takes about two to three years to train a good embryologist, to do biopsies and egg set cetera.

So all of these conversations are revolving around how do we get more providers? Did you retrievals to get more new patients in the door? But there's also roadblocks on the other end of that. I'll talk about some of the ways that we are trying to address from those, some of those robots within our organization and why I wish other people would be doing the same work.

I'm happy to talk about that. But one of my that, for example, when you were interviewing the Mate CEO that you were talking about access and costs, they don't take insurance. I have a huge, huge issue with that. And so I think we can not only talk about providers, if you don't talk about whats our solution for costs and embryologist, and a lot of the solutions for cost is well higher general OBGNYs, or would you want it?

And then you don't have to pay them as much as you do an REI by the way, some of my best friends in life are general OB GYN who are unbelievable, amazing what they do. And so none of this discussion in any way, a ding on being a general OBGYN. I also think we should look at our other fields in our space.

So I know some amazing generalists that are unbelievable surgeons. That doesn't mean that they can become GYN, oncologists. And so I think we should have a very clear discussion on what we need to do to expand more trained REI in this country and not only to roll over OBGYN, but also the role of APP.

For example, I do most of my own scans which I know sounds a little archaic, but that's how I was trained. And I'm in New York and my patients want to see me and I liked him the ultrasounds, and I think the more ultrasounds is even better, your retrievals. But I do think there's a role for APPs is, are advanced practice providers to do ultrasound, to do IUI, even to manage IUI cycles.

It doesn't even necessarily have to be a general overview. And I personally do not feel comfortable with the general do and doing retrievals unless they've done thousands and thousands of retrievals or unless it's an REIs physically on site. The CEO has made with saying, oh, we have five REI's on the board who are there by telemedicine.

She also didn't mention who these people are, but I don't know what REI that I know would feel comfortable with the liability of being on a video, walking in GYN, through a complicated egg retrieval, and some that has fibroids, maybe someone that needs an abdominal retrieval, it SDF. We have a policy that if someone requires an abdominal retrieval because of body habitus or anatomy or fibroids, there has to be two MDs on site to do that together in the, or so yes, 99% of retrievals are easy, but when they're hard, they're really hard.

You can be one millimeter away from the illiac I mean, I will not feel comfortable with an OB GYN handling case like that unless I was in the room with them. 

[00:19:22] Griffin Jones: Okay. 

[00:19:23] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: You will know those hard retrievals in advance. Obviously you will not have scheduled them.

[00:19:28] Dr. Anate Brauer: Not if I'm not scanning them.

[00:19:30] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Huh? 

[00:19:31] Dr. Anate Brauer: Not if I'm not doing the ultrasound.


[00:19:34] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Do you think that an OB GYN will not affect the note by an ultrasound? A fibroid? I mean, I think that the OB GYN are capable of doing that and much more surgery, sometimes more complicated than, than I realized, but that is a debate that we can have, but regarding the issue of REI and the access of costs, I think it is very clear that the lack of production of REI is related to the lack of decrease of cost of idea.

We actually have very high IVF costs because we don't have enough supply. And if you think about any other industry, even in healthcare. Braces, I remember when I grew up only the rich people have raised raises a lot of other plastic surgery, every single one of those procedures has been going down in price.

The microwave was $600. Now you buy for 30. The only thing that has going up is the IVF cost. And it's not only because of the physicians. It is because there is a duopoly on the pharmaceutical industry. There is other reasons that there is no competition, but if there is in now with the consolidation of private equity, it actually will have even less competition that will not be quizzed the price of access.

So my point is that the correlation of access to cost is directly correlated with the lack of providers. 

[00:21:13] Dr. Anate Brauer: Right. So how do we increase that? Right. So for example, we, so I'm part of Shady Grove Fertility, which is a part of a larger organization US fertility, we train, we graduate about six fellows a year. So we now run the NH fellowship program, the University of Colorado's program, and the University of South Florida.

[00:21:33] Griffin Jones: But how many of those are new fellowships? And not like the University of Colorado was acquired by us. Jeff Jones was acquired by us. Jeff, not how many of them are new? 

[00:21:42] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: We need hundreds.

[00:21:44] Dr. Anate Brauer: Right. But hold on a second. Let me just finish what I'm saying. Right? So we support those fellowship programs. We train those fellows, we fund those fellows.

Which I don't see any other non-academic program doing or offering to do. We would love to open more fellowships. For example, I'm here at STF, New York with my partner Tomer singer, who was the director of the residency director at Lenox hill for almost 15 years. Right. So we would love to do that. The problem is there are many hoops and ACG requirements. You're required you to be affiliated with an academic center, which for us in New York, everyone's already taken up. Everyone already has their own fellowship program and they don't want the competition, which is a whole other conversation. It's impossible as an REI and New York city to even get hospital privileges because they don't want to give you privileges because they don't want you competing with them, which is a whole other problem that you really be on the cover of the New York time.

But that's the problem we want to train fellows. We do. I can't speak for other organizations like CCRM or Kindbody or anybody else. We want to train fellows. We are training fellows. We are training embryologist since we took over the Jones' program, we're expanding that training program. But these are the things that we need to be focusing on rather than taking shortcuts and hiring OB GYN and train them to do, what would we do.

[00:23:04] Griffin Jones: But everybody's been saying that for years now, and it still hasn't happened. We're still not adding more of them. 

[00:23:10] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: I don't think that it's taking shortcuts. It's thinking out of the box to re think the model because the truth is being very realistic. If we are currently doing 300,000 IVF cycles with 1500 IVF doctors, and we have required 3 million cycles in the country, when are we going to produce another 10,000 REI?

 We want. We want. Period. I mean, we have to be realistic.

[00:23:45] Dr. Anate Brauer: Right. I think the main issue is that the fellowship programs are siloed within academic programs who have no interest in expanding or working with private practices to expand fellowships because they're perfectly comfortable. In the situation that they're in.

Right. And so that's a major discussion that needs to happen. And I'm still asking the embryology question because my main limit to increasing my cycle number is how many embryologists do I have in my lab? And to me, it's much harder finding embryologists than it is to find an REI. 

[00:24:19] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: And actually in that I would say Griffin to schedule a talk with Tony Anderson.

Who is our lab director and the main person. He has IVF Academy of IVF of USA and that he is going to be incorporated into our University. And basically he presented at the Pacific that after doing a two month training. The outcome is exactly the same as if somebody that has more than one year doing an exam.

He prove it. He has the data is not data that is just mentioned is data, solid data. So we are actually changing the way the training is happening. There is a hybrid training online, and then there is in-person with actual cases. And I think that the academy can produce very good embryologists in approximately four months with all the training.

Well, I'm not an embryologist and this is what my embryologists are saying. 

[00:25:27] Dr. Anate Brauer: You should ask Michael Tucker and Jim Brown, and maybe they can debate each other. 

[00:25:32] Griffin Jones: My job as moderators did keep this a little bit boring by preventing the 18 different topics from going, focusing on one. So I'm going to try and do that.

I do want to come back to Dr. Brauer's point about embryologists later because Dr. Storment afterwards texted me and said, I wish that I had brought that up to although now no, I'm going to save my tangential thought for when we come back to that, I want to, and the duopoly of pharmacies and the fellowship programs, I want to come back to still what you are comfortable with the OB GYN being trained to do not.

And it sounds like, okay, they can do retrievals if an REI is physically in the room and. 

[00:26:13] Dr. Anate Brauer: Yeah. And then that defeats the purpose, right? Because I'm still physically in the room. I still have to physically be in there. They will do the retrieval.

[00:26:23] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: I personally disagree that you don't require a REI to be pressing down the hall? Not even, I mean, not even there because an OB GYN in a simple case, which is what we want to select to give to them. They have the capacity to open that patient. They have the capacity to the tech. When the patient is bleeding, they have the capacity to suture a cervical artery probably better than us.

So now they have not done it. And as I mentioned, there are currently a lot of our REI colleagues when they started practicing, they have done less than 10 equity retrievals. That's what it is in. we are naive and we don't think that that is happening, that we were learning on the train. 

[00:27:09] Griffin Jones: Anate are you not satisfied that an OB GYN could address the complications?  

[00:27:15] Dr. Anate Brauer: I fully again, like many of my friends who were generalists are probably better surgeons than I am I guess I don't understand what the, the kind of, it's almost a perseveration of OB GYN, OB GYN, up-scaling OBGYN and why is that? 

[00:27:31] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Because we have 90% of the market without cover. We have 90% of the market that is not covered. 

[00:27:38] Dr. Anate Brauer: Okay, so let's talk.

Why are they not covered? 

[00:27:41] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Because A, lack of access financially, B lack of go live, go of competition because we don't produce and offer REIs and our boards have for 20 years spoke with both of them. Saying that they wouldn't increase access and they have not done it because we have not produced more REIs because there is access to care.

Like there are certain areas that are in rural areas that they want to solve right now. Their practice in private equity will not buy it because, oh, it doesn't provide a lot of revenue there. So those are in insurance coverage is another one and that it is not mandatory. So all those are reasons.

But the main reason, if you look at any healthcare issue is a supply driven market. The more suppliers you have, the bigger the market will be there and we are not supply-driven. 

[00:28:43] Dr. Anate Brauer: So I just want to take those points one at a time. Right? So. And put the, my argument aside for a second, because one let's, let's talk about cost, for example, that's the first thing you mentioned.

So the main issue with costs is lack of insurance coverage. Right? If everyone had insurance coverage, everyone would have access. Is that accurate?

Right? So that's that we should be focusing on. If the, 

[00:29:16] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: if the, if the, if the insurance is given to everybody, not only the ones that work, then it will be covered. So if they don't see universal health care coverage, yes. 

[00:29:25] Dr. Anate Brauer: Your premises I'm from Israel. Originally, everyone has coverage and everyone has IVF pilots.


[00:29:30] Griffin Jones: how does that supply, how does that solve your supply and demand issue pocket? If, if, if, if we're, if, if we're only serving a quarter of the population are actually not a quarter, a fraction of the population and, and that's, that's covered and we still have eight and 10 week wait lists. How does, how does ensuring more people increase access?

[00:29:55] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: I don't think so because you have much more demand, but you don't have for supplies. 

[00:30:01] Dr. Anate Brauer: Okay, so then let's talk about why are there waitlist? So we have, we have, I don't know, 40 something offices now in all different regions, we follow our waitlist very closely. We're not in any, , we're in Colorado, Colorado spring.

We're not, , we're not in the Midwest. So I have friends in Nebraska. I think she has a wait list of two or three months or something like that, which they can get their initial workup done with her OB GYN. And by the time they get to her, , I think COVID has changed a lot. We can do a lot of virtual consults to me.

When, when I talk about access, someone's not going to open you to financially support IVF labs, to be able to argue, to put an embryologist that two minimum, two embryologists there could you need witnessing and all the staff that you need to staff a, an ASC, et cetera. You may have an ASC in a major city and you may have kind of satellite monitoring.

Stations, if you will. And if I train some on whether it's an ultrasonographer or a PA, it doesn't have to be a general OB GYN is my point. If I train a PA to do all the monitoring there, I think I have more than enough time to review those cycles. So that's why I don't know what, why specifically we're talking about the way to solve the access to care issue is trained more overdue in because if I had someone doing monitoring and then coming for me to do retrievals and my partners to do retrievals and I can sit there and do virtual consults all day long, I don't see why, why this is an issue.

I don't 

[00:31:27] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: think that we can, we can, we can not do 2.7 million ed retreat. We can't 1500 people cannot do 2.7 million egg retrievals it's on reasonable is up. It's not possible. I do agree with you a hundred percent. We open a satellite, a hundred percent run by a PA a hundred percent. She saw the patients she's monitored.

She sent them, we do the egg retrieval. We do the transfer could not agree with you more. And that I think that we can set it up here as the basis for agreement that we can develop satellites where everything else. And we can start as a point of view to start training those people, to do the satellites.

Now there's going to be a point that those satellites are going to saturate the egg retrieval bottleneck that will occur, and then we can discuss the next step. But I think that as a first step, we need to train people that. It's comfortable doing all the monitoring, all the counseling and tweaking the medication during the stimulation.

So we agreed that they can do the diagnosis. They can do some basic, 

[00:32:49] Dr. Anate Brauer: oh, I said, I set 

[00:32:50] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: a PA or nurse practitioner or a generalist. It's okay. It's cheaper. Or is less expensive if you use a RPA, but now for an country. I certainly will allow. In fact, there are plenty of OB GYN out there, general OB GYN that are doing that for, 

[00:33:08] Dr. Anate Brauer: with as we speak.

Yes. And I have managed their complications.

[00:33:16] Dr. Francisco Arredondo:

[00:33:16] Dr. Anate Brauer: have, I'm not saying there aren't out there and , we've all had complications. 

[00:33:21] Griffin Jones: Did they appear to be disproportionate to you or not? Did they do, does it appear anecdotally, do you, does it seem that you're seeing more complications from 

[00:33:31] Dr. Anate Brauer: hyperstimulation syndrome? Absolutely because they haven't been trained and.

Hundreds of thousands of simulation cycles. And by the way, I totally agree with you Paco. I was lucky enough to train at Cornell where by the time I graduated, I saw more simulation cycles and most attending feat in a year. Right. So I understand which is another issue. Like there's fellowship programs out there that do 200 cycles a year, that's it?

And they have two fellows. They should not have two fellows because those fellows aren't getting clinically trained. I mean, that's a whole other discussion even needs to be 

[00:34:05] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: had. And that would be the second point of agreement, which is we agree that we can train all those people. The second to try to find common ground is that somehow we need to revisit how the people is being trained in fellowships, because we're putting a lot of emphasis of 18 months or 20 months in research when 99% of the people come out and do IVF, maybe we need to track.

So REI. The researchers 

[00:34:36] Dr. Anate Brauer: and the IVF. So 

[00:34:39] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: you'll have now two different tracks and you can produce in one year a good REI fellow in a, that is going to do IVF because by that year, they can do easily a hundred retrievals, easily 50 transfers and seeing their sheriff complications and they can go on. So that's another compromise that I have no problem doing.

But I think in, in, in basically that's one of the ideas or just university that we really need to create. And that's what we've made it a nonprofit, because we don't want to, anybody to mention that we're doing this for profit thing. We are doing this for the firm belief that we think that the United States.

Do not have the healthcare that they deserve at the level of fertility, we have 90% and we need to change that and how we do it, we can obviously have the debate and this, but we need. 

[00:35:43] Dr. Anate Brauer: Griffin the fellowship question and the training. So at SGF, we require any one onboarding. I only have to do two weeks, but we require six weeks out of fellowship and spend it in Rockville.

You're doing hundreds of cycles. Minimum a hundred transfers before you can do anything in any of our labs. And so I, I, , unfortunately some fellows need a mini fellowship. We haven't made a business out of it, but maybe we should, but that's, , 

[00:36:11] Griffin Jones: and answer to your question of why this issue is I w I'm not qualified to argue that it's the most present maybe that maybe dogs are done to is, are arguing that this is the most important thing that we can do.

I'm simply observing that it is one thing that we can do out of many reasons. And the reason why we stalemate in politics very often, we're trying to improve education while the teachers need to, the teachers need to do this while we can't do that until the parents do well. And then you, when you. Go from one issue to another, just nothing ends up getting done.

So it's okay. We take the issues that we have in front of us and try to unpack each of them. I'm definitely not solving the duopoly of the, of the pharmaceutical companies here. And the embryologist, I do want to talk to more, but it's also another issue. Could it be more important than this one that's arguable, but this at least that the number of fellowship programs in the country is another issue, but I'm not a bog.

And and, and, and they still, nobody's still suggested in a bog person for me to talk, to, to do an entire episode soup, to nuts of what it would take to build find me, someone who, somebody listening, find me, that 

[00:37:22] Dr. Anate Brauer: person find the same answer, but 

[00:37:25] Griffin Jones: what's happening right now is that there are people training, OB GYN, generalist, OB GYN.

It sounds like. We have some agreement on what they can do. Some disagreement on the level of oversight needed and the, and the likelihood of complications that come from retrievers. What about the diagnostic piece? And what about OB-GYNs doing IUI? 

[00:37:51] Dr. Anate Brauer: So I think so I would, I would, the first one talks about the diagnostic.

So is it Mitchell? And again, I am in New York city where I treat a very different kind of patient population. I very rarely see a bread and butter facilitation. By the time the patient is sitting in front of me, they've cycled the four other centers. And show up with their like binder of medical records.

And so I don't see kind of the bread and butter. I have a lot of friends who are generalists, who want to send patients to me and in the interim, they're kind of doing a workup. So I do feel like one thing that would definitely help is training is first of all, increasing REI education in general and OB GYN residency, right?

OB residency, four years, I spent a ton of time in antepartum learning all the MFM stuff. Do you want oncology that I, Cornell is a very, I also did my residency at Cornell, very surgical program. I, I went into ODU and to do, do an oncology and then swung the other lines of spectrum. But I spent so much time in OBGY/Onc.

I wanted to do REI and I spent three weeks in REI and this is someone who actually wants to do it. So you can imagine the resident that doesn't care. So the OB GYN is graduating programs right now. Residency programs really know very, very little about REI. So we have residents here rotate with us in New York all the time.

From various hospitals and, and the first step is to just teach them the basic workup. What does it take to make a baby? How do you talk to a patient about it almost from, as in flipping in normal uterus to implant normal ovaries with normal numbers of eggs and genetically competent eggs, right.

Just be at the conversations that the ingredients doing the workup, right. That automatically takes so much off of my plate. And so by the time they're coming to me, they're already kind of packaged up of, okay, here's the basic workup, also doing the preconceptual genetic testing so that they're all kind of set up.

So I'm totally comfortable with an OB GYN doing those sorts of things, then even comfortable with an OB GYN, managing IUI cycles. For example, as long as they're monitoring cycles, I'd actually rather have an OB-GYN working under. Stimulating patients and actually monitoring them than just randomly giving them.

Clomid like, it's candy. Like we see all the time. Right. And you don't even know how many follicles are growing and even an GYN or a PA or an MP doing an IUI at Cornell, which is very tightly managed. I mean, fellows can't even stand follicles that are over 13 millimeters, right? When I was a fellow, unless you were a senior fellow and very experienced and ultra down, but the NPS and the PAs would be the ones doing IUI.

So that's, that's very low risk. I have no problem with that. It's really, when it gets more into the, it's very important for me to counsel a patient on what IVFis, the pros and cons of it, the risks and benefits, the possible outcomes and complications, right? Because it's all about setting expectations.

And I feel like we know all the possible outcomes, genetic testing, which is becoming more and more complex. The pros and cons that are constantly changing every few months, we're learning more and more. And specifically when there's failures talking and counseling patients through that, we know with our eyes, what happens in the lab, most fellowship programs, you do spend time in the lab.

And so those things that take it does take a fellowship for them to learn all of those things, thin lining, but current implantation failure, we're current present the wealth, all of the things that we're still well versus taking it. So those are the cases that I want to manage. I feel comfortable with an OB-GYN managing a simulation cycle, but I also feel comfortable with a PA running through that dosing with me, which takes, , five seconds for me to do.

And I'm even profitable the PA doing the IUI. So that's why I don't, I don't think it even requires training general. I would do am. I think an REI can handle it. Doing more cases. If we, if we're set up in a more efficient way. I also think one thing that we haven't brought up here, which is huge for efficiency is AI, right?

The, we, we at us fertility are, have, are investing a lot of time and money and research dollars into exploring various ways that artificial intelligence can be used. I think one of the best ways it can be used is, and this is for everything from doing an ultrasound, like you can have an MNA, take an ultrasound probe, put it in the vagina and you get a read out of every follicle and what sizes objectives.

Cause there's always subjectivity when you're talking about measurement. So something is a little of that to extrapolating it, to. Dosing a patient's right. And algorithms of looking at hundreds of thousands of cycles and predicting even based on fire cycles that, that patient's done when you should trigger how you should trigger, et cetera, and also into the lab of grading embryos, et cetera.

So I think, I think where the investments should be is training more REI, which is complicated because that involves a bag and ACG made all of those things. We've got to find a way to do it. Training more embryology. And artificial intelligence to make our lives more efficient to solve our problem.

[00:43:09] Griffin Jones: Darn it. He will, he will buy the, it'll start a new one by the end of this podcast 

[00:43:14] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: at 99% of the things. I agree because I agree that we only as a OB GYN rotate one month and the issue is when they pressure you to take vacations in our, in every I in just one month or two months in the whole 48 months of of training, I do agree that artificial intelligence is the future.

And obviously there are already companies out there, like we were just mentioning and all that. I think the key difference, and we agree that we need to train REI perhaps in a more expedite manner. Or in two different tracks, we agree that we can utilize nurse practitioners, physician assistants in order to increase efficiency in the system.

All that I think the only difference that we have is that I feel strongly that a OB GYN can handle equity tremble. And obviously she does not. But in order to dive into that particular question, let's think of other examples within our industry , that you have birthing centers and you have delivery centers and in the birthing center, you're not going to send a patient with a previous C-section preeclampsia and diabetes to be delivered there.

No, you want to send this straightforward case that will have. Very unlikely, a reason to have a complication. And if that thing arrives, you have a system in place to send it to the delivering hospital, which is rare. So it is the same thing in fertility where you can put the simpler cases, especially those that are in rural areas in markets B's.

And C's where a train OB can do the retrofit. And we don't know what is going to be in the future because now in the future, you might get. You send the act to a place where they do. They send this sperm, they do the, the embryo, and now you send the embryo back to the place and anybody can do a number of transfer.

I mean, that could be a potential business model for the future, right? Where you do it. Richard was in one place. You freeze the egg, you freeze the sperm, you send it to a very concentrated laboratory. And you'll create the Ember and you'll send it back. And then you transferred the embryo that is possible.

And now you increase access 

[00:45:48] Griffin Jones: w one point that was given to me, and I want you to apply it on this Dr. Brown Dr. Matt Retzloffemailed me after one of the earlier episodes and says that the only way to really know is to the effectiveness and the safety is and if I'm paraphrasing your point, Dr. Retzloff, you can come on and do your own show.

But he, he was talking about, the only way to really know, is to do a randomized blinded trial of, of outcomes of safety. And because I'm not a clinician because I'm paraphrasing Dr. words, how would that work? How would we, would we really be able to compare the, the outcomes from a board certified.

An ecologist versus the training that's being 

[00:46:31] Dr. Anate Brauer: done, IRB will ever prove that study. And I don't really see patients signing up for that study personally. I wouldn't do that. So, I mean, I think it's, I still am having a hard time wrapping my brain around this conversation, even being a conversation and the word upskilling, which I had never heard that word before a year, 18 months ago, , 

[00:46:55] Griffin Jones: I adopted the word to distinguish it from fellowship training.

[00:46:59] Dr. Anate Brauer: I understand. 

[00:47:01] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Well,  what happened? What happens in any other country in the world, in Spain, which has been a leader of fertility for years, Spain and France in Eataly in any other place, there's no fellowship, they finished and they go through a certificate or they. And mentoring. I don't know if in Israel there is a fellowship, is there a fellowship in Israel, 

[00:47:28] Dr. Anate Brauer: but they're yes, but they're, they're also required to continue practicing general OB GYN and to take call because it's a, it's a socialized system.

So they see their patients after hours. They do new patient consults, like at 11:00 PM. 

[00:47:43] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: But in order to do an REI, do you have to go through a 

[00:47:45] Dr. Anate Brauer: fellowship? The practice? Yeah. I don't know if it's an official fellowship. You're definitely certified in fertility, all these things that you're mentioning.

They're still training programs and they're not six week training programs. I mean it's years of training. So, but at the end of the day, it's not a new fellowship program. Right. Did you believe that a really good general OBGYN should be take to be cutting out cancer. 

[00:48:10] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: But I would not compare, I would not compare an egg retrieval with the level of complexity of, of a surgery of cancer.

[00:48:18] Dr. Anate Brauer: The liability is similar. I mean, don't feel like our field has the highest liability pretty much at any field. 

[00:48:27] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: I don't think so. I disagree with that. The the premiums of REI are very low compared 

[00:48:33] Dr. Anate Brauer: to the 

[00:48:35] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: liability. That's how it's based. The liability. The liability is based on how likely are you to be sued.

And, and the premiums are fertility. They are very low, very low. I mean, compared to high risk OB, those are high. 

[00:48:49] Dr. Anate Brauer: I feel like what we do and the counseling we offer and the potential issues in the lab are extremely high liability. And so I personally would want to manage those liabilities myself rather than managing someone else's life.

[00:49:06] Griffin Jones: We can bring Dr. Katz on for a liability episode to examine that. But Paco, I want to put something on you because a lot of this conversation might be overlooking second and third order consequences with regard to access to care that come from training. OB GYN is like, I don't know what their overall workload and wait lists look like right now, but I don't think most OB-GYNs are sitting around waiting for new patients.

I think they have case loads and workloads that are pretty full, full. I could that it could be an assumption that needs to be tested, but either way I think it's one we were overlooking here. So if we solve for access to care with regard to fertility treatment, by bringing more OB GYN in to do some of the purview of the REI, then aren't we creating a shortage of care somewhere else in the OB GYN sphere?

[00:49:58] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: I, I don't know. The numbers on the OB GYN, how many are needed? I think that overall, if you look at the statistics by 2045, we are going to have like 70,000 a shortage of physicians in the United States. No matter what specialty you're talking about, because again, we're not producing enough. The, the medical schools are not producing enough physicians.

But I don't specifically to your Western. I, I don't know. We may. But the, the point here is that basically the big disagreement that we have is if an aria, if a OB GYN, after doing 50 or 100 supervised egg retrievals, if it is not capable of doing ed retrievals for an IVF clinic, my answer is yes, if that person and I don't know what the number is, 20 5100.

Which in certain clinics, that person can be trained two months after doing that, it can, that person do equity troubles for you. Absolutely. Absolutely can. In fact, they're are doing it right now. 

[00:51:09] Dr. Anate Brauer: Yeah, I guess my, my question goes back to Griffin. The point he just made, which I still don't see how this specific concept of upskilling solves our issues, because who's going to who we're going to take these jobs.

And we already see that happening. Our residents who GRA, who wanted to do REI, who didn't match for whatever reason. And now this is what they do. And then they get to put on Google that they're a fertility specialist and market themselves in that way. And now you're going to run into a shortage of generalists, which there's already a shortage of generalist generalists, definitely in this area.

I can barely get a patient in to see an OB GYN. Larger problem personally, I would rather train ABPs to do ultrasounds and help me with monitoring and make mission so that I can say my lane and do what I need to do and not take away from any other specialties who, who have their own issues with, with access.

And the other big concern I have is creating a two tier system of care, which we already have in this country clearly. Right. And we see it with cancer, for example, right? The main cancer centers. If you have cancer, you want to go to the best place flown, , you want to go to Texas MD Anderson, there's several big centers in the country you want to go to, you're not going to find it in small town USA.

I mean, I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, so it's not like I grew up with, , so, so much access around me. Right. And so I do worry about. Giving one part of the population, kind of a water down version of what we do. And one part of a population, an elevated version of what we do the argument against that is, well, you're giving one part of the population, no option and other populations, the best option, but there's something to me just wrong about just because someone lives in a certain place or doesn't have enough money to afford the bad that, that you're potentially giving them a less safe experience.


[00:53:17] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: we don't know if he's let's save. And I would say, we don't know if it let's save. And I would say that if we take a risk, we may fail, but if we don't take any risk, for sure, we will fail 

[00:53:28] Dr. Anate Brauer: to cover everybody. I'm happy to take risks, but I'd rather do it not with upselling of doing.

Well, what I mentioned before, I'm happy to send that set up satellite monitoring clinics, and 

[00:53:42] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: we have proven that that works and delivers the same 

[00:53:47] Dr. Anate Brauer: actual care, so that can work, but I still don't want to solve our problems. They 

[00:53:53] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: are randomized controlled trials where nurse practitioners do embryo transfers versus REI in England, randomized control trials.

Exactly the same pregnancy rate. Exactly the same pregnancy rate nurse practitioners in, in, in in England doing embryo transfers versus 

[00:54:14] Dr. Anate Brauer: res so, okay. So do you feel like we should even have any fellowship programs at all? I mean, everyone could be trained then what's the point of fellowship programs with everything can be, everyone can be trained to do.

Exactly the same thing. If you have any degree or any letter behind your, behind your name? Well, when 

[00:54:31] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: you go now, you're talking about medical education. That's a very important point. So the traditional medical education is based on pedagogy, which is training kids, the dietary pediatry, that's pregnant kids.

The new in, we don't learn like kids will learn by adults, which is unprovoked. And that is by doing things. And you can go and look at medical education. And the best way now is not to saturate people with theory and books and stuff, but it's to give a minimal basis and do things and do things and do things.

So that's why I would say that I will feel very comfortable if I give good basis to an OB GYN and I will train that OB GYN with supervision. To do 50 ed retrievals. It's an experienced surgeon already. I will feel as comfortable as a fellow that sometimes just finished 10 or 20 Avery Tribbles. He has a lot of information, but it does not have the experience or rather the ability to solve a problem.

I am talking specifically about this task. I'm not saying handling all the things I'm talking about. This. I feel very comfortable doing 

[00:55:54] Griffin Jones: it. So I want to let each of you conclude how you want it to, before we do them, I'm going to give you each an open thought to conclude on, but let's hit the embryologist question for a second, which I'm, this is completely anecdotal, but we have strategies based on clinics, different needs and capacities.

And I'm talking about my firm is a creative and biz-dev firm and it seems to me like clinicians hit their capacity first and then embryologist hits their capacity. It seems to me, this is very anecdotal that across the board is generally speaking as possible. The embryologist really, we hit that lab capacity some time after the COVID reopening sometime in September of 20 in the fall of 2020.

And so, but it, it seems to me like they're pretty neck and neck. Maybe the REI bottleneck is tighter, but they're, they're probably equal now, but why not solve the. Problem first Pacoor is, is this, is the embryologist, how is it not more pressing than the REI issue? 

[00:56:58] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Well, I think that you have to also look at AI, , not that umbrella just will be replaced, but there is a lot, there is the pipeline three to four companies looking at doing the umbrella in a box.

So, and the other thing is not only producing embryologist, but producing umbrella in a way that is lean managed. For example, right now everybody's checking their embryos and they want, and they three, and then they find who you really need to do that. 

[00:57:28] Dr. Anate Brauer: But when we 

[00:57:29] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: used to write one, three and five, now there's people not even checking them until day five or do put them in the editor scope and they just look at it that is working efficiently without changing the effectiveness.

So , one of the things here on, on, on lean management is that you have those two levels. And you have a cost. So how can we produce the same outcome with less cost or how can we remain with the same cost and improve the outcome? And here on the embryology question, you may pray, but actually they might not need as much in five years because AI may catch up with us.

Now you have a lot of people sitting there.

[00:58:16] Dr. Anate Brauer: I don't think I will catch up that bad. I mean, I think it's moving fast, but I still think we'll also always need embryology. Not for us in New York. I'll tell you that we are bottleneck has always been the lab. And so we really had to hire me. Now we have seven embryologists here, but. You really had to staff up and it's, and it's tough.

And so that was always our bottleneck and that was the bottleneck it for now. And that was the bottom line at NYU. I mean, everywhere I've been, that's been the bottleneck because in REI I can always add another new patient slot. I don't mind working hard and I don't mind, , seeing the patients and adding onto my schedule.

I have no issue with that, but the lab I, , in the lab is safety. It's I want my lab to be happy obviously, and feel like everything's being done safely. So I do think a lab is almost a better book, bigger, if not the same bottleneck 

[00:59:04] Griffin Jones: Anecdotally, I don't see REIs leaving REI. I'm seeing embryologist leave the lab, which is crazy to me because they're so in demand, we have embryologists applying for jobs at my firm.

I'm a biz dev and marketing firm because they just don't physically 

[00:59:18] Dr. Anate Brauer: want to be. I said, you send, send me their CV. 

[00:59:22] Griffin Jones: They don't want to be in the lab. They don't want to, they, these are 20 somethings that don't want to, they don't want to work long hours, one and two. They don't want to be in a physical location.

That's a 10 by 12 room for, for however long I'm going to let each, I'm going to let each of you conclude Dr. Arredondo, let's start with you. And then we'll go to Dr. Brower. How would you like to conclude your points? 

[00:59:47] Dr. Francisco Arredondo: Yeah, we'll start with your PaCo. Okay. Now, I mean, just basically I, we believe in, in democratization of IVF, we believe that every single human has the right to be reproduce.

And that is. International and universal human, right. We believe that we are falling short in the United States and that we have to think out of the box to rethink and reshape the model of how we practice medicine without ever compromising quality and without ever compromising safety. And we believe that we've been practicing fertility the same way for 40 years, and it is time to rethink how we do it.

We believe that part of that is to consider training physician assistants and nurse practitioners to do some of the tasks. And if we want to meet that demand of 3 million IVF cycles, we all to train other people to do egg retrievals. And we believe that OB GYN are a good candidate to do that.

[01:00:54] Griffin Jones: Now, how would you like to conclude? 

[01:00:56] Dr. Anate Brauer: So I agree with most of what Dr. Arrendondo has said today. I do think we have a major access problem. I also believe that repositioning is a human right, and everyone should have access to it. I don't think that the problem can be distilled and easily solved by one issue of training.

Would you answer, did you  do retrievals? I think as I mentioned before, the issues of access involve cost. Providers and embryologist, and the only way we're going to solve those problems is by increasing training programs, which is the long game. And in the short term, becoming more efficient through advanced practice providers and artificial intelligence and technology.

[01:01:35] Griffin Jones: You're both very good sports for coming on. You're both also advancing this discussion in the field by being able to do so in good faith. And so I appreciate both of you doing that and that hopefully we can use this as leverage to get somebody we're bringing ABOG to come in and do an episode about what it would be to accredit a REI fellowship program from soup to nuts.

Thank you, Dr. Arredondo. Thank you, Dr. Brauer for coming on Inside Reproductive Health.

134: What the Heck is Kindbody Up to Next? with Gina Bartasi

Gina Bartasi on Inside Reproductive Health

This week, Griffin chats with Gina Bartasi, founder and chair of Kindbody about the development and success of the first-ever consumer fertility services brand. Griffin posits that their latest acquisition of Vios will not be their last, Bartasi disagrees and instead has her sights on global scaling. Bartasi believes that the end-to-end care model of Kindbody is most beneficial to the patient, and everything is better, and more efficient, under one umbrella.

Listen to hear:

  • How Kindbody developed their brand, and how it influences their culture for employees and patients alike.

  • Griffin press Bartasi on future multi-site multi-practice acquisitions, and how that may influence global growth.

  • Where Kindbody stands on utilizing extended care practitioners for retrievals and transfers.

  • Bartasi argue that Kindbody’s end-to-end business model improves (and controls) the patient care experience.

  • Bartasi use stats to back the clinical success of the Kindbody model, despite the 25-30% price cut.

Gina’s information:





[00:01:08] Griffin Jones: The first global brand in the reproductive health space. And if you think there's been global brands before listen to this episode, because I'm talking about consumer brand, this is the first global consumer brand in the reproductive health space. It's Kindbody. I've got CEO, Gina Bartasi back on.

After a couple of years, we talk about what Kindbody has been up to in all the markets they're in and where they're going, talking about the history of their acquisition with Vios, they've raised tens of millions of dollars in venture capital funding. There's a couple of things that I pushed back on Gina about talking about this concept of this Jeff Bezos, Amazon Sam Walton, Walmart type of end to end channel domination. They Kindbody is going after. There's a lot that I'm not qualified to examine. I'm not qualified to examine on a lot of their business model and certainly not the clinical side. And I know that a couple of you are going to think that I'm kissing rear end when I'm, when I talk about brand, when I go into that part of the I will fight you. I am not kissing any, but I am telling you the things that I've been telling you for years, and I'm seeing somebody do in practice and now people are starting to feel, oh, this isn't just about bringing new patients in the door. This is what it means. To have a brand that is not window dressing.

If you think that Kindbody’s brand is, oh, that's just good marketing. That's just pretty stuff. It isn't, it's the foundation of everything that they've been able to put together. And it is an extreme, competitive advantage in recruitment and retention of employees among other things. So if you'd like some help with that guest who does that for us?

The firm that sponsors this podcast, of course, Fertility Bridge. And we are helping a lot of different practices across the country to up their brand, regardless of whether they have a patient acquisition challenge or not many of you don't, but there are reasons why this branding and creative messaging really, really benefits groups.

And we talk about that today. So you can tell me if you feel that I was kissing her. If you feel that I was too tough, you let me know, enjoy this episode with Gina Bartasi.

Ms. Bartasi Gina, welcome back to Inside Reproductive Health. 

[00:03:40] Gina Bartasi: Thank you. Thanks Griffin. Nice to be with you. 

[00:03:43] Griffin Jones: What is it Kindbody been up to in the last two and a half years since we spoke, nothing right?

[00:03:48] Gina Bartasi: Nothing, not anything at all. 

[00:03:50] Griffin Jones: Not a damn thing. 

[00:03:52] Gina Bartasi: Sitting, twiddling our thumbs, trying to figure out what we're going to do next.

You know, I've always said the success of any businesses, only about its people. And so we have an extraordinary team. The team has parlayed their knowledge and experience into a tremendous amount of growth. Right? So today we have 26 locations not the least of which is the new virus clinics that will pull into the Kindbody network that acquisition closed February 1st.

And then those Vios locations will be rebranded Kindbody. But Angie Beltsos is one of a kind you know, I know that the audience is aware of all the PE money rolling up practices in the industry. We are not a roll up firm. We have preferred to build de novo, but Angie is unique. She is extraordinarily talented as a physician and she is even more talented as a clinical leader, just as a leader in general, she knows a tremendous amount about business, about productivity, about margin.

And so, yeah, we have 26 locations. We'll be adding another 10 this year for 36 locations by the end of the year. And then we're back in the employer business. So we see quite a bit of interest from the employer business. Certainly our consumer audience that we started with is still a big part of our revenue.

And then we see quite a bit of payments come from the managed care industry.

[00:05:15] Griffin Jones: She  knows the answer to this, but I don't, is Vios the first acquisition that kind of body is done in terms of presence?

[00:05:21] Gina Bartasi: I noticed the first acquisition, I've done quite a few acquisitions in my career, but it may be the first one at Kindbody.

I shouldn't, it should be an easy answer. We haven't bought any other clinics. I'm trying to think if we've bought anything else, I guess not. So Vios is the first, it will be the last multi-site multi-physician practice we acquire again, we prefer to build de novo. We wouldn't rule out some of.

[00:05:45] Griffin Jones: This podcast lives forever Gina, do really want to say that it will be the last. 

[00:05:49] Gina Bartasi: No Griffin, it'll be the last multi-physician multi-site acquisition we make, we may make some tuck-in acquisitions. Right. 

[00:05:58] Griffin Jones: But even that, why rule that out?

[00:06:00] Gina Bartasi: Because I know the multi-site physician groups and they are already owned by one of our peers that are not a lot of multi-physician groups, still standing that are independent, there's probably less than 10 in the entire country and the 10. 

[00:06:16] Griffin Jones: All multi-position and multi-site meaning multi-site meaning more than one lab. Is that what you mean?

[00:06:22] Gina Bartasi: That is exactly right. That is exactly right, because we wouldn't be interested and it's too easy. Thanks to our extraordinary real estate team for us to stand up a clinic with the lab. They've gotten very proficient at it in the last 12 months. So the reason we would make a multi physician, multi location acquisition is to get scale. There is not, again, there's probably less than 10 of those.

So yes, there are multi-physician, but maybe they only have one lab and then one satellite office, which would rule them out. So that's the reason it's an emphatic statement. I think, you know, we're getting a lot of requests now. From the employer market to think about international expansion and so potentially internationally, we wouldn't rule it out, but in the United States you know, and Angie knows everybody as well.

We are looking for physicians that are like-minded, you know, Angie, she's wildly unique. And so she's amazing, and we have so many other amazing physicians, but there's a culture at Kindbody and Angie believes in that culture, the culture was almost identical to what Vios culture wise. I mean, we prioritize patient care.

The patient always comes first. Our employees come first, you know? And so there was this, this real foundation and we are here to serve others. And so that's what makes, it's one of the things that makes Angie and Vios so unique. And it's also the reason. I think we're limited in terms of other potential acquisition targets is rare to.

So, seamlessly be able to put two companies together that agree on so many things. Usually when you're rolling up things or you're putting two things together, there's a lot of friction. The integration is hard. There's a lot of disagreement. There's a lot of debate about, oh, and you just don't have any of that.

You just don't have any of that. We are incredibly like-minded now we've known each other a decade and that probably helps as well. 

[00:08:19] Griffin Jones: Well, I want to ask about how you did that vetting because it sounds, it reminds me a little bit of like the Facebook, Instagram, sorry, where Zuckerberg said you, most of the time, we're not going to do.

Acquisitions most of the time we're going to be building out Facebook property now, meta properties. But at the time they saw something that was perfectly in line with what they were trying to do. They stole Instagram at the time for $2 billion and it totally fit. And so that's what you were describing with the Vios acquisition, but how did you vet it to that point?

[00:08:51] Gina Bartasi: Yeah, again I think knowing Angie and Greg for more than 10 years was extraordinarily beneficial. We had talked on and off for the last several years. Again I've thought Angie was just as unique as I think she is today. I thought that the first time I met her at 10 years ago, I met her at PCRs and she's so articulate.

She listens first, most leaders talk first and listen, second, Angie listens first and talk second. And that's a rare characteristic to be both a leader and an extraordinary listener. A lot of leaders are not as humble as Angie is. Angie is extraordinarily humble. And so I would watch her in meetings.

I would watch her interact. I was like, wow. She is a total bad-ass and I always wanted to work with her. I did work with her. I worked with her at Fertility Authority. I worked with her progeny and as time grew on, the affinity grew more like she, she continued to impress me. And she continued to raise the bar.

I knew her when she was at FCI, I watched her grow Vios she does everything with a tremendous amount of elegance to and class. And that's hard to do. It is really, really hard to scale a business and grow a company that fast and keep your cool and take the high road and work hard and not lose it while you're trying to juggle all these things.

And she just did it, you know, and I watched her. And so anyway. 

[00:10:18] Griffin Jones: She does do that by the way. No, I don't talk about things that happen in business meetings on the air, but Dennis, at a super high level, I think Dr. Beltsos is comfortable with me saying she does that. We'll be quiet and let everybody talk and then she's, and then it's like, all right.

And then she's honest, like she lets people say it and you get to see your processing and then boom she's she's got it. So you described her well, so that got you into the Midwest. So you, you found this really good culture fit for you all you acquiring Vios and then, and now you're in the Midwest.

What cities are on the, the docket that you can tell us about now?

[00:10:54] Gina Bartasi: Yeah. Well we want to be completely transparent, so we don't mind sharing with the audience, but we're opening Seattle. We're opening Dallas, Houston, orange county Miami, Charlotte we're opening in Washington DC next week. Two weeks.

May 4th. Whenever that is. Oh, maybe it's in more than two weeks. Maybe it's in three or four weeks. What am I missing? Should be like, we've opened two already. We opened Denver two weeks ago. We'll open Dallas in three weeks. Excuse me, Denver. What did I say? DC? Dallas. Houston. I'm missing some, but anyway, that's kind of the footprint.

Oh, we're opening Brooklyn, a third location in New York. I should have the map in front of me, but that gives you a general idea. 

[00:11:35] Griffin Jones: It gives me an idea of the near term is, I mean, in a few years time, are we talking about everywhere? Gina? Is that the play? Like, are we going to see Kindbody Cleveland? Are we gonna see Kindbody Buffalo?

Are we going to see? 

[00:11:46] Gina Bartasi: Columbus, we're actually coming to Columbus before we're coming to Cleveland. We are, we're taking and we're adding a location in the east bay. So both New York, San Francisco and LA we'll all have three locations, but I think that's right. Our plan calls for 50 locations within the next two years.

We want to be where our patient population lives and works. The majority of those locations will be retail in nature. We, you know, believe in the consumerism of healthcare and really building a global brand. We talk about a national brand, so our eyes are set on the US over the next 24 months.

But in three to five years, I think you would see con body locations internationally as well. 

[00:12:25] Griffin Jones: I want to talk about that global brand and what Kindbody is done to get to what you have now. I am jotting that down because I want to ask you a little bit more, but I don't know if the employer benefits side was part when we spoke a few years back on this show.

And so what has changed in, in employer benefits from, from when you started Fertility Authority and then, and then progeny that or whatever, what was that? Seven years ago or? 

[00:12:53] Gina Bartasi: Yeah, seven years ago. 


[00:12:55] Griffin Jones: So what has changed since then that you feel like, okay, we need to be a part of this? 

[00:13:01] Gina Bartasi: Yeah, I think the biggest thing that's changed is employers now recognize that having a fertility benefit has gone from a nice to have to a must have today there is a robust RFP process.

There wasn't any RFP process. There wasn't anybody to RFP the business too. It was kind of progeny. And then I think you had some legacy players whether that was when or arc, but they really weren't in the employer business like project. You had no competition the first four or five years, and then they've got their hands full.

Now in the last couple of years, there are several kinds of other Progeny me toos, whether you, whether you, you know, again, you see Carey C store club, you see Maven coming in and there they do care navigation. We sit independent from those folks because we're in the provision of care. So we can also do care navigation, which we would argue as table stakes, but really only three things matter in healthcare.

Any kind of healthcare, but specifically fertility patient experience, patient outcome, and cost. It's the only thing that matters to the patient,patient experience, patient outcome and cost. And by the way, it's the only thing that matters to the employer. And what I have found after building and running the largest care navigation firm as a care navigation or middleman or an insurance company, you cannot effectuate change in those three areas, an insurance company, or a care navigation firm cannot affect member experience.

They cannot affect outcomes and they cannot affect costs. Only the doctor's going to set his reimbursement rate. He's only going to decide how many embryos to transfer only. He can decide how to give that patient bad news, whether that's a diminished ovarian reserve diagnosis or a failed IVF cycle, but in order to really effectuate change, And really change kind of how patients go through the process.

You have to be in the doctor business. So today the employers are issuing RFPs. I think in the beginning large tech companies on both coasts are really in the valley, kind of started this fertility benefit. But today you see requests coming in from very, very large employers in retail and manufacturing and automotive.

Like it again, it's moved from kind of a nice to have to a must have benefit.

[00:15:13] Griffin Jones: For that reason though. Wouldn't those other companies say that Kindbody is not independent, that they're independent because they're not in the provision of care and that you're able to manipulate the market. If you end up becoming the Jeff Bezos or the Sam Walton. out there. 

[00:15:32] Gina Bartasi: Yeah, well, so we have partner clinics who are very like-minded. We have other clinics that are not like-minded and they don't join our network, but there's a bunch of clinics that prioritize patient care and are very genuine about patient care. And they see a lot of volume from us now, a lot of volume from us.

So I think that concern of okay, if Kindbody sells and directly to the employers, they're going to keep all the business. We have too many other partner clinics willing to attest that that's just not the case. I think in the beginning there was worried, but we've been at this, you know, a year and a half, almost two years now.

And we have clinics again, that would attest to Kindbody treats is fairly, they pay well, they pay on time. Like there's just too many people out there advocating exactly the opposite. Now our job is to continue to improve member experience every step of the way. And so you know, we prioritize patient experience and we do think we hear from patients the way patients experience and go through that Kindbody journey is very different than many of the other primarily legacy practices.

There are some new clinics, again, that I think are again very like-minded in our peer group that we have a lot of respect for it's mutual, but going through. Kindbody utilizing our proprietary technology is a very different process than a legacy clinic where you fill out a paper chart, the nurse calls, you get your voicemail, you get to call them back.

They get to call you back. They get like all of that waste and inefficiency and telephone tag. That's endemic in the legacy fertility programs, as well as the legacy care navigation from secure navigate. The challenge with the care navigation firms is, you know, once you refer that patient to another clinic, you lose sight of them.

You don't even know if the patient showed for their appointment, much less, whether they had an ultrasound scan and for the employer that they don't even know if they're being double billed, they may have major medical and you could build that for them. You could build the ultrasound scan through major medical.

You could also build the ultrasound scan through your fertility care navigation firm, but there's a lot of waste in healthcare and in the fertility industry that we seek to continue to get rid of and, and operate more efficiently. And I think the employers, and I know the patients see that today, the member experience is significantly different and I use member and patient as the same thing.

Patients are the consumer terminology member is what employers call their consumers or their employees are called members. 

[00:18:02] Griffin Jones: So how do you scale this out at a, at a time when REI is, are a bottleneck with 1100 of them in the entire country, we have far more people that need treatment than we have an infrastructure to be able to treat them.

And so how. Are you able to expand how many people are able to be treated? What's the role of OB GYN is, or physician extenders in your model? 

[00:18:30] Gina Bartasi: Yeah. You know, I think everybody acknowledges today. You have to have a physician extenders. You just do there's, more than demand than supply.

And the number one thing that hurts a patient is having to wait 3, 6, 9 months for treatment. I would tell you that again, Angie Beltsos says, your question is about scale and how we serve up enough REI is to handle all of the demand that is Angie Beltsos's wheelhouse. You look at the physician productivity of her doctors and it's extraordinary.

One of her lead physicians did more than 1000 cases last year. That's extraordinary. Now you have to have the mindset. You have to have the support around you. You have to have the APP's around you. You know, again, I've spent 12 years in the industry and most doctors, not most, a lot of doctors I've talked to are very comfortable doing 150 cases.

And they say that, listen, I do 12 to 10 to 12 cases a month. I sell an IVF cycle for $25,000. And that's my model. I'm like, okay, well here, our success rates and heres, yours, and I just don't think patients, we have one mission and that is to increase accessibility for all. Fertility treatment has been reserved for rich white people on the upper east side of Manhattan.

 And the Bay Area and Beverly Hills, and we think there is something tragically wrong with charging $25,000 for an IVF cycle and insisting on cash pay. We think the model has to change. You have to bring down the cost of care. You can have a premium experience without a premium price tag. Griffin.

The question is, how do you do that? Well, you utilize technology and you use technology to replace everything that's transactional and healthcare scheduling appointment. We are the only fertility clinic that I'm aware of that allows you to schedule an appointment, move an appointment, cancel an appointment.

You can pay your copay. Like everything. That's transactional should not be done by an REI. It should not be done by your front desk manager. It should not be done by your RN. It should not be done by any of those people. It should be done by technology. How do you pay for everything else? You do it online.

Like this industry is incredibly archaic that there's all this telephone tag in doing simple things like paying copays and scheduling an appointment, or even hearing your medication. Like you're walking down the street, you're driving and a nurse calls and says, turn up or down your FSH drug. And you're trying to write and drive and you're, you know, it's incredibly emotional, like all that's bad.

So we own our own patient portal in our EMR. So everything's incredibly transparent. You can pick it up. And by the way, if you forget what the doctor said, you can go right back to your patient portal and remember what the doctor said. So we believe that we can get to scale and extraordinary physician capacity, but we have to have like-minded physicians, the physician that says to us.

I only want to do 10 to 12 cases a month is not the right fit for Kindbody. And if Dr Beltsos says we're on this call, she would say the same thing. And that doesn't mean that we want the physicians working harder. It does simply mean we just want them more efficient instead of taking down the patient's credit card or calling the patient's insurance company to help them understand why same-sex male couple cannot conceive and, and meet the 12 month threshold that your legacy benefits provider has in place.

Like all of that needs to go away so that the REI is doing things only the REI is capable of doing. 

[00:22:05] Griffin Jones: So I've got to decide because I'm not Joe Rogan with a three and a half hour format that I've got to decide, which of these four or five sub topics that I want to go down that you talked about. Let's start with the, you know, talk about like, we agree that we're at a point where we have to use advanced providers.

The debate is to what extent. And I just had the CEO of Mate fertility on debating this topic with Dr. John Storment and I don't know if that episode will drop before or after yours, but th but it's very much a debate of to what extent. And so what is the limit of, in your view of where advanced providers can be used or where trained non REI, OB GYN?

[00:22:50] Gina Bartasi: So you should know that I do not make any clinical decisions. I have never made any clinical decisions. I don't make clinical decisions today. Dr. Angie Beltsos our CEO of clinical. We'll make all of those decisions today. We use REI to do all retrievals in all transfers exclusively. Okay. Now we people know Kindbody and the knock is, oh, you guys have OB GYN.

Well, 20% of our revenue is GYN. We do complex GYN, right? I mean, again, what, what, what we don't-we prioritize the patient. Okay. We just do, and we think when you have an ectopic, the worst thing we can do is send you back to a primary care. Or if you have a miscarriage, the worst thing we can do is send you back to some doctor that doesn't have your medical record to go back and do a surgery that can be done by our OB GYN onsite.

You build an affinity with this brand and this REI doctor, you hear patients talk about autonomy. My fertility doctor, now I have to go back to my primary care doctor to get a D&C, like something's wrong with that? That's archaic healthcare that has all these silos and bifurcation. And no one cares about the patient.

Do my medical records follow me from my primary care, from my OB GYN, to my REI, to my mental health specialists, to my nutrition coach. The answer is no, unless you're at con body at Kindbody. We built the entire company around the patient and we said, okay, we're going to blow everything up. We agree that the current model is broken.

It's not anybody's fault. It's just history, right? That's how it was created. The REI set over here and the primary care it's because of how insurance pays for historically didn't cover fertility, but yes, covered major medical and maternity. But today, again, if you prioritizing the patient, the patient doesn't want to be shuffled to all of these different providers.

They just want a baby. They want it as affordably and as nicely and as kindly and as easily and conveniently as possible. And it's not that hard, but it does mean like breaking some traditional rules that says, okay, your OB GYN and your REI cannot be under the same roof together. We think that's silly and not patient friendly.

[00:25:11] Griffin Jones: Well, you talked about as part of that, that you're not going to make these clinical decisions. That's why Dr. Beltsos says she CEO of clinical. And I have to say I'm incredulous when CEOs say this a bit, because to me, it's not like there's not a perfect divide in everything. There's things overlap a bit.

And an example that I was challenging Dr. Andrew Meikle, on this from the Fertility Partners and how he gave an example of client is kind of like one that you talked about that happy doing 150, 200 cycles, the sweetest, sweetest people that really love their patients are definitely not charging them a lot.

Definitely they are below market rates. This individual sees all of their own you know they eat this individual does the ultrasounds for all of the patients. And like to me, that's where, you know, when you're saying like, you know, we'd get rid of these transactional things that the REI does not need to be doing.

That's something that the REI does not need to be doing in my view business guy, Grif that owns no part of his business, but if I own part of someone's business, I think that I would be making that call. And that's an overlap where the standard of care matches with or overlaps with the transactional, isn't it?

 Is a light bulb starting to go off about what branding really is, what its power is that it's not just a marketing tactic done by your marketing director. It's not just done for patient acquisition.

It involves the binding of the culture of what you're able to do, of how patients perceive you and how they want to come along and how your peers and prospective employees and prospective providers. See you, and are you the one that is in line with the current generation? Can you at least communicate to them or are you seeing as something less relevant, something less?

To want to be a part of, if that's the case, did you know that we have a full creative team? We have a creative director, we have an account manager, we have an operational marketing strategy. We have a digital strategy, all full-time people. Plus our production, people that know the fertility, patient marketing journey of not just the creative messages.

But where it goes and have a system, a fertility brand scale that makes it easy for you to not see, okay. It's just us trying to say we should become more current or more hip, more new, but that can actually say, okay, this is where we are at a 1.75. And this is where we want to be at a three point six. We have that all, we have that all Fertility Bridge and to start with us, we're not going to do everything for you at once, but just to look at what you've got and at least tell you what to do.

That's less than $600. It's the goal diagnostic. It's 90 minutes with myself, us giving you this framework and going through what you have and applying that discussion of positioning and branding with you and your partners go to fertilitybridge.com. Sign up for the goal diagnostic and represent your group in a way that is fitting with the practice that you're really trying to build, because I think you might be starting to see that all this brand thing it goes beyond just getting people in the door.

It's who you are. And if you want some help, we're happy to help you with it fertilitybridge.com goal diagnostic. Meanwhile, enjoy this conversation about branding with Gina Bartasi.

[00:28:46] Gina Bartasi: Well, so again, this has to go, this goes back to why Vios and Kindbody were so meant to be like the way that we were practicing medicine. And we thought about ultra sonographers doing ultrasound scans was that's how we were practicing medicine with Vios and Angie, and decided to come together, like how we practice medicine and how we prioritize the patient, how we have phlebotomist draw blood sonographers, do ultrasound scans.

You know, like what nurses do we was just together. Now I will tell you, Angie has upped the game. She's refined the process and we follow her lead. There is no, like, again, an Angie will be the first to say that. And the business people take a back seat and Angie is a business person, but she is our clinical leader.

So she decides patient flow, a number of nurses to REI. She decides all of that. Now, again, the reason that these companies came together so easily, We believe so many things. We were already practicing medicine. It's not like you had to take the client that you just mentioned that was comfortable doing 150 cases a year.

And you had to put that culture with this culture. The cultures went together just like this easily and seamlessly because we already agreed that truthfully, the REI is a subspecialist. This is a well-educated they've been in medical school a very long time. I have a hard time asking any of our REI's ,can you do an ultrasound scan? They'll they will do it. They're happy to do it. They've done it before. It's just, you know sonographers doing 20 ultrasounds a day and REI might, you know, do two a week to help one out. So it goes back to, you know, again, patient how the what's in the best interest of the patient.

Do you want somebody doing this twice a week or 20 times a day? 

[00:30:43] Griffin Jones: Well, let's talk about the best interest of the patient with regard to what you were talking about. Like you said, you know, what Dr. Beltsos has been able to do with physician productivity is incredible. I was just talking with just recorded a different episode, different topic.

We're talking about embryologist and it was like, these embryologists are burnt out. Like they can't do any more because, but the demand is that, like, we were trying to get everything we possibly can out of these embryologists. And so there is a tension between what the market needs, the patients need that you're trying to address and what the capacity of the workforce is able to deliver.

You said in the very beginning, something that I don't like when CEOs say Gina and I, cause I try to make myself choose, which is employees come first patients come first, which is declines come first or new employees come first. Do the managers come first? Or the customers come first. And so what, what, like when you're trying to meet a demand and meet the market, and we know that the market demands five times more than what the field's putting out, you're trying to meet that.

How do employees possibly come from first? 

[00:31:53] Gina Bartasi: And employees always come first. They have to, because the employees will take care. If you take care of your employees first, they will take care of your customer. They will take care of your patients. And that's when we're talking to doctors, you know, doctors say, well, I used to do that.

You know, we want the doctors to know that we can train and teach nurses and front desk managers and practice managers to be just as kind and just as empathetic to that patient that the doctor can. So again, employees always come first as it relates to the lab. Listen, there's a shortage of labor everywhere.

It's the embryologist, there's a shortage. We know there's a shortage in our eyes. We have to do a better job of training. We've been fortunate, you know, we pay competitively our team members get equity. That's not true for 90% plus of the fertility clinics. And so I do think it was really, really difficult for us to hire the first 12 months, but in the last 12 months there's quite a bit of incoming interest in I've got career opportunities at Kindbody.

[00:33:00] Griffin Jones: So then how, but I used to agree with the employees always come first and I'm trying to like, like actually live that out now. But I used to believe that Mark Spolestra said that we have it wrong, that we put shareholders first, then customer second and employees last, and it should be employees, customers, shareholders, because if you take care of the employees, they'll take care of the customers and now it'll make the shareholders happy.

 And I always did believe that until like, but what about when you get to this point that we're at, which is a bit historic, like this labor shortage that we're seeing, not just in the IVF, like every place in the market, but it's like, all right, I can take care of employees till the cows come home.

Anybody's employees can go someplace else. Right now. You're trying to, you're trying to keep them up. And meanwhile, there's so much money in the marketplace that people are coming to you and there's so much demand. And you're trying to like, how do you do that now? 

[00:33:54] Gina Bartasi: Yeah. I think again, you have to utilize technology, so you have to go through the lab.

Certainly. That's what we're doing in practice management. So our product people, shadow doctors and nurses to see what they do on a daily basis. That's repeated. Okay. What do you do every single day? That's repetitive. That should be moved to our EMR patient portal or somebody else now what needs to happen that we're probably not doing as good.

A job of Griffin is having our product. People shadow the people in the lab and it has to do with the sterile nature of the lab it has to do with I'm not even sure what it has to do with you know, Dr. Beltsos could tell us, or even Dr. Morbeck Dean Morbeck as our chief scientific officer. But we have to get arduous task and any task that can be moved to technology, to technology, and then you free up human labor.

We've been able to do that on the practice side. We have not spent as much time refining that on the lab and embryology side. I'm optimistic that more economies of scale can come. If you just spend time in the lab and say, what are you doing? That's repetitive. That should be moved to technology.

I do know now we've rolled out some new technology platforms to help kind of ease the burden. And then there's this, like, there's a, there's a training and an input of data and an expert and an export of data that is more time consuming for our embryologist than we would like. But you get through this kind of crunch time of about three months, anytime you roll out new technology or implement a new SAS solution, but we are constantly thinking about.

How we can use technology, whether it's our own or whether it's a third-party vendor to free up humans in this case, embryologist. But right now, embryologists are doing a lot of repetitive things that we think that can be moved to technology. Now, right now they're still biopsying, trifecta, derms, like a lot of their stuff.

They're still you know, cryopreserving oh, sites, they're still doing a lot of things that require extraordinary hand-eye coordination. And those things are, are not close to being automated. But there's still a lot of other things on their plate that can be automated. 

[00:36:07] Griffin Jones: Well, let's shift gears a bit and talk about what I really want to talk about, which is this global brand, cause this is the type of stuff that I am interested.

I am interested in brand. I'm interested in creative messaging and I think it is a huge mistake for anybody who thinks is window dressing. That is not looking at it at all correctly. And I want to know if you think that. Maybe exaggerating with this, but I don't think that kind of body could have gone into all of these different angles to the depth that you have without the foundation of the brand that you had built.

Am I overstating it? 

[00:36:48] Gina Bartasi: No, but you're a marketer and a brand guy. You sound like me. Like again, we knew it's not fertility, it's not IVF. It was intentional Kindbody wants us as humans to be kind to our body. It also does not uniquely say IVF. It could be egg freezing. It could be same sex. Like there's a lot of things that go into this name and this brand.

And it doesn't say Seattle, it doesn't say Charlotte, it doesn't say any particular city can be a global brand. But we thought about that from the very beginning, because I felt like healthcare was missing a room. Global brand. It's not blue. It's not pink. It's, you know, yellow, we call it optimistic, yellow, yellow is intentionally gender neutral.

A lot of people, if you do all of these customer surveys, which marketing people do a lot of people, don't they just say, here's what I believe. And I'm like, whoa, did you do any research or did you do any customer surveys? But if you do customer surveys on your thoughts about yellow, lots of people associate yellow with happiness, right?

Hope like there's a lot that goes into this yellow and this name and it's intentional. All of our locations is intentional. Do we don't have any hard edges in any of our clinics? There are no 90 degree desk. Everything is round there's again, a lot of thought that goes around this round desk, softening the edges.

There are no medical degrees on the walls. Our REI are highly educated. We don't need degrees from Brown University or Stanford on the wall. You'd probably as an educated patient, know that I went to Stanford or to I didn't. But so we do, we believe there there's huge power in brand and now, you know, We've been fortunate.

There's a lot of affinity for the brand. And so now we try to, we're always working to extend the brand. And so now we are, you know, we spray paint chalk every time we open a location, it's cool to be kind. Right. ‘Cause we have to remember in this busy world, and this is before the war and now there's a war and there's, you know, there's just a lot of challenge.

And so we have to remind people because it's cool to be kind like lead with kindness because kindness is contagious. It's like our yellow happiness, like, you know, just be kind you know.

[00:39:01] Griffin Jones: Brand driven CEOs have such an advantage that you being a brand driven. Like when you look at like, I think Sara Blakely, Spanx, Walt Disney Richard Branson, like these are brand driven CEOs and to you are Kindbody is the furthest end of the spectrum.

I actually have that spectrum, but the other end of the spectrum is people who think nothing about brand whatsoever and say, oh, we have to, oh, that's like a logo, a yeah. Like colors. Yeah. Like have our marketing director just, just do something like that. And it is everything that you do, and it's enabled you to go to, to all of these different places.

 And so I want to talk a little bit about like, how that. Moving along with the generations, because, so we made a scale, we made a four point spectrum of the fertility brand and decide on a one. This is your advanced reproductive surgical associates of Smithfield like that, the ones. And then the twos is like Patel, Fertility or, you know I'm trying to make up a Smithfield IVF, very on center.

And then a three is like the nicest of your healthcare brands got a familiar messaging and, and kind of body is the, is one of the only, so we ranked every center in the entire us and Canada kind of body is one of maybe like the only force they one or like one to three fours. And so that, like, you're the first kind of consumer brand in this space.

Talk a little bit about. 

[00:40:42] Gina Bartasi: Well, that's intentional. Right? First of all, thank you, Griffin. Second of all, it's intentional. It didn't come after the fact it was we wanted to create a consumer brand, by the way. You know, we also think now, like, and I know Peloton has been beaten up in the public markets, but we think about Peloton instead of soul cycle.

Like, we've talked about how magical Dr. Angie Beltsos says like, how can, how can we get Dr. Angie Beltsos to be Ally Love or Robin Arzon Jess King? Like, how can you, how can you make Dr. Angie Beltsos global, right? And so we are constantly thinking about the brand and about how we protect the brand and how we continue to do right by the brand.

How even in the most difficult, challenging situations, we're kind to each other kind to competitors. We call them peers. Peers is a more friendly term than competitors. So it's in our language, it's in our culture like how we protect each other, how we protect this brand, how we cultivate the brand.

But again, it was very intentional from the beginning when you come to any of our clinics, or even if you go to the patient portal, most patient portals are ugly. Most EMR is, are ugly. Everything when we should, at some point give you a product demo. When you come in to our product through the technology, everything is very elegant.

Everything is yellow. It's on, not everything is yellow because we have neutrals and other colors, but it is aesthetically pleasing, right? And so you can see all these touch points along the way. We predict your likelihood of success. We predict how many eggs we think you're going to get. We predict fertilization rates.

We show your embryos growing. We are completely transparent. And again, when you go into the clinics it's not white, right? There are no white coats. There are no white walls. There's no white paper. 50% of our REI's are BIPOC. I am incredibly proud of that because guess what? Our patients are 43%.

But it goes back between 43 and 50%, but it's intentional. If you really create a mission that says, we want to increase accessibility for all, then you have to have a brand. You have to have visual elements. You have to have clinics that look and speak to accessibility for all. And that's not white walls or white coats or white paper. 

[00:43:08] Griffin Jones: It of corresponds with the generations too.

So on our scale, we laid it across the generation. Like, so you picture the generations is like a news ticker, and it's not that a one was, was like one equals baby boomer. It's just that like the overlay of a one is that it was designed or, or lack of design for the baby boom generation. And a two was that baby boomer bit X and three was mostly acts a little bit millennial. And so the fours, which you're one of very few as is the the first brand that's for millennials and gen Z 

[00:43:49] Gina Bartasi: Yeah. Yeah. Again, a large portion of our new patients come from Instagram, look at Dr. Beltsos or Ruby Jelani or any of our doctors. And, and we encourage them to do that.

Like we are kind, but we're also fun and competitive and we're like, okay, who can, you know, create our competitions? Like could be great. The funniest Tiktok video, like, I don't know, we're having fun, practicing medicine, helping our patients build the families of their dreams and that doesn't have to be white and sterile and old, right.

It can be fresh and it can be fun. And so, you know, when we think about brand, we have competitions of who can create the most fun tick-tock video. The majority of REI is that got your one, two, and maybe even some of your threes are like Tiktok, like, is that tic-tac-toe what is Tiktok? You know? And so, but we are constantly thinking we want to be better than we are today.

All of us do. That's the competition in us. Okay. We have an extraordinary brand today. Like how do we take it up a notch? And we're trying to think about what's happening new on, on Instagram. And do we call our locations like as a con body ATL, is, is it Kindbody Bay Area? Do you start then to segment these markets or is it just one brand?

But we think about brand every single day. We think about culture every single day. 

[00:45:14] Griffin Jones: Talk about how those two are, are together, because I'm trying, I'm just finishing an article called the difference between Brandon and called where they, where they converge and where they diverged. And so I think like so many, I'm finally starting to get people interested in branding and creative messaging for like how they set expectations with their patients and how they get their team to be cohesive around something, as opposed to, they don't care about patient acquisition right now, because everybody's slammed.

That's how I started in this marketing field was marketing patient acquisition, but it's like, no, this is how you get people and like it as a part of something. So I want you to talk about the culture, cause I'm thinking like Gina, before I look at somebody's LinkedIn profile to like, see what they're, I know that they went to work for cause it seemed in the yellow, in the background.

And so talk a bit about how you use the brand for culture. 

[00:46:12] Gina Bartasi: Yeah, I think a lot of it starts with humility, right? The brand is humble. It's not, anybody's last name. It's not, you know and our culture really starts with this humility. Right? So those two things are ingrained. I think that's not just humility too.

It's a vulnerability to it. You know, it's also our brand and our culture. We do embrace risk. You know, we tell our doctors so I can brace risks, do something crazy on TikTok. And you tell a doctor or a scientist embrace risks. They're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm a doctor. I don't embrace risk, except that if you teach them, we're not talking about embracing risks.

When it comes to a prognosis of an onco patient, we're talking about taking risks as it relates to the brand, as it relates to culture, allow yourself to have fun. Allow yourself to smile, giving devastating news, another failed pregnancy test is hard. It's hard. And we're so glad you're empathetic to your patient.

But outside of that, how can we make you smile? How can you be cheery and yellow and optimistic? And so we believe that there's a lot of similarities that brand and culture do go together. And I don't think our brand would be as successful if our culture wasn't so strong. And I don't think our culture would be so strong if our brand wasn't so strong.

And I think the other thing that I would say about culture and brand is team, right? I think too often, you know, healthcare, people and doctors in particular may think solo first, like I'm a doctor and at hierarchical and solo, and those are not things that belong in our brand or our culture.

We don't do anything singularly. Not any of us. And Dr. Beltsos would say the same thing and Beth Eschbach Greg Poulos, none of us do anything by ourselves. And that's intentional. We make group collaborative decisions and same thing with our brand. It's we invite feedback. We invite constructive feedback, constructive criticism, because we want to get better every day.

And again, that goes back to our brand and our culture. 

[00:48:15] Griffin Jones: And with recruitment too, I have to believe that that's giving you an edge because just look at, you, look at a one baby boomers. Who's answering your phones. Who's not even the answer who are the docs now who's buying in. And so I have to believe that, you know, it's like in these places that are like, oh, you know, we're busy as can be with.

New patients, but what is it like with people that like, do they want to come work for you? Like are they excited about, are they behind a mission together that they will go and express to their friends of like, this is who IVF and worked for and you better know about them. 

[00:48:53] Gina Bartasi: They are. And they do.

That's recent though. It's just in the last 12 to 18 months. You know, Dr. Lynn Westphal was our first REI and our chief medical officer. And it was hard even with Lynn's reputation and, and she has an extraordinary reputation and is a member of SARC, a legacy member of A\SRM and starting a phenomenal reputation.

But remember doctors I said are notoriously risk-averse. You encourage them to take risks and not like, whoa. And so in the beginning they Kindbody was, you know, another startup and, you know we started in a mobile clinic that was oriented towards the brand and service. We're going to bring care, whoa, Griffin, we're going to bring care to the.

You don't have to come to me. I'm going to come to you and the doctors like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You have a mobile clinic. You're going to the patient. We don't do that. Patients come see me. They wait months to see me. And I'm like, why are you bragging about patients waiting to see you? Like something's unconscionable, but a doctor would brag that you're you have these long wait lists.

Don't stop bragging, stop bragging. It's not good for the patients so. 

[00:50:01] Griffin Jones: That's thinking like an individual contributor as opposed to an entrepreneur though, because the entrepreneur wants to scale the individual contributor wants. Yeah. It's like, oh, sweet. I'm the best. 

[00:50:12] Gina Bartasi: Yeah, well, and again, I think now we have, if you count all of our providers, the APPS, the REI's the OB GYN, there's 65 or 70 of them.

Now, maybe it's 75 or 80, I'm losing, but there's enough now in the industry that they do call, you know, they do call and say, Hey, it'sKindbody hiring. We have in our slack channel, we have a new hire and there's a big referral network through the doctors in the embryologist. So it's gotten significantly easier in the last 12 to 18 months.

And then again, you look at these extraordinary leaders on the clinical side and again, both our scientific lab site, as well as our practicing. 

[00:50:53] Griffin Jones: I know the criticism that I'm going to get after this episode, which is I've been blowing sunshine for Kindbody for the last 15 minutes. And so no, I'm not because one, I can't evaluate you on a clinical level.

I'm not qualified to do that ever. And and even I'm not qualified to evaluate you all on many of the areas of, of your business model. I don't know. I don't know if they're a good or bad what my wheelhouse is brand and creative messaging. And for those of everybody listening knows that that's what I care about most.

And I'm not making this up, you could look at our scale. If you want, you can look at our spectrum. It's empirical kind of body is a four on that. And I think it is a huge advantage that the other networks don't have. Again, oh, you're blowing sunshine. No, I'm not. This is an advantage.

The other networks have a disadvantage of your there IGA. If anybody remembers the IGA soup or like a True Value, they bought hardware stores. Where kind buddy has the Starbucks advantage. I think it's such a disadvantage for these networks that are, that are going for scale to not have any of the advantages of scale that come from brand, which is not window dressing for all of the reasons that we just talked about the instead of it's we're Joe's coffee in Seattle brought to you by we're we're coffee roasters of Denver brought to you by so-and-so over here versus Starbucks where Starbucks, where Starbucks and that there's something about that, that, that pretty lady in green that you invites the customer to be able to recognize something that unites them, to be able to express it themselves, as opposed to just someplace else and the employees that want to and do work for there.

It's like, this is what we're about. And so when did that, when did you know that that was going to be a thing? Like when did you think about doing it the other way at first? Like, oh, well maybe we'll be a network. 

[00:52:50] Gina Bartasi: No, we were always going to establish a brand. We were always going to have these warm colors.

We had three focus groups, three dinners and three focus groups. So six meetings and we would pull the audience. Do you like yellow? Do you like purple? Do you like warm? Do you like hard edges? Do you like blue? Like. And this brand is where it is because we gave the brand to consumers, to future patients, to existing patients and future patients.

And this was before COVID, you know, we had in-person meetings, we sent out surveys. We still survey patients. We want to know, because I think if you, you establish a brand three and a half years ago, you ought to check in on it every four to six months to say, Hey, am I on the right track?

We do. We measure NPS. We are maniacal. We have a 90 NPS, which is unheard of in the healthcare field. It's definitely unheard of in the fertility field, but we measure every single we want to know from patients how we're doing. We want to know that patients have this affinity for the brand. Doctors and nurses and our front desk team to fill an affinity and a protector of this brand.

So, you know, thank you for the accolades and the kudos. If you were able to measure our clinical success rates, like we have a responsibility to report to the CDC and SART you will see that they are above the national average. Now they're above the national average because we're big proponents of GPTA, but they are in line with our peer group.

And I think that was, you know, everybody said, okay, you can build a brand, but maybe your clinical quality would have to sacrifice, oh, well, you know, how are you able to offer an IVF cycle at 25 to 30% less than everybody else? Like you use technology, you know, Dr. Nicole Noyes just joined Kindbody and New York and you and patients are now going to be able to see Dr. Noyes at 30% less than they were paying at Northwell at NYU. Okay. I am ecstatic about that. I am so happy for a patient because many patients that 30% additional charge would have been out of reach, much less patients that have to go through two or three or four cycles. So we continue to be on a mission to provide more accessibility for all a premium experience, without a premium price tag.

[00:55:15] Griffin Jones: I want to say something about somebody that I've been reluctant to say that about two other companies too. And the reason I haven't said this is either in an article or on the show is because I think that people will either think that I'm insulting them or that I'm propagating them. And I'm really not doing either.

I'm really just saying mucho ojo pay attention, like really pay attention to what they're doing. That I don't feel get enough respect and what, so I've made, like I'm saying, I don't feel like they get enough respect. What I mean is pay attention. And that's you all it's Fertility IQ at CNY Fertility. And and so like where you are in this journey.

I don't remember if it was Nelson Mandela or Desmond Tutu, who that says, you know, first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, who then they fight you, then they join it. Where do you feel you are on that trajectory? 

[00:56:05] Gina Bartasi: It's hard to group everybody in the same bucket, because I think, you know, the end, I think some are still fighting.

Some have already joined and then some are still making fun of us. Despite our clinical success rates. Despite we have 84 clients, they're fortune 50 customers. They're big blue chip customers. You know, we have a sign in every single Kindbody location. And as we have lots of art, because we think art goes back to the quality of the brand, but there's a sign that says underestimate me.

That will be fun. And so, listen, we don't mind, like I I've had a lot of criticism throughout my career. You get tougher at it. You get accustomed to the criticism because you're doing something new. So underestimate me. That'll be fun. 

[00:56:59] Griffin Jones: What is on the horizon for you all? What is Kindbody need to accomplish in the next year or, and more interesting like what's going to happen next with the brand?

[00:57:13] Gina Bartasi: You know, again, we've talked a little bit about it, but I think you'll see the brand globally. And I think you're going to see the brand more and anything Griffin, where we let go of the patient, if you prioritize the patient, but then you send the patient out for genetic testing, or you send the patient out for carrier screening, or you send the patient out for donor egg or donor sperm or surrogacy.

When we let go of our patient, that makes us nervous because we are maniacal about patient care. And we're not sure that all of the other people that we're referring the business to are as patient-centered as we are. Yes. We trust them, are they're our partner today, but I do think you'll see us extend the brand to other ancillary businesses where we may be outsourcing.

Now we're going to pull those services in house. You know, I want us to be a leading brand amongst same-sex men, amongst single moms by choice. We've done a really great job. I was going to say same-sex women, but we have a lot of same-sex women, men that trust this brand, but I just want it. I, again, we're, we're so oriented towards this mission to increase accessibility for all.

[00:58:21] Griffin Jones: Why didn't venture come into this before? So when I have David Sable on this show, we talk about private equity. They're buying clinics, it's their model to buy a clinic. Venture capital is looking for something that will scale. So they're normally looking at like AI or software, you know, other, other kinds of tech because they want that scale.

And many of them don't feel like, oh yeah, clinic model is something that we can scale. What how were you able to pitch this to venture to say, oh yeah, this isn't a private equity play. This is actually something that we can scale. 

[00:58:54] Gina Bartasi: You know, it probably goes back to track record.

I think venture capital people are fearful of CapEx, heavy businesses, like standing up for wall clinics, you know, before we hired a single doctor or stood up a clinic, we own our own technology. We invest in it. We have 55 engineers and engineering and it and dev ops. So there is definitely a tech play.

It's one of the reasons our doctors can be more efficient. They can see more cases because we're not doing all the menial work. I know the VC community, you know, and, and so it was significantly easier this time to raise money than it was five years ago or 10 years ago. So, you know, venture investors, all institutional investors, like pattern recognition and they say, oh, you know, gene has been able to do this before genus, you know, this is Kindbody is my third company and women's health.

It's my fifth startup, which just means I'm crazy. But you know, crazy fun. Like , it does get easier. You're able to build teams easier. You're able to raise money easier. You know, Kindbody has challenges like every other business that's growing has challenges. But today, when we see a challenge versus 10 years ago, in many cases, I know the answer, or I know the person who knows the answer versus when you're just younger or you're a newer entrepreneur.

You spend a lot of time evaluating the answer to that question that was just posed today. Questions and problems come up, but I'm like, oh, I've seen this one before. Here's what we should do. You know, and same thing with Dr. Beltsos and Beth Eschbach or Greg or Lynn or any of our team, like you have an incredibly experienced team with a long depth of knowledge and scaling other organizations.

And that's one of the things that's allowed us to execute this quickly in the short amount of time. This well is a Testament to the experience to this team. If Dr. Beltsos and I tried to do this 12 years ago, when we first met at PCRs and she had all these Christian Louboutin on, like, I am in love with this woman, I don't think we would have been as successful 12 years.

It'd be interesting to ask her that, but 12 years ago, we just didn't have that same level of knowledge of experience. 

[01:00:59] Griffin Jones: That's why my client services firm is completely cash growth because this is my learning speed. Yeah, no like it's my learning speed. I will probably do faster things in the future, but I'm really trying to nail the fundamentals right now.

And cash growth has allowed me to do that. So for those that raise so much money and do it so quickly, it's a. 

[01:01:25] Gina Bartasi: Well, I don't know how old you are Griffin, but let's assume that Dr. Beltsos, so are at least a decade older than you. And that's the experience I'm talking about. So does that help. 

[01:01:36] Griffin Jones: Help there's hope for the rest of us?

I will let you conclude, you know, our audience is REI, is its fellows. It's practice owners. There are a lot of PE and venture people that pop into this podcast when they're doing their, all of their due diligence and studying of the field. So how do you want to conclude to that audit?

[01:01:58] Gina Bartasi: Yeah. We've been incredibly blessed and I just want to thank I think the criticism makes us stronger and makes us better. And then those that have been huge, enormous cheerleaders. Thank you. Thank you, Griffin. It's been great for you to come to the industry as well and really elevate marketing.

I was a marketing CEO, a brand CEO, and so it's good to have other cheerleaders that talk about marketing and brand in the field. So thank you. Thank you. We've been blessed and. 

[01:02:25] Griffin Jones: With the field was crying out for a D student to come in and build a client services firm slowly. 

[01:02:32] Gina Bartasi: Love it. Thank you, Griffin.

[01:02:34]Griffin Jones: Thanks for coming on. I appreciate it. Take care. Bye.

129: The Biggest Shifts in Fertility Patient Demographics with Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston

Technology is changing how we look at fertility and family planning. On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston (Director of Fertility Preservation at Center of Reproductive Medicine, soon to become Shady Grove Fertility Houston) joined Griffin Jones to talk about how the latest technology in fertility preservation affects decisions of families today. 

Listen to the full episode to hear: 

  • The current state of artificial intelligence for fertility doctors.

  • How technology in fertility preservation is changing couples' family planning decision process and what that means for you. 

  • Easy ways to increase referrals from physicians in your area.

  • Griffin’s rant about the metaverse and how it could change the landscape of how you treat patients. 

Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston:

Website: https://infertilitytexas.com/meet-the-team/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janet-bruno-gaston-1bb6a014b/ 

Inside Reproductive Health is sponsored by EngagedMD. For technology that educates your patients with true informed consent, visit engagedmd.com/IRH for 25% off your implementation fee.


[00:00:00] Griffin Jones: This is just crazy old Griff, throwing out a fastball for everybody.

I was talking with a friend at the Association Reproductive Managers meeting last week and. She has a child in early teens and I said do you think so so's. generation will, do you think more than 50% of them will have children? She said no. And I said, I totally agree again, speculation.

[00:01:02] Griffin Jones: The future of fertility preservation, artificial intelligence, practice areas, the metaverse. These are some of the things that I talk about with Dr. Bruno-Gaston in my episode today. But before we get to that, a little shout out for Dr. Susan Davies from Chicago, sometimes I get really lovely messages from you all, and they don't always have to be out business. So sometimes. You can send me a personal note because you thought of me from hearing the podcast. And I love that. So shout out to Dr. Susan Davies for making my day one time and all the people at her practice, including but not limit to Aanal and Shannon and hope everyone there as well.

Okay. In today's episode with Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston from the center of reproductive medicine, or by the time you are hearing this Shady Grove Houston. She is someone that has dedicated a practice area to fertility preservation. She did her medical school at Morehouse. She did residency at USC, did her fellowship while getting master clinical investigation at Baylor.

And she's presented at many conferences and written on number of topics, including non-invasive markers of gammetes and embryo viability, PCOS, a number of different things. But what we're talking about today is her practice area in fertility preservation. What the future of it is the technologies that will disrupt or increase it.

And what it's like for younger doctors to go on that kind of career track. So I hope you enjoy today's Inside Reproductive Health with Dr. Janet Bruno Gaston.

Dr. Bruno Gaston Janet, welcome to Inside Reproductive Health.

[00:02:44] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Thank you so much. I'm super excited to be here this afternoon.

[00:02:48] Griffin Jones: I'm excited to have you and to talk about fertility preservation. I'm interested in a few different areas. One, because I think it's gonna be the it is one of the fastest growing segments of our field.

I still think that that is going to increase. Maybe some people thought it was gonna grow a lot faster than it did. Maybe some people think it's done growing I still think it is going to be one of the, the fastest growing areas, but I wanna start with just, how did you decide it? This was a particular area of interest for your practice, because there are a lot of young docs listening or there's people at docs at groups that maybe they were a two doctor group now, but now they're at a 7, 10, 12 doctor group and there's areas for different people to carve out their little niche. And so how did you decide that this was something that you wanted to pursue?

[00:03:41] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Yeah, I think for me I'm a little biased by my training experience. I trained at Baylor college of medicine and got an opportunity to work with Dr. Woodard at MD Anderson. So we have a strong exposure, to fertility during our training. And for me it was a niche that didn't allow me to abandon kind of the basic reproductive physiology and the breadth of reproductive pathology that you would see practicing general REI, but added the complexity of cancer diagnosis and working around that.

So it was challenging. It was a very interesting patient population. They're extremely vulnerable and it's a very humbling position to be able to step in, in the midst of everything they're going through and talk about building a family and what future family planning looks like for them. So I really enjoyed that exposure.

During fellowship and went into private practice. And in my group ,there was no one really championing that cause. So it became a very smooth transition for me to help recruit patients, improve access to care and really Kate for more educational awareness about options for fertility preservation, because as you alluded to this field is continuing to grow.

The options are becoming unlimited and it is not only for medically in patients, but as obviously elective as well.

[00:05:14] Griffin Jones: So your interest was peaked by the medically indicated by oncofertility. And then at around this time was, was social egg freezing as they were calling it or elective fertility preservation.

Was that starting to blow up in the public sphere or was it already kind of being talked about on social media? How did your interest from the medically called foresight meet with that.

[00:05:39] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: So I think I was just at the cus where we were starting to see fertility preservation and specifically oocyte cryo preservation being talked about in public platform.

So you'd see it on a good morning America, or a talk show in the afternoon. It was something that people started talking about. And I think with the shift in society of how people are building their career and thinking about family planning. It was just very intuitive that this, this was something that needed to follow that shift.

And while as an infertility specialist, I am not promoting an intentional delay in family planning, but what I am strong and passionate about is providing patients options. And each patient has a different family planning goal. They have a different outlook on where their life is going.

And so providing them options is really important for them to help navigate that process.

[00:06:40] Griffin Jones: So you're physically in Houston to Houston area, right? I am. And I remember in 2015, 2014, 2016, when egg freezing really started to. I wouldn't even say it really took off, but really started to get buzz in New York, LA San Fran was like, okay, it's here now in just a handful of years, it's gonna be in Atlanta, Dallas, Houston.

And then after that probably your Cleveland's Buffalo, Detroit, I could say that I'm from one of those areas. And so did that happen in that way? Did you see a big increase and then start to flatten off. Did you see a continuing maybe not a hockey stick, but an upward into the right curve?

What has growth been like or not been like since you've, you've been practicing in this area?

[00:07:28] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Yeah, I think that's interesting. I can't say if it's been growth from a geographical standpoint, but certainly what I am seeing is different iterations of fertility preservation. Right now I'll say there is a huge push or advocacy mission to extend fertility preservation to the trans community.

And even having discussions about that and what that looks like as people are performing gender reassignment, surgeries hormonal therapy. And I think as a REI we have to now embed ourself in that conversation because a lot of that is happening with Pediatricians or primary care physicians, depending on where they are in life when they decide to make that transition.

But I think an important part of that conversation and something that was missing from that dialogue is whether or not they want. Children or how they want to build a family. Because for a long time, I think the assumption was a part of making that transition was letting that goal go. And certainly fertility preservation does not require that.

And it provides very unique options for that particular patient population to consider family planning.

[00:08:40] Griffin Jones: So that's one demographic that is increasing in utilization of fertility preservation. I wonder if you're seeing it this way, where we think of fertility preservation is for those that want to extend their family building window and they it's like an extension of their plans.

And I wonder if as the generation's grown a more useful way of thinking about it is maybe not even an extension of plans, but an option for people to change their mind. Right. Like, I really wonder if the, if the birth rate just continues to decline and doesn't stop. So I think part of what we're seeing in REI right now, part of the reason why everyone is so busy is because the median age of childbirth has gone up.

Right. And so I wonder if, that's just, okay, it's gone up until it's gotten to the point where the trend just continues, that people don't want to have children, but fertility preservation is an opportunity to say well, but if you change your mind, do you think people are starting to think, do you think about it that way or do you think it's very much the extension of a plan?

[00:09:57] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: I see both and I'm smiling because as you were describing that maybe I might change my mind. I mean, I've been across the room, had a patient say that to me. Hey, I don't even know if I want kids. This is something my job is covering and I hadn't thought about it before. And maybe I will in the future.

So that's why I'm here today. So certainly patients are starting to look at and think about their reproductive years and say, Hey, what do I want to accomplish here? And if family planning is not a part of that immediate goal. Certainly fertility preservation can be an option to say, Hey, I may be interested in this later on.

So yes, I do agree that there is a subset of patients that strictly want to not close the door on that option of building a family in the future.

[00:10:55] Griffin Jones: I wonder if it just like becomes what we do as a field. Like I really believe this is total speculation. I have no data to support. This is just crazy old Griff, throwing out a fastball for everybody.

I was talking with a friend at the association reproductive managers meeting last week and. She has a child in early teens and I said do you think so generation will, do you think more than 50% of them will have children? She said no. And I said, I totally agree again, speculation.

And I was like, well, what percentage do you think? And we're like, ah, I don't know, 25% again. No, no to data whatsoever, but it's seems to me that this is the direction that we're going in. And so we're what we offer part of. Of what you all offer as the clinicians in this field is the opportunity for someone to not lock that in.

[00:11:50] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Mm-hmm mm-hmm

Yeah. I mean, I completely agree. And while we don't have data to look at that long term regrets, things like that, those studies are just kind of gathering information because as you said REI in general is in its infancy still when you compare it to other disciplines of medicine and certainly fertility preservation is so we're still gathering data on what that looks like in terms of utilization regret in terms of what, or they did not, or did not did, or did not use fertility preservation.

I don't know if I think there will be a huge paradigm shift in terms of the decision to build families certainly finances and, and just the structure of our society have changed the way people look at the amount of children they want in their household. And when they decide to start their family but I do agree that having fertility preservation does change the sense of urgency particularly for women obviously in that they can and consider other things in life and when they start considering other things in life differently, I, I think.

There will be a shift in value system. I don't know how long that will take and if we're just seeing that evolve. But yeah, those are my thoughts.

[00:13:12] Griffin Jones: Well, I just think for all the people listening that have like preteens and teenagers, it's like, I doubt the ability. I doubt the ability of that cohort to be able to raise children.

It'd be nice to be wrong, but I really, but I they're gonna have the metaverse. I say that somewhat in tongue and cheek, but, but honestly, Janet, you say that kind of joking, I'm dead serious about the metaverse and we look at in this, I think the metaverse is at now. I'm really gonna go off on it too.

She's gonna be like, why did I go on this guy's podcast? I came to talk about fertility preservation and I got him down a rabbit hole of the metaverse. I think it's as possible of a paradigm shifter as genetic testing and CRISPR for childbirth that it could. So if the value prop behind CRISPR and genetic testing is.

Look at all of these awful diseases and traits that could be avoided. Well, doesn't the metaverse have that to offer at least once it gets to a point where it feels as viscerally real as the world that you and I are in today. And at that point it's like, well well in the metaverse I don't have to be short.

I don't have to be chubby or scrawny. I can be ripped. I could be six, five. I can change my eye, color, hair, color, skin color, whenever I want.

[00:14:30] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Yeah.

[00:14:30] Griffin Jones: And I don't even need to maintain this physical form. I can go to another one. I could have children in the metaverse and so.

[00:14:38] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: It's scary.

[00:14:39] Griffin Jones: I don't have a question there. I don't, I just. You can respond to my.

[00:14:43] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: You can go, you know, AI is infiltrating every, every aspect of our society. We're not gonna be able to evade that. It's interesting to see it in medicine and that's changing our field as well.

But I mean, you're right. I don't even think we can fathom right now, what that's gonna look like. For, for the younger generation growing up, it's just gonna be so foreign. But I imagine as the technology improves, like you said, and they can address all senses so that you truly feel like are existing in this virtual world then yeah.

[00:15:22] Griffin Jones: Well, let's get back on solid ground and you gave me a good segue. You set me up well, which is that artificial intelligence is changing every aspect of everything much, certainly our field. How about fertility preservation in particular? How has AI changed it in the last three or four years or are most of the changes still to come?

And if they are mostly still to come, what do you see on the horizon?

[00:15:47] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: I think most of the changes are still to come. I don't know if it's specific to fertility preservation, but I will say that there's a, a lot utility. And research going into the use of AI in the lab. And that's because a lot of what we do, a lot of what the embryologists do to their credit is monitoring and picking up and looking for non-invasive markers of embryo viability.

And I think AI just as it has done in radiology and pathology has been shown to be more active, obviously we need to program it. So the system only works based on what you put in, but I think over time a lot of what happens in the lab will be taken care of by AI. And it may lead to better surveillance of embryos.

It may lead to new markers of embryo viability, new ways for us to assess viability to your point about a specific example in fertility preservation, one of the things that's difficult in counseling patients is. What is a good number and yes, we have studies looking at the outcomes from women who do oocyte cryo preservation, but at the time of a cryo, we really know very little about the health of the egg outside of morphology and maturity level.

Well, there are a lot of studies looking at metabolic competence. Right. So what is happening from a developmental standpoint to suggest that this egg is healthier than the other, and they're using microscopy and fluorescence imaging, and all of that can be streamlined with AI to kind of help better counsel patients on what this means at the time of cryo preservation and preparation for future family planning.

So I do see a lot of work there.

[00:17:37] Griffin Jones: Is it mostly to come because the technology's not there yet, or the business model isn't there yet? Or is it because clinics and labs are slammed and they might not be as adopting the newest possible technology as quickly as possible because they're so busy.

Which of those is it?

[00:18:00] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: I think a little bit of both. I do think the technology is there it's being used in other fields. I think we have been slow to adapt a little behind in that sense and, and part of it and to their credit embryo ologists, they are very particular, there's a very type a personality and there's ownership in, in what they do.

And obviously as a clinician in debt, because I can only do so much what happens in the lab impacts my patient's outcomes profoundly. And so I think that would be a bit of a culture shift for them taking away what they have been doing primarily for, since the inception of this field.

So I think that may be a little bit. Uncomfortable for them and perhaps for us too. So I think the technology is there. There's not enough data to support it yet. But it's coming.

[00:18:52] Griffin Jones: It's coming well, embryologists are so busy right now that even if they're, even if they became the case manager of more cases, but their own, or at least that part of their workload is reduced.

I don't see them going out of work in the next 10 or 20 years. I think we're we're, I believe David Sable when he says we're only doing. 200 to 250,000 cycles of the 2 million that we should be doing in the United States. And for years it really seemed like the clinic was the bottleneck.

And it was like, okay, well, we can't a lot of, at least maybe since 20 17, 20 18, a lot of clinics were busy, but they could still do more cycles in the lab, if they could convert more patients to treatment. Now it's probably three quarters of labs are slammed too. And so I don't see that going out of, out of work and I wonder what what I wanna talk more about the oh, LA and artificial intelligence are adopting it from your vantage point, because probably a couple times a month, Janet, I get.

Hit up from startups in the IVF space that are in AI mm-hmm and some of them have way too much homework to do. It's like, go prove your concept first and then gimme a, but some of them it's like, this is legit. And they're having as hard of a time as anyone getting their product to market.

And seems to me like this could solve a big problem. So can you talk a little bit more about I don't know if you can think of any examples or Or just maybe why we haven't included AI in fertility preservation as much as perhaps it should be.

[00:20:28] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: I think there's still a, a bit of fear of not about how this will replace me. But just some fear about trusting that what we do and the stakes that we take with patients as much as possible, we strive for perfection. And so committing a patient to a, that you're not comfortable to. It's a very difficult transition for both clinicians, theologists and researchers, and we should be critical and we should be hesitant to adopt things. Because our field, all of the iterations of that with developmental and how that impacts offering in generations, like we have to be steadfast and holding to a certain standard because we are the gatekeepers that ultimately this technology could impact an entire generation. So I think a bit of it is fear. A bit of is anxiety with change and not feeling comfortable yet. And I think the data is still lack.

I think, I think there's still room for us to have more robust. Data to support that science, but the technology is certainly there. The technology is certainly there and it's being used in other fields. And I think it will just take time before we feel. Comfortable with that. I mean, even onsite cryo preservation was experimental until 20 12, 20 13.

We've had the technology of, of how to do that and it's evolved and improved, but it still took some time. It still took some time for us to be comfortable with that.

[00:22:02] Griffin Jones: So you were, you were talking about Using AI for embryos a little bit earlier. Is there bigger opportunity for oocytes? And I know someone who's doing that, I don't know that I can, or that I will, I won't say their name right now, but if people are interested, they can email me privately.

But one what , the value they purport to bring proposed to bring is that there isn't a way of being able to grade oocytes other than just theologist, examining EEG, but that there's an opportunity for artificial intelligence simply by compounding all of the possible learning that it can do.

Is that an area that you've seen or, or is most of the AI that you've seen been geared toward the embryo?

[00:22:46] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Most has been geared towards the embryo. But I brought up just the fluorescence imaging because I did a lot of research with PCOS and looking at mitochondria and mitochondrial health and how that translates into embryo health.

And one of the things we came across in partnering with the core microscopy at Baylor is just that they have a lot of fluorescent imaging techniques to look at without getting too scientific, but redox potentials and just markers of metabolic competence. And that could be potentially something that is another marker of oocyte viability and does, and can be used at the time of cryo preservation to more objectively counsel patients about what they have at the time of freezing. And that's something that can be trained through AI, once you start to figure out algorithms and track outcomes so.

[00:23:46] Griffin Jones: When do you feel like we became ready for prime time or do some people still have a way to go?

Does it depend on the lab? Does it depend on the clinic becoming ready for prime time for fertility preservation in the field? Because I'm not a clinician sometimes that makes me ask dumb questions, but sometimes, it gives me a perspective of looking at this from someone who is not educated about it, which is the majority of patients, their first.

Go around and one concern had been that, well, we, we know how well these eggs freeze, but we don't know how well they thaw and so when do you feel like we became ready for prime time for fertility preservation to market it, to offer it to the majority of patients who could benefit it from it?

Or does it still depend on the lab? Are there still people who aren't ready for prime time?

[00:24:37] I just got back from the Association of Reproductive Managers Meeting in Atlanta. And you know what everyone was talking about? Every embryologist, every nurse, every manager, every practice owner that was there was talking about burnout. That's what everybody's talking about everywhere, by the way. And every aspect of the workforce. Everyone's talking about burnout and we can keep trying to replace people who also seem to be burnt out. The people that we're bringing in are burnt out from something else. So that's one solution. We can also do things to make the log lighter because when you take 10 people, on a log and you take four of them off those six people are burnt out.

So if you can't put four more people back on the log, or you can't put six more people back on the log, you have to make that load lighter. And one way of doing that is using Engaged MD. And I'm at a point now where I feel like it could be a real disservice to your staff, to not be using Engaged MD at the point where so many of your staffs are overworked.

So many of your labs are slammed, but also your managers, your nurses, your billing team. That anything that we can do to take things off of any of their plates, especially we're not just taking something off their plate in the moment, but we're also using that to make their interactions and lives with patients easier and better beyond those tasks, we should be using it. And that's what Engaged MD does.

Your nurses and your care staff should not be doing things like telling the same thing to the same patients over and over again, when the patient has too much information to absorb, but time anyway, when they could be talking to really educated patients, meaning that you've educated them by using Engaged MD's platform ahead of time having a, a smaller window where they're repeating things and not having to do things like track down consents because Engaged MD does all of that for you.

Burnout is it's the worst that I've seen since I've been in the field. If you can replace all of your people and, and overstaff, 'em great. Most of us can't. And so when we have to use technological solutions. And for those of you that are listening, Engaged MD is already in more than half of practices out there.

And if you are not there, you're now on the wrong side of the bell and it could be at the expense of your staff. And so I hope that you'll use the opportunity to go to engagedmd.com/irh. They'll give you 25% off your implementation fee. If you use my name or you use Inside Reproductive Health mentioned that you heard it on the podcast, but don't do it for me.

Do it for your staff, engaged md.com/irh. Now back to my conversation with Dr. Janet Bruno.

So when do you feel like we became ready for prime time for fertility preservation to market it, to offer it to the majority of patients who could benefit it from it?

Or does it still depend on the lab? Are there still people who aren't ready for prime time?

[00:27:51] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: I don't think so. I think most people are very comfortable fertility preservation, I think once ASRM removed the experimental label. And we had all of the studies looking at long-term outcomes, most people were very comfortable.

Now I will say that there's certainly an increase in to see, because you have a lot more celebrities talking about fertility preservation. It has infiltrated social media. And so it has a bigger platform primarily through the work of the patients. They have been advertising this more for us than we have.

If I wanna be honest about that and through that need, I think is what has drawn our attention to say, Hey, this is something that they value. This is something that's important to them. And so, because it's important to them, it has to become important to me.

[00:28:39] Griffin Jones: I was gonna ask about the, the advertising part coming from the people are seeing celebrities talk about it and, and.

And following them on social media of their journeys. Is this an area that is still under referred from other provi even before let's even before we get to the elective side, even on just the ENCO side, is this still under referred from other providers?

[00:29:03] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: I'm so glad you said that I embarrassingly so, embarrassingly so, it is difficult to create a network that geographically spans a large region outside of a metropolitan hub, like Houston or big cities that you mentioned. So that really creates a disparity for patients on what they're able to be offered. If they're offered in what they're able to receive it in a timely manner.

And to me, that's just uncomfortable. Because this is a standard part of REI that, , any group should be able to perform for patients. And the fact that there are these disparities that exist one city outside of here is, is just very disheartening. But to your point, this is not even entering into the elective space.

This is speaking in just medically indicated. I can't tell you how many patients I see after chemotherapy and they say to me, well, No one told me, they said that I should kind of check it out after, or they mentioned it briefly, but in the midst of everything that was happening, that was difficult.

So I really tried to prevent myself as a resource. I reserve spots so that if patients need to be seen immediately, they can come in. I've assembled a team that we kind of get things started in a very streamlined way. I partner with local pharmacies to be able to get medications delivered within 48 to 72 hours, if we need to do random starts.

So those are things that I put in place, so that if I can make this process easier for them, both their provider and the patient, then they will be more receptive to referring to me and allowing their patients to go through a treatment before they come back.

[00:30:56] Griffin Jones: It seems to me again, this is coming from a non-clinician, but it seems to me almost negligent to not refer to an REI as if, especially if someone was about to go through chemo. And I probably wouldn't have believed that happened at any kind of scale, but I was in my home city. I was talking to an oncologist at a social event, had nothing to do with work, told her about what I do for a living.

She had no idea of the REI's in our town. She had never referred out and she said, oh, maybe, yeah, I should start doing that. It's like, yeah, maybe you should.

Why don't you go ahead and do that. So is it because, I mean, do they think that they just have, so, I mean, they do, they cancer of course is life and death in many instances.

And so maybe I'm asking you to speculate, but I'm asking you to speculate why do you think that It's not as broadly toted of a message.

[00:31:55] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Yeah. I mean in their defense, there is a lot going on. There is a lot going on even emotionally for the patient and the provider. And so in the midst of this long discussion that they have to talk about, they then have to remember also bring up fertility preservation.

And so I think in the long list of things that are a priority for them to get through with the patient, fertility preservation may be somewhere on the bottom or doesn't exist. I also think that there is an assumption as providers we have our own bias as much as we try to ,exclude them that one, this process is expensive.

It's timely. You may not be able to afford it. So what is the purpose of going through all these hoops just to say, well, I'm not gonna do it anyway. And so I've had patients come back and say, well, providers said, Hey it's expensive. It's out of pocket. You're probably not gonna wanna do it.

And when you present the option like that that really isn't counseling the patient in a very neutral way. And so I think a lot of what I try to do is even if it's just a quick fact sheet that I'm like, Hey, you can pick this up and take in your office so that they can save their visit to do their counseling.

And the patient can then read about this and contact the clinic as they need to is a compromise between us both. I'm just really too trying to make their job easy without taking up much time from the primary counseling that they wanna do.

[00:33:26] Griffin Jones: Is it the same with elective fertility, press for OB GYNs. Do you suppose that they're not doing, and maybe this is an assumption, but from what I'm gathering, they're not doing a whole lot of family building counseling. They're treating people who need to be treated. They're referring to REI's once they, once they encounter infertility or once they encounter something like endo or, or P C O S.

But just from a oh, you're 32 and this is what you want next in life. I don't know that's happening. What education needs to be bridged for the fertility preservation side for referring providers?

[00:34:04] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: So to your point with generalists, I actually do think they do quite a bit of family planning and family planning in our world is always expansion, growth, wanting kids, but family planning in their world also includes contraception.

So they do have very clear conversations with patients about what are their family planning go OS and what I will say for the elective for fertility preservation. I would say the patient leads that referral. So most times when I get patients coming in for elective, fertility preservation, it's truly something that they advocated for themselves.

They said, Hey, I heard about this. I wanna know this can I see someone? And that's how they come 'em to me. Or if they come on their own accord directly to REI. They come in, well read about, about the process and, and kind of have an idea of what it looks like. So it's interesting. There there's a little more initiative there because they have a very clear goal versus from the uncle fertility perspective, this may not have been something you were even ready to think about.

And now I have to pose this question to you. So the that's my thought there. And then in terms of just how do we improve referrals from, from, from providers across disciplines? I think like you said education making them aware that this is accessible, this can be done in a timely manner.

We're welcome to collaborate, to help coordinate care with patients so that we don't create treatment delays and that compromise their cancer diagnosis or their treatment outcomes. So a lot of what I do is just education and lending myself as a resource. And like I said, creating as simple as a.

A patient fact sheet with your card and your clinic's information is an easy way to walk into an oncology office. Maybe it's Heon or , surge on. And you just come in and you're like, Hey, I'm an REI in the area, I have a strong interest in fertility preservation. If you come across patient patients feel free to refer them.

This is a patient fact sheet. They can read this in the waiting room while they're waiting to see you. And if they have any follow up questions, they can contact me directly. That makes their job easy. I haven't taken up counseling time from what they need to, to get across to the patient so for them that works.

[00:36:32] Griffin Jones: So we talked about referral patterns. We talked about referral tactics. We talked about some Terminator, two stuff. We talked about your interest in fertility preservation as a practice area. I wanna go more into practice areas in general, because there are younger docs listening and thinking of, of what that will be.

So how do you delineate those duties among a group of so I think we can say now that you're, you're part of the center of Reproductive Medicine in Houston, which was a, a six, seven doc group.

[00:37:03] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: It was prior to me joining, there was four. I replaced one physician and one retired. So there's four of us now, but we're kind of like acquiring more.

So we're getting there.

[00:37:14] Griffin Jones: You got some more docs coming and I even know one of them. And then you also have a big announcement as joining one of our bigger groups, the Shady Grove group and so when one's doing that, and in your case, we're talking about fertility preservation, but for other people it's gonna be recurring pregnancy loss.

It might be, and might be endometriosis. It might. How does that work within a practice? Or how could it work? Because I imagine the way it works varies differently from practice to practice at some places, it's probably just a title at other places, it really is a practice area. And so what does it mean to actually have that practice area?

[00:37:51] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Yeah. So I definitely agree that can manifest differently depending on the business model and practice you join for me, I knew that I wanted fertility preservation to be a part of my practice. And so I made that very clear on my interview. So for the fellows and recent grads, if there are something that you want to continue to pursue, perhaps it was in line with your research, your thesis from fellowship.

Be clear about that on your interview, because oftentimes the practice is excited about that because that becomes an area that they can then advertise and market and tap into that they probably are doing a few fertility preservation cycles here and there, but if you're, you're passionate enough about it, and you're thinking about becoming a center for that I think that's actually a selling point on, on an interview for you.

And so I talked very candidly about my interests on my interview and set some for myself and I'm happy. To be able to be achieving those goals and creating partnerships that improve access and more importantly coverage for fertility preservation. And from a business side, those partnerships are important because that becomes another pipeline for you to get referrals for patients.

So that has been helpful for me. And that has been my approach in, in kind of carving a niche for myself and getting to know clinicians in the area that you work. I mean, medicine is always a small community, but it can be joining local societies going to meetings just so that they have a face with the name.

And that could be the way that you start getting referrals from an office persistently. So I say definitely network make sure that you partner that you're partnering in line with your career goals and, and be consistent with that.

[00:39:50] Griffin Jones: So I see the selling point for you, Dr. Bruno guest honored you, the physician, you, the fellow whoever's listening as a different differentiator and a way to build your practice pretty quickly.

What about though, making sure that you are not sold by the clinic, by the practice owner, by whoever fellows are scarce right now, Janet, there's 44 of 'em. They're always scarce, but maybe only maybe only 20% of people would've hired 10 years ago. I don't know. But now it's like anybody is trying to get a doc right now. And so oh yeah, you wanna have a fertility preservation pregnant? Of course. Sure. We'll name it the Janet Bruno guest on fertility preservation consult room. You have any deceased grandparents? We'll name the garden for them. So like, most people, I believe in our field, I do believe the vast majority of people in our field are ethical. Really good people. There's probably a couple that aren't, but it, but they're they're I do believe they're the exception. Most people are here with great hearts very often though even the people with great hearts. Sometimes they just want to, they just wanna get the deal done. Not cuz they're bad people, but they're just like, oh yeah, Jan

sure. Yeah. That's what you wanna do because they don't really have a clear picture of it. In their mind and they're willing to put whatever placeholder there without firmly checking it against the, what, the picture that the candidate has in their mind so.

[00:41:14] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Yes.

[00:41:15] Griffin Jones: So I'm cautioning people right now. This is advice that I may or may not be qualified to give, but for the people listening if they have a practice area in mind and what that entails that they should be getting that clear picture from the hiring group mm-hmm and, and making sure they're in accordance and, and probably making sure that it's in writing simply because again, not because most people are unethical, but because writing just helps to really firm up X expectations.

Yeah. And so what did that have to look like for you or, and what does it have to look like for someone that's really serious about a practice area?

[00:41:49] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: No I definitely agree with you. You wanna know that they're gonna be able to support that, that they respect that and they understand that that's something that is a part of your career goal.

For me, I kind of laid out a plan. I said, this is what I want to achieve by year one, I had a goal of working with some specific organizations. The mission is a nonprofit that provides grants to fund fertility preservation cycles. They do require a contract with the clinic. And so I told them very candidly, Hey, this is an organization that I would profit with partner with, how do you feel about that?

Have you done that in the past? They very receptive to that. And I kind of, because I worked one of my mentors, Dr. Woodard at MB Anderson, I had a sense logistically of how she had things set up. And so meeting with my nurse, I said, Hey, , what's my nurse's experience. ? Who would she be open to, I mean, I met everyone during the interview process you can take as many visits as you want.

That's something like, I didn't know either. I had a lot of people that said, Hey, I went back to the practice and like kind of just shadowed a day to work with them, to get a feel for the culture. So when your interview and considering practices. Yes, reviewing the contract and, and having a lawyer look over that is important, but there's also just a sense of culture that you want to assess.

And that's hard to get that from just reading black and white. And so a lot of times, I just came back up there and was like, Hey, I'm gonna kind of shadow today. I wanna see, the feel, the flow of clinic and those things. And I was asking the nurse would you be open to that?

What are your thoughts about that? Just getting a sense of how hard was this gonna be for me to build? Yeah.

[00:43:31] Griffin Jones: You could see how is she fighting? Yeah, because they'll say whatever, but the nurse, if the nurse is like, yeah, yeah. Then I'm doing that. You can get a little bit of an indicator.

That's a good idea. It's really good idea.

[00:43:41] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: We talk to them, the people, the support staff around you like everyone from the front desk to the ma, because you really get a sense of perspective from everyone's everyone's job. So that to me, made a difference. I'm someone that has a strong instinct. And that means more to me than a lot of things.

[00:44:01] Griffin Jones: I'll let you have the final thought, whether you want it to be on fertility preservation on building a practice area within a practice there aren't dystopian futures would, how would you like to. On the better coating remarks on the metaphor.


[00:44:17] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: No, I mean, thank you for having me on, I mean, this is a great afternoon for me to, to talk about fertility preservation.

It is something I am extremely passionate about, and as you can see it. The fact that we are not getting appropriate access to care, the healthcare disparities that exist across so many different communities. It is important for us as Reis to really champion that cause and make sure that we are constantly trying to advocate for those patients and provide betters opportunities for future family planning.

Because that is really important both for medically indicated patients. And for those who decide to choose fertility preservation, electively there are great organizations out there who are invested in, in helping practices, improve access. So for those of youngs musicians or anyone who decides, Hey, this may be an interest of, of, of mine.

Please check out the chicks mission, Baby Quest Foundation. These are great nonprofits that are strictly looking for clinics to partner with, and they are on the ground. They are lobbying for legislation to improve access and coverage to care. And they're just looking for REI clinics to partner with so that they can and have patients come through so.

[00:45:40] Griffin Jones: We'll link to those organizations in the show notes, Dr. Janet Bruno Gaston. Thank you so much for coming on Inside Reproductive Health.

[00:45:48] Dr. Janet Bruno-Gaston: Thank you.

Thank you.

The Fertility Website Rip Off: 6 Tips to Protect Doctors

By Shaina Vojtko and Griffin Jones

Let’s just hope fertility doctors aren’t paying attention

Most fertility practice owners redesigned or built a new website in the last decade, and they might be getting hosed.

The website development-marketing problem isn’t unique to fertility doctors. If you’re the executive of a fertility company or any business for that matter, these tips are equally relevant to you. There’s just an established category of marketing companies that takes advantage of physicians and some of them have concentrations of fertility doctors.

The problem: paying for website maintenance with a big marketing markup

Your new website project is finally complete and search engines are starting to reap the fruits of your labor.

Now, regular updates and maintenance are crucial to keeping your site running at full capacity. In most cases, the first touchpoint a prospective fertility patient has with their provider is their website.

Security is the primary reason that website maintenance is so important. When you don’t make website maintenance a priority, it’s easy for hackers to find vulnerabilities. With a few clicks, they can easily target an outdated site.

As a marketing tool, your website was designed to provide information and turn visitors into new fertility patient inquiries. An up-to-date site and content management system (CMS) demonstrates credibility and communicates that it is safe for visitors to submit their information to you.

And because security and maintenance are such a need, some marketing companies take advantage. They bundle in low return marketing services and mark up what should be a low cost expense.

We’re not talking about small firms with good hearts that struggle with keeping the mission (scope) from drifting, while not being so rigid that they fail to help the client when they could meaningfully do so. That’s a natural tension that all client services firms face.

No, we’re talking about large medical marketing agencies whose business model is undeserving doctors by scaling their overpriced packages, including arbitrary blog and social posts, or ambiguous ongoing Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Make investments, pay expenses, and know which is which.

Remember a $10,000 expense that generates nothing is more expensive than a $2 million investment that generates $5 million. Return is more important than cost, though the higher cost the bigger the problem if there’s no return.

The best way to keep your fertility company’s website updated and protected from hackers, while not overpaying for it, is to have a website maintenance package that is separate from hosting and from your marketing investment.

Here are six tips to help you:

1. Your marketing agency can hire a developer, but don’t hire a development agency to do your marketing

Digital marketing agencies and website development agencies were usually one in the same in the early days of the internet. Because each has become so specialized, it’s far more effective for them to partner than to try to do it all.

Fertility Bridge, for example, has done, and will do, plenty of website builds and redesigns…but we are not a dev firm.

For the convenience of our clients and for the continuity of branding and messaging, we have preferred developers on our contract team with whom we’ve partnered on many successful fertility websites. We can use them and include the cost of development in a one time project. Or we can use the client’s developer while we provide project management and design.

2. Quote maintenance separate from build

Ask for the cost of ongoing website maintenance, including security and routine updates to be quoted separately from the site build.

You may need continuous improvement in marketing and business development but keep those separate from the maintenance of a new site. Again using Fertility Bridge as an example, after we redesign or build a new website, the minimal maintenance agreement is between the developer and the client, completely untethered from the client’s engagement with us.

3. Budget for both website hosting and website maintenance

While both have associated costs, web hosting and web maintenance are two separate functions. Both are necessary for the health and existence of your website. The main purpose of web hosting is to get your website live on the internet so people can access it.

4. Keep the hosting cost the smallest

When budgeting annually for maintenance fees, don’t forget to budget for hosting costs, too. You can expect to pay anywhere from $25-75 per month for hosting with an annual contract from WP Engine.

In order to keep your website online, you’ll need a reliable web host. While there are plenty of options for hosting providers, make sure to pick one that is designed for speed. A fast loading website is key to a strong user experience and good Google rankings. We recommend WP Engine or DreamHost but strongly encourage you to take the advice of your developer as they are well versed in the specific needs of your website.

5. Use this checklist to select a good maintenance plan

A good maintenance plan covers security but should also take into consideration routine content updates and changes to website pages.

  • WordPress Core Updates

  • Theme and Plugin Updates

  • Security, Uptime Monitoring, and Hack Clean-up

  • Regular Back-ups

  • Access to Support Resources

  • Content Management*

  • Performance Optimizations

While package costs can vary significantly based on the level of customization and care needed to handle your individual site, it is reasonable and typical to see costs that range from $500 annually for lean updates to $5,000 or more annually for robust updates.

6. *Have someone on your team that can update content

Minor content updates are a tension point between fertility companies and their agencies. Minor updates are those like

  • Adding office hours for satellite office on location page

  • Removing staff member from about us page

  • Changing PGD to PGT-M on old blog post

  • Deleting Zika pregnancy warning from home page

Sporadic requests like these are not a good use of the developer’s time to receive, nor yours to send.

You don’t need an employee to create major pieces of content, a marketing agency can do that. You need someone inside your organization who can make content updates to your website. If you’re a giant fertility company you may have a whole team, but even a small REI practice needs at least one person who can access your website’s CMS.

*Being able to make content updates is not the same as having the relevant skills to properly maintain a website. If your team member causes an error while updating a page, you need to have someone retained that can fix it.


Sometimes fertility companies have to invest a lot in marketing, but it should be for the return of future value. Don’t buy services you don’t need because they’re bundled with something you do need. Keep website maintenance separate from build, hosting, and marketing. Train someone in your organization to make minor updates to your website. Follow these six tips instead.

If you think your fertility website is preventing you from reaching your business goals, consider Fertility Bridge’s strategic guidance to determine how it plays into a greater market or brand strategy.

Start your business assessment with our Goal and Competitive Diagnostic for just $597 here.

Good and Bad First Impressions: 6 Pillars of a New Fertility Patient Concierge Team

By Kathy Houser and Griffin Jones

“You only get one chance to make a first impression”

Think about how important it is to a fertility practice. You can invest everything you want in branding, advertising, and a nice building. But if your prospective patient's first interaction with your team betrays that first impression, the result may be even worse.

First impressions not only get people in the door, they set the expectations for the process in which fertility patients need to trust you all but implicitly. In order for the first points of contact with your clinic to be the gold standard of concierge service, their goals must be aligned with those of the practice and the patient.

That’s why we’re using the broad term of New Fertility Patient Concierge Team instead of separate terms like call center, digital chat team, or new patient navigators.

In other resources, we’ll talk about the structures of those roles, but in this article, we’re giving you the six pillars for aligning this team with the measured growth and improvement of your IVF center.

They are

  1. Practice Goals

  2. Team Outcomes

  3. Team Profile

  4. Education/Coaching

  5. Recognition/Evaluation

  6. Incentives


New patient concierges aren’t just people that answer your phone. They positively or negatively impact at least four major business goals of any fertility center.

  1. Patient satisfaction

  2. New patient visits

  3. Specific provider volume increase

  4. Targeted region/office volume increase

When the roles aren’t aligned with specific practice business goals, the systems for how they are evaluated, incentivized, and hired become expensive and counterproductive.


The New Patient Concierge Team doesn’t have total control over the business goals, but you can measure their impact by these key performance indicators (KPI):

  1. New patient appointments scheduled

    • Total

    • By team member

    • Relative to goal

    • Year over year

    • Month over month

  2. Conversion to appointment

  3. Cancellations rescheduled


To put the right person in a concierge seat, we are looking for someone who is lower (but not too low) in competitive drive and high in empathy and compassion. They take pride in being a resource.

To find the right candidate who does not mind repetitive actions and thrives on helping others

1. Use a personality assessment

Such as The Caliper Profile. For empathy, this test screens for “a combination of traits that can help you see how well a person reads a room” and “Are they flexible or rigid?” That’s extremely insightful when hiring someone who has to be responsive to customers or in our case, patients. Once an applicant or employee takes the Caliper Profile their results are measured against one or more validated job models. For this role, the candidate needs to score high in critical competencies such as “relationship building” and “composure and resilience”.

In Meyer Briggs for example, the perfect fit might be a Discoverer Advocate. The obligatory disclaimer on personality tests: They are a useful tool for seeing how likely someone is to be a good fit for their seat. One’s tested personality type does not universally qualify or disqualify them from a role.

2. Promote the mission

Promote the sense of pride of providing people struggling with infertility with hope.The life changing and highly personal service they provide is a motivator, for the right people in these seats.

3. Pay above customer service industry average

The cost of living index varies across markets, but the range for a concierge customer service person is between $20-$27 per hour.

If the range seems higher than what you would pay for someone who isn’t exceptionally money-motivated, consider two things. The first is the rate of inflation and the increase of resignations and wage expectations in 2022. The Great Resignation is occurring amid rising inflation, and as employers face the tightest labor market in recent history. The latest inflation reading from the Consumer Price Index (published 12/10/21) came in at 6.8%, the highest year-over-year increase since 1982.

The second is the outcomes for which these personnel are responsible for achieving. When their alignment with growth in business goals is measured by the aforementioned KPIs, they’re clearly worth the investment. We will further detail how to outline their incentives with the goals of the fertility practice.


Your call center and new patient navigators must be experts in particular topics about the clinic and infertility. There can be no concierge level service without mastery of the material.

There are at least twelve elements in the syllabus that every call center and new patient concierge must know cold. If you’d like Fertility Bridge’s curriculum for new patient concierges, we provide full guidance for this in our Lead Conversion System.

Lastly, in the bucket of education and coaching, if you find that a particular team member is not performing to the level of the others, it is necessary to “coach up” or move them out of that role, as a negative attitude or lack of skill set frustrates and demotivates the rest.


Methods of recognition create an atmosphere of team and individual accomplishment. They reinforce that all team members are striving for the same goals and success.

It is important to systemize recognition above other incentives to support the natural personality motivators of the concierge team.

Here are four ways of motivating your concierge team using their own internal drivers:

  1. Tally Board

  2. Practice-wide email

  3. Thank You Board

    • In which anyone can post a thank you to anyone else in the office.

    • Where staff and potentially patients can see it. Keeping it in staff only areas such as the kitchen won’t allow patients to appreciate your amazing culture of internal support.

  4. Patient Compliment Repository

    From social media, online reviews, patient satisfaction surveys


You’ve intentionally selected people who are motivated by helping others and you’ve established a system of recognition to ensure they perceive that benefit of the job.

Because the tasks of an ongoing new patient welcome team are on-going, every day, endeavors, we have to be careful about additional incentives. We don’t want to book new patient visits at all costs. Hiring someone who is too high on competitive drive and gearing their compensation plan too much toward booked appointments is a recipe for pressuring new patients. We don’t want that.

We do want to help people who are struggling to build their family to be able to get expertise from a fertility specialist.

Using incentives for reaching goals should be limited and attainable, otherwise, you will do more harm than good.The incentives should:

  1. Connect to one of the desired outcomes whether it’s for the team or an individual

  2. Review and recognize weekly

  3. Reward monthly or quarterly

  4. Reference core values

Rewards for Achieving Goals

  • Gift cards

  • Customized gift baskets

  • Event tickets

  • Team lunch

  • Use of desirable parking spot for a week if employees are on site

Align Your New Patient Concierges’ Goals with Those of Practice and Patients

The folks you hire to answer your phones are so much more than just that. They are the first point of contact for potential patients, they set the tone and convey confidence and knowledge from the first interaction. Employ the six pillars to set your concierge team up for success. Use personality assessment tools, hire well, train and invest in the people who greet and attend to callers into your practice and you will see the benefits over and over again.

Fertility Bridge has a proven system and dedicated staff for improving and empowering new fertility patient concierge teams. If you’d like our help, enroll in the Goal Diagnostic here and we will be happy to discuss the framework with you.

127: Leadership vs. Delegation in Marketing

On this week of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin Jones shines a light on what responsibilities should be handled by the principal of an organization and what should be delegated. This is something that all business owners struggle with but is especially unique in the fertility industry due to the nature of being a doctor and a business owner. 

Listen to the full episode to understand: 

  • What roles should principals not delegate.

  • How involved should the integrator role be in the core operations.

  • What do the best brands have in common. 

  • When to do a brand refresh

For all the details and visuals go to our blog

126: Increasing REI Productivity with Balance with Dr. Kutluk Oktay

Dr. Kutluk Oktay on Inside Reproductive Health

This week on Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin Jones and Dr. Kutluk Oktay go down the rabbit hole on the meaning of work-life balance. They discuss Dr. Oktay’s approach to limiting his patient load to spend more time on research and how that affects his motivation and quality of life. This conversation culminates in tips on how to be more productive and comments on developing leaders in your organization so you can get the balance you deserve. 

Listen to the full episode to hear our perspective on: 

  • How to fill your schedule

  • What makes good leadership

  • How does social media fit into ‘self-care’

  • How to approach work-life balance

Dr. Kutluk’s Information: 

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kutluk-oktay-md-phd-909b656a

Website: https://www.fertilitypreservation.org/

Sponsored by: 

Inside Reproductive Health is sponsored by EngagedMD. For technology that educates your patients with true informed consent, visit engagedmd.com/IRH for 25% off your implementation fee.

Mentioned in the Episode: 

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz: https://profitfirstbook.com/

Need help attracting the right people to make your practice great? Connect with us at fertilitybridge.com


[00:00:00] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: I always think that our colleagues thought they were doing the best 25 years ago, but we look at what they've done.

We kind of roll our eyes, right, if we thought that it was today. So I always imagined myself looking at myself 20 years from now.


[00:01:01] Griffin Jones: The episode, I just recorded one a little bit differently than I thought it was going to go. I thought it was going to be about pursuing a career track in academic medicine. And it's a bit of that, but it talk more about what it means to have a meaningful and well-balanced career. My guest for today was Dr. Kutluk Oktay. He's at Yale. He's a professor of OB GYN and reproductive sciences. There is the director of the laboratory of fertility. The preservation and molecular reproduction there, he has published over 200 manuscripts and book chapters. His research has been funded by the NIH for almost 20 years.

And we talk about what it means to have a meaningful career for someone. Not that there's one path for anyone, but giving the listener an idea of what it's like to balance this and how you incorporate different interests, not just in the work part, but all of the things that happen when you're not working, you know, like your family, your health, your fitness, your hobbies, if you have those.

And that's what this episode explores in a way that's a bit more meaningful than just talking about self-care as a platitude, which I can't stand. And then talk a little bit about that in the conversation, but I'll let you decide. So I hope you enjoy.

Dr. Kutluk Oktay, welcome to Inside Reproductive Health. 

[00:02:22] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Thank you. Thanks for having me. 

[00:02:25] Griffin Jones: I'm interested in the topic that you and I were snowballing, the idea that you had about the ability to have it all as an REI practitioner and specifically with regard to working in an academic setting.

And so before we go into how one is able to have it all, I believe that that the topic you had phrased as was having your cake and eating it too. So let's start before we talk about how to eat the cake, tell us what the cake looks like. 

[00:02:59] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: I'm not sure if there's a cake in this instance, but well, cake is I think hobby, the first trick is that, you know, you need to love what you're doing and if you're doing what you're doing as a job, you know, it's not a cake, right? So it's a cake because it tastes good, then you enjoy it. But even having too much of your favorite food would not be good for you even eventually get sick and tired of it.

So I think to me, cake is what you love doing. And the cake is one that's made with balanced ingredients and not one flavor's overpowering the others and a healthy cake a healthy cake. So you have to bake your own cake. You have to come up with your own recipe. If you have the wrong recipe for your cake you know, you may so soon throw up everything you had eaten so the speak.

[00:03:55] Griffin Jones: We talked about a balance of ingredients. What are some of those ingredients look like? 

[00:04:00] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Well, you know, a little bit of flour and I'm just getting. 

[00:04:03] Griffin Jones: That's a different show. That's Inside Reproductive cooking. 

[00:04:07] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: I know I just want to make stuff, you know. During the time of COVID we are always disoriented and the wrong show. Okay. Because I do some cooking and that's part of the ingredients, right.

You need to balance your life as much as your work life. And you, we cannot be a single channel or a single ingredient cake. You know, if you just made it the flour, no sugar who's going to eat that cake. Number one is to have their idea of ingredients and not to build on one ingredients.

So maybe if you want to start diverging from the cooking analogy right. In my case, I'm curious, right, because I'm both a scientist and clinician, and I always question, I always question and say, there must be a better way of doing this. And I always think that our colleagues thought they were doing the best 25 years ago, but we look at what they've done.

We kind of roll our eyes, right, if we thought that it was today. So I always imagined myself looking at myself 20 years from now. And first of all, try to always improve things. And so that kind of makes it fun because to me, nothing is routine. Everything is a challenge, the challenge to do better, do better for your patients and do better for the field.

 Never stagnate. And so the ingredients for that reason is of course it's a good patient care, but innovation and always asking, you know, what can I do? What question can I ask? And how do I study that to take this current approach to the next level? 

[00:05:59] Griffin Jones: When you talk about a balance in work life, do you mean balancing life within work with life outside of work, you know, family and hobby balance?

Or do you mean balancing what you do within work? 

[00:06:14] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Right. So in your life different index funds. One is the work index funds that you want to track the optimum rate of increase in your quality with balancing components of your work. And then you have your family life. Then you have your hobbies and then you have, you know, another balancing there.

And then together you balance all of these together. So you have balancing the compartments, but then you are so the life balance. So when I say work life, not work life, but your life at work. I'm talking about, I personally, if I just saw patients seven days a week, I would probably burn out in two weeks.

And because that's not how my brain functions. Right. And as I said, that, pausing and asking questions, how can I do better? And if you just constantly see patients, you cannot pause and ask that question. So for me action versus introspection in our case, introspection is we could say research because research is introspection to me, you know, asking questions about what you're doing, whether it's right or not.

And how can I just like, how can I be a better person? So for me, there has to be a balance between actually seeing patients doing surgery, administration research teaching, and doing yoga and during your breaks, whatever. If you're doing that to work you have to find the right balance for yourself.

You might be a warrior you know you see patients, seven days a week, I admire you. But I don't have that skill. I personally my approach is I focus on one patient at a time and I put a lot of energy and time in one case. And I probably can do, I don't know, certain number of cases like that in a given time.

And then I turned my energy to more academic questions who would, which would, I answered correctly, benefit those patients or the patients in the next generation. So I have to balance the work like that. And then, and then leave time for things that make you relax outside of the work and that's going to be different for everybody.

But to me family is important. Hobbies are very important, exercise, you know, well, if I don't exercise properly, I could be staring at my screen for five hours and producing nothing. But sometimes you take part in a health to hit that, you know, hard tennis session. And when you come back in three hours, you do work that you would normally do in three days in two to three hours.

So, I mean, time is a very expandable thing. Reality, we think five hours equals five hours. Now, you know, five hours could be 72 hours, or it could be three minutes depending on your mindset productivity energy level. So you have to do things to expand those three hours. Again, to buy your times for other things.

[00:09:22] Griffin Jones: So let's see how many different metaphors we can use on today's episode. I like the index fund. Let's stick with that because you have your total resource allocation in your portfolio. In this case portfolio is the total amount of time and you have a number of different index funds within that portfolio and then with in at specific index fund, you have allocations of shares to different different companies in one index under, or perhaps even across different fields. So let's stick with the work index fund and then we'll, and then we'll move on to the rest of the portfolio. You talked about saying, you know, seeing patients every day, you would burn out within two weeks.

So research helps you be introspective at all. Teaching helps you to improve. Why do you feel that the academic route has been best for you in, in, in serving those different areas? 

[00:10:23] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Right? I think I have to think about, you know, an artist. Right. You know, why did being a you know, impressionist help me kind of why, you know it's just, I think part of it is you have certain tendencies, 

[00:10:35] Griffin Jones: Let me rephrase that because rather you have your tendencies, why do you feel that working at Yale was more accommodating to your tendencies than maybe if you had gone and worked for a private practice or a network, or maybe if you'd gone somewhere else in the country, why do you feel that working at an academic division suited your tendency better?

[00:10:56] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: I'm not necessarily advocating for or against any company or any setup or private practice and all that. I think you could have a private setting but you could affiliate yourself with an academic Institute and you could still follow by the same index fund so for me. 

[00:11:13] Griffin Jones: Would it be the exact same index fund though?

Or would it be like Fidelity's version of what Vanguard did? Well, you know, it's pretty much the same thing, but the expense ratio is different and there might be some fees that I don't know about. And can you do it the same way? 

[00:11:30] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: I dunno. Yeah, you're right. Their management fees could be different.

And so I, maybe there are different, you know, they may not be as broad based. But I think the key is to think creatively. I think we see examples of these major private enterprises. You know, turning starting fellowships doing you know, academic investments with their private money, et cetera.

So within that, somebody who's interested in boats can also find home. So it's not necessarily, you know, Yale versus some major and right for the private practice, but I think the formula, so in the end, yes, you are right. That not every enterprise would be accommodating right. To somebody who wants to spend time on research.

So first of all, you have to find that study for yourself. But second thing is you may have to create that same for yourself. And you know, if you're attracting research funding one more or the other, or you have some you know, you have some charity or something that's you can attract money and other different ways than you can set up your lab, even in a major commercial enterprise nevertheless in academics it's easier, but it used to be easier. Let's say because academic centers are also facing a lot of financial pressures. So I don't think there's one perfect solution in that sense.

[00:12:53] Griffin Jones: Why do you say used to be easier?

[00:12:56] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Well, I think if you listen to people for before us and when NIH funding rate was something like 50%, every other grant submitted would be funded and the universities received a lot more government funding, state funding, they had more money to throw around for research and free up there faculty. So those resources have been over time restricted. So with the managed care managed care squeeze as well. So a lot of academic centers you know, they're pushing their faculty to work, you know, similar hours to sometimes, you know, privates centers. And I think in our field it has become a problem and a lot of good any centers have lost their REI divisions and because financially it didn't make sense to a lot of them.

 Must create it Yale in one sense that Yale department of OB GYN and reproductive sciences as always being a pro translational research always support it clinicians with scientific interests and always created time as much as possible or supported them so that they can get funding.

So there's still departments like that somehow, but not as mad as many of those. So I'm lucky to be where I am right now. 

[00:14:16] Griffin Jones: Yeah. Well that changes things for the people that go into work for those places. Don't they, if what they wanted out of an REI division was to spend perhaps less clinical office hours, more research hours if they are starting to see more of the push that, well, we need you at this clinical capacity, no matter what do they lose some of their recruiting edge? 

[00:14:45] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: I think so. I think academic centers especially at the more advanced level you know, junior colleagues, they still, I think are attracted academic centers because they need to pass their boards. Maybe build a little bit of name for themselves, but I think there's a difficulty in recruiting, more senior people and and losing a junior people when eventually they have acquired, you know, certain credentials and skills.

So yes, I think there's a brain drain in academia, especially in our specialty. You know, there are still mechanisms of supporting these like your productive scientist development program wore her, like Yale has this. So we have number of faculty who are on these tracks with protected time.

 And then we see that there are some, you know, rising stars because of that. You had one of our colleagues on your show and there is still opportunities, but you know, if you compare, academia in terms of salaries to a private practice you know, we are all aware of the differences but, you know, I think the medicine, or especially our subspecialty is not something that you want to pursue because you're only interested in the financial aspects.

I think in that case risk benefit ratio is not that great. You really have to love that the path you have chosen. So as I say, somebody who's likes to do a lot of introspection through research will not be happy in that continuous flow of academic clinical practice. 

[00:16:16] Griffin Jones: What advice would you give?

Because a lot of the people that listen to this show are fellows, and some of them might even want to come work for you. So the advice you give could be used against you, you got to remember that, but people are listening across the country. And in other places too, for that matter. And so what, what advice would you give them to investigate if the program they're interested in potentially working for really does meet. What they want in terms of research in terms of protected faculty time, or if it's just kind of a smoke screen, for lack of a better word though. I'd certainly don't mean to say it's so sinister for you're just going to be a workhorse clinician, like you would anywhere else.

What advice would you give fellows for sniffing that out as they determine what program they want to work for? 

[00:17:11] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: So going back to financial and knowledge, I would say invest early, you know, start putting in your 401k. Well, they were early, right? I think that should start when your residents, because if you are number one, you think you are interested in research.

I usually don't like to use term research to speak on cliche whether what it means, I mean so that's why I used introspection analogy, but you're more introspective, inquisitive. You want to approach more creative side of what we do. I mean, clinical creation is also important.

I think I have to start as a resident, maybe even a medical student building that those research skills. And so that, you know, when you hit fellowship, you are maybe a few steps ahead and you can do things and enduring fellowship that could prepare you to be more competitive for an academic job, which would enable you to, you know, get funding early.

And once you secure some funding, then you have more support from these institutions to have more time. So it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, you know, like you start with know to write, to propose, to think eventually you're not going to produce anything. So you have to preempt, I would say, you know, just decide on your career path, not first year of fellowship book.

Oh boy. Maybe when medical school or first year of residency and build those skills and portfolio. If you're interested in clinical research, start working with somebody to build have publications and understand the skills. If you're interested in basic research, same thing and hit the ground running.

And so that's number one. Number two is, you know, there may not be a lot of academic jobs that you can negotiate necessarily about. If the other alternative is working for an academic center and like working for a private practice, but every reduced salary, you may. If they give me this I'll work for academics.

If they don't, then I'll just stick with private practice. I think they need to have a good negotiation. Maybe allow them themselves three years of maybe protected research time in which time they can apply for various mechanisms for junior faculties. As I said, there's a productive scientist development program.

There's the Warhol from NIH and there could be other mechanisms. Most likely they get that on board and then they can build on that. Then start getting, you know, bigger grants, et cetera, if that's what they're interested in. So that would be my general guidance. 

[00:19:51] Griffin Jones: So that negotiation happens for the employment agreement.

This is the amount of protected time. You have this when you're negotiating the employment agreement? 

[00:20:01] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Right, I mean, you know, some institutions are like, Very rigid, right. And say, okay, you're coming as an assistant professor, unless you get a grant, we'll give you, or, you know, .5 FTE for you to do whatever you want with that time.

Some institutions are more rigid. Some institutions maybe looking for they're missing that we've been talking about portfolios, et cetera. Maybe now let's go more towards smaller. I mean, building a department is like building a national soccer team, you know, like you have to put the people with different skills in different positions to lead, and maybe they have a lot of strong clinicians, but they need somebody who's promising who's going to move the field.

So if you can show them the portfolio like you've done in your residency, you published three key papers. It shows that you are a promising person. Okay. Going back to the investment. So this is a low risk investment for us looks like, but he or she has done during residency. Imagine if you give her time during as an attending faculty, what she could do.

I mean, it's going to depend on the job, but if you have already built some portfolio, it will be easier for you to negotiate.

[00:21:13] Griffin Jones: Okay. So let's move on to a couple of the other index funds in our portfolio. We've talked about what would the actual work-life the allocation of work.

Let's talk about the rest of the allocation of life. You could family as its own index fund. Hobbies would be its own index fund. Health and fitness would probably be its own index fund. And so of those other three things, which, which do you find sharpens the saw most for you? And by that, I mean, gets you back.

You mentioned if you play around a tennis that you can be exceptionally productive afterwards. So which do you find reenergizes you the most quickly?

[00:21:59] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: I don't think anyone matters individually because in the end this is the total amount of assets you retire with. Right. So I don't care which one built that fund.

I think it, again, it's balanced and it's also depends on the day. Right. But you know, I can have the same pleasure as going, picking up my daughter from school, let's say, during the lunchtime and bring her home and chatting whatever, as a you know playing a tennis match and kicking the rear end of a right.

You know, long-time rival in tennis or something like that. I think it also depends on your chemistry that day, too. Right. So so I don't think that there's a formula for one person, but whatever keeps you balanced. But I tried to keep these things going. I agree with you that exercise a regular exercise is important.

I also personally do yoga regularly. I've discovered this maybe three, four years ago. And it's a really, it balances you in some things. Some days you have 10 minutes, you do 10 minutes, some days you have more, you do more. So not only exercising of body at the same time, you're exercising your mind in a different way than when you're reading or doing experiments or seeing patients trying to solve a clinical dilemma.

I think your mind, your brain also needs stretching. So if you only stretch it in one direction, it's deformed. So you know, like seeing patients at stretch stretches this way, we will research stretches this way, but if I do yoga this way, you know, exercise this way, family that way. So you're going to have more space.

So for me, you know, it depending on how things are one may do better on day am. I may do better the other way. 

[00:23:43] Griffin Jones: I didn't think that I would do an Engaged MD sponsorship read for an episode on work-life balance. And then I got to the end of the episode and I'm like, no, this is the meat and potatoes of what you want from someone like Engaged MD. One of my guests and I are talking about the junk bonds of work that go into the work life allocation, the junk bonds are those things that are monotonous tasks that should be done at scale, should be done with software, should be done ahead of time, should be done at the convenience of the user, but aren't. Things like repeating the same information to patients to teach them things that are coming in their protocol.

The same legal forms, except you're tracking down one for this patient. And your staff is basically law clerks because they're tracking it down for another patient. All of these things that should be done at scale, that should be organized in a platform. And that's Engaged MD. That way you're spending your time with the most valuable minutes possible tailoring the experience to the patient's needs.

They know what you're talking about because they're well-educated and you're not acting like a darn paralegal go to engagedmd.com/irh, but only if you want 25% off the implementation fee, if you do, if you go to engagemd.com/irh and you select. You heard them on the show or you heard them from me, you'll get a few bucks off of your implementation fee and it helps us to create more content and give you more resources like this, but you'll also be getting time back to make life better for you, for your staff, for your patients, because that allocation is not infinite.

The junk bonds have to go. And the meaningful work and the meaningful things that we get out of life have to stay, go to engagedmd.com/irh and get some of your time back.

 When you said at the end of the day, it's the fund that helped get you rich was the most important. And in this context where we're talking about rich in life, as opposed to material wealth, but that can be a part of it.

And I think that the question people need to get to this allocation answer is what does it look like at the end of your life? And what, what do you think you'll regret? And I do believe that there are people like Jeff Bezos and like Elon Musk that I don't think they're going to regret, not spending time with their loved ones that much.

 I really believe that those are people that will regret if they haven't gotten to the absolute limit of their pursuit. So I do think that is possible for most of us though. I don't think we're going to look back and say, I wish I worked one more day. I wished that I had taken that meeting.

I wished that I had done that for most of us. I believe that we're going to either regret not having pursued something else that was meaningful or spending more time with our loved ones. But what we will regret if we just sit on the couch and do nothing and we don't, and we don't become better at our craft.

And so now you have more things competing for time. Potentially what I think has to go is the things that don't lead to any one of those things that have been decided as meaningful, meaning candy crush, video games and not to say that all of those things can never be meaningful, but I I'm talking about the things that don't fulfill our, our biggest interest in the form of hobbies that don't make us closer to our family.

That don't make us better at our craft. You know, the YouTube videos that I think those things are the things that have to go and if you want to have a balanced life, you really have to, you have to protect even more. Don't you, in terms of your time allocation. 

[00:27:44] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Absolutely. You've got to get rid of the junk bonds, you know so penny stocks, whatever exactly.

I mean, I'm not saying I have an ideal situation here. Yeah. As you said, you know, watching TV, you know, Fantastic movies that you can watch and great sports events you can watch. But if you can, if you're consuming a TV three, four hours a day, the social media Instagrams and things like that you know, you're already, what is that time coming from a lot of those other components, right?

As you said if you think that you fulfilled everything else and you still have free time, congratulations to you and you must be in a different dimension, but go ahead and invest your time into other things. Perhaps one of the things that I do is, yeah, I rarely watch TV, for example, I'm never on social media.

I'm very selective. For example, I mainly use LinkedIn, but that's select, maybe I will post once a month. Maybe we'll our operation we'll do an Instagram post once a month. As you said that the social media could be poisonous in that sense. You know, obviously if you have a professional operation, I think this is more for private practices.

 They do all that stuff for you that can spare you, right. In terms of business marketing. 

[00:29:11] Griffin Jones: Well, a lot of people think that I am just ubiquitously pro social media and I approach life as a consumer and a business owner. Not always through the same exact lens. It's important to look through both lenses, but sometimes they are different as a business owner.

I can't get romantic about where my client's attention is. My perspective client's attention, or in the case of providers where their patient's attention is, I have to go where that attention is, and I have to speak to people where they are. But as a consumer, I don't need to be watching what my friends are having for breakfast or some political debate between two people that have no business commenting on policy one way or the other. And I think that has to do with the junk bonds that you were referencing. It's not for me to say this. This is exactly a junk bonds. Although I think generally I could speak to it and generally be right, but it's going to be different for people's allocation, but people do need to get rid of that first, because there's never going to be enough time for all of the other. 

[00:30:19] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Right, I mean a social media. You're right. There's a business function of it. As I said, you know, you can use that, but otherwise it's designed to be addictive. I mean, it's a drug, so we just, the more we take it, the more you'll be evicted and it's a war text. You'll be socked in there. So, you know I was always scared of that.

[00:30:38] Griffin Jones: Did you think in these terms, when you were building your career outlook, what did you think as you took your first real job? Or did you think, well, this is how I want to build my life. Or did you start thinking about terms like work-life balance after, after your kids started growing up after millennials started talking about it all over the place?

Is this something that a focus that came to you later on? Or did youset out to build your career in a certain way?

[00:31:08] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: I think cliche, right, that's what they say life is what happens to you when you're busy planning. And so obviously, no, but I mean, my goal was always to have fun and that if something is not giving me fun, I'm not saying, you know, fun, meaning you know, I'm going to be playing cards all day or something, but there has to be fun.

Right? So when I followed my own principal, it just naturally happens. I try to do my allocation based on that, but of course, you know, the the more you live and see the more wrong steps and missteps you take, you realize that, oh, you know, I shouldn't have gotten that waste your next time. You're better trained the mouse.

You don't get into that trap. Yeah, I don't think that you can do that allocation at birth. 

[00:31:58] Griffin Jones: Well, maybe that's what we're starting to see more of maybe not at birth, but starting to see it younger and younger. And I wonder if that's the difference when we talk about millennials wanting work-life balance, one of the responses has been, well, all the generations have wanted work-life balance.

It would have been great to have, and surely millennials are not exceptional as humans in the sense that they are the only ones that want balance between their work and their hobbies and their health and their fitness.

[00:32:28] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Well, I think there expectional, I admire millennials you know, like they're the homodeus.

[00:32:33] Griffin Jones: What's exceptional about them? 

[00:32:36] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: They've got all the skills, you know, like we didn't grow up with a giant life pop med, you know, the internet, right. We came into that. So they have this huge life, bob mitt on internet. They can, they can get their answers to everything. I mean, one question is now, how necessary is the classical schooling system?

And you know, you can get all the information. Of course, the skill we need to teach them is to objectively analyze what they see on the internet to scrutinize it. But my 15 year old has more wisdom than I had when I was at 35, because of all the giant global library that they have at their disposal.

 So they figure it out. When I figured it out at 35, they figured out that 15, of course they don't, you know, like, why am I going to be a doctor? I want something that offers me more balanced. I'm going to plan something so I can work from home or, you know I'm going to boost start-up I don't want to work for anybody else.

So I think that's where I'm saying that they have that kind of long view. They don't have the classic on the standing of her going to working for somebody it's still the right. Of course that's going to create some kind of anxiety in that generation because you know, there's so much competition for the independent space.

So it's an interesting experiment and I'm waiting to see how it's going to end. You know, like I lived there 15, 20 years, we'll figure it out. 

[00:33:57] Griffin Jones: So I think that's what makes them accept. It's not the desire to, because you yourself have talked about that desire, but it is exceptional that they are coming into the work force with a picture in mind of what work-life balance looks like.

And they are willing to prioritize it in terms of walking away from offers or quitting jobs or who they go to work for. And your point is interesting about how the accelerated learning from the digital age has been a part of the accelerated expectations, right. You hit on the accelerated learning what you knew at 35, your 15 year old knows.

I think that's all also true for expectations of, oh, if this is what a 35 year-old drives and what a 35 year old makes in salary. And this is what I want coming out of college too. 

[00:34:53] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: You know, I don't know if it's some kind of enumeration issue, but definitely they have I think you know, more global view on things and the priorities.

And so, you know, maybe you know, maybe they don't think that you need to sacrifice your life because life is the most, you know, most valuable commodity. To you know, have a luxury car, right. And I think they're so globally connected. They experienced the word globally and you know, they have other ways of enjoying life rather than traveling on a private jet.

So you know, it's not a hippie generation, right. But I look at it as you know, differently, less militaristic male generation. I don't know how I put it, but that they're less regimented to me more broad minded. And they don't want to be you know, put into cubicles to achieve what they want to achieve.

And I don't think there's any amount of money that can force them into the lifestyle that they detests. They think they have options, let's say.

[00:35:54] Griffin Jones: Well, I think one wrench in the works is that having junk bonds in the portfolio, I think they want the yield of the portfolio. And that is, it is possible to get a high yield from portfolio.

But I think that there's a lot of junk bonds in there. And that's one of the concerns that I have when I hear the word self-care and I hear it's, I am more than open to the idea of self-care it is necessary for being productive. If it's something that, that actually helps rejuvenate you, that if it actually helps you pursue a larger goal, but if it's just increasing media consumption or if it's just an excuse to differ from an obligation, then I don't see how we get to a place where we have 30 hour productive work weeks. If there are marbled with escapism. 

[00:36:54] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Right. Escapism it's the right word. I mean, that's why it's a drug, right, alcohol, drugs, social media. You're constantly escaping from what you have to do or what you should really be thinking.

 That's kind of what the quick send for the next generation. So that's going to engulf some, some talents and bog them down but others will learn how to dance around it and hopefully do great things. And I think also being aware of what we are doing to environment is also very a lot of young generations are aware of that. And a lot of them are more worried about that then you know, filling up their coffers because you know what good it does if you don't have a good healthy planet to live with, what are you going to do with all that money? So I think that's the other reason, I think this generation will have a long view because they need to think about the entire planet with what they do. 

[00:37:54] Griffin Jones: Well, \ they do have a lot more to think about in terms of, you know, having to have a response for other things that are, that are happening. And so let's pretend that we, we have solved for the junk bond issue for the moment that we've gotten all the junk bonds out of our allocation.

We are left with high yield, low cost index funds that lead us to a good outcome. At the end of all this. But then there is this pestering concept that I hear from, and about physicians who look and I don't know that it's erroneous. It could very well be valid, but the, but the idea is that, well, physicians can never really be off.

They can never be totally unplugged because what if our patients need something from us.

[00:38:45] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Well, I have to take a break now, so I'll see you in five minutes just getting right. I get to a point physicians can be off on the paper, but they can never be off here. Because I mean, at least personally, but I know a lot of other people, you know, and if we wouldn't, if I go away.

 I think about my patients. What happened to this? What happened to that? What happened to that? That's the nature of it. That's why you don't pick this field. If you're really not, you know, you don't like to have that kind of lifestyle. Right. But not necessarily your uncle, every movement of today, but when we are caring for people's future it's hard to completely detach yourself from that.

But if you're working in a good team situation and you have colleagues that you can trust maybe you can disconnect nicely when you're off, when you're doing your yoga, when you're like a week away with you know, doing the things you like. But if you're a one man show, yeah, that's very hard.

Maybe one of the advantages of being an academic sort of larger practice is that you can have other people take the burden off of you sometimes. 

[00:39:53] Griffin Jones: Can you do that if you're taking a two week vacation with your family and you just want to be alone with your family and a cabin in Europe, can you say I'm not taking any calls?

I trust my partners to be able to handle the case. Can a physician do that? 

[00:40:12] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: I can imagine a physician can do that. So I'm I can imagine that it happens in other practices. All I could say that, you know, academics and other places, I've been to several places and I've seen that happen. I don't necessarily see anything wrong.

That's an individual personality issue, I think And you can also set limits. I mean, I don't need to know these, but if something like this happened, yes, you can contact me. You know, we have patients that we make very personal personal relationships in terms of patient doctor relationships and that sometimes they just want to hear from you.

And so yeah, there will be situations, well you could be in on vacation, but there's some emergency, we'll have to answer that. But the key to that is to be able to switch on and switch off you make a phone call, you know, give instructions, and now you're back to as if it's never happened so it's matter of a.

[00:41:05] Griffin Jones: What about the doctors that say, I trust my partners, they're perfectly qualified, but my patients expect me and they have to be able to reach me. And I can never have a window where I'm unreachable. 

[00:41:20] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Right. If you're complaining about that, that means that you need to change it. So you cannot say that I don't trust my colleagues.

I need to be reachable, but I'm never off. So that's like trying to have the cake and eat it right. Going back to that. But when it comes to patient care and when you're trying to be personal with your patient, provide personal, there's no formula for that other than cloning yourself. So either you trust your team or be available.

So I don't know if there's a formula for that. So I, for me, I set sort of criteria. Okay. You know, XYZ happens. Perfect. Good. Go ahead and map. But it hits, I dunno, let me cry. Then you have to call me and you know, that way, if you get a call, you know, that it was absolutely necessary or, you know, you clone yourself, there's exactly a personal like you and a fine great, go away to Mars on a mission or whatever.

Nobody can reach you. 

[00:42:21] Griffin Jones: I have somewhat of a formula. It doesn't totally address the limits that you would set in terms of, of what you can use of what people can contact you for or not. But it does give a formula for how much time one might want to protect. Have you ever heard of the book profit first? 

[00:42:41] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Maybe I'm not sure.

[00:42:42] Griffin Jones: Well, link to it in the show notes. The author's last name. I can't pronounce, even if I remembered it, but it's the concept is a bit contrary to gap, generally accepted accounting principles, where revenue minus operating expenses equals profit and profit. First, it simply is revenue minus profit equals operating expenses.

So you're always allocating for profit, even from the infancy of a business. And if you're an infant business, you, you have almost nothing to allocate anyway. So, but you start with that current allocation percentage, and then you have a target allocation percentage. And so in the beginning, you might be saving a dollar, but the point is that you reserve profit from the very beginning and learn to manage operating expenses accordingly, as opposed to the reverse. And when I think of the needs that we have to have loving relationships with our families to have mental health and clarity breaks, there has to be some time and I'm not going to tell people how much time it is.

 But when I'm with my loved ones, that there's nothing that's going to interrupt that unless it is a grave emergency. And so I'm going to write this book someday, Kutluk called time first, where it, you start off with a current allocation percentage and maybe it's just, you know what, every Sunday evening, I'm gonna I'm tucking my daughter in, and I'm going to read her a book and nothing will threaten that.

And then a year from now, I want to be able to do this and five years from now, I want to be able to take three weeks in Europe. I believe that that has to happen. People have to have some allocation of percentage of uninterruptible time and then based on how that goes and how much they want, then they can have a different target to augment for the future.

[00:44:32] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Right, I mean, you know, the vacation break, whatever is break, but I also think about you may have that time, but there is a situation. If you didn't respond that would create consequences that cost you more time in the future, which would come out of your family time. So even when you're on your off time, you have to be able to recognize the situation.

If you didn't respond at that time. That will cost you a lot more time in the future. So you can think about scenarios of, you know, the complication happens and you, you don't give the right instructions or whatever that, you know, them medications may take more time. So it's a bit tricky. We say that, but you know, as a physician as I said, you need to be able to have some kind of artificial intelligence in your system that will read that out.

Do that calculation for you before you're interrupted. It doesn't happen a lot if you have a good team. So that comes to building good teams. You good leaders are the ones who develop other leaders. Your leadership is measured by the index. Of how many leaders you can develop or how many people who would lead others.

But when you're building your team, you need to build people who can also independently think and function with you. Again, if you don't have a good team it's hard to have time off. 

[00:45:57] Griffin Jones: Well, in order to have an independent team, though, you also have to take some time off because how do you know if they're really independent or not?

If you're constantly there, they will ask you and you will stick your finger in the pudding jar. If, if that temptation is offered, I took two weeks last year in 2021. And my team didn't make every decision that I would have agreed with. It revealed to me. Oh, there's, there's one to three things here that are clearly missing from our core processes that I need to fix.

And I only knew that because I went away and they made a different decision that I wouldn't have made. and because of that, it's like, okay, well, I was gone for two weeks that the farm isn't going to burn down the practice, isn't going to burn down during a two-week period. But then I can make the, it could, I guess it could. 

Well, that's a good, that is a good point though, because I couldn't have done that six years ago, so that is a good point.

 But that's why you start with a day and then maybe it's a couple of days and then it's two weeks. And eventually I'd like to be able to go for big blocks at a time. So we've talked a lot about the different balances of work, not just what goes into work, but also the things that accompany it like health and fitness, family and hobby.

We're going to conclude the show and a lot of private practice owners listen, but there are a lot of division chiefs that listen to this show. And one of our biggest segments is fellows and it's younger associates that are thinking about what the next move next move is. So how would you want to conclude with them, Dr. Oktay? 

[00:47:34] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Well, to fellows are the biggest, you know, very important part of the team, whether they're clinical fellows, research fellows, you know, observers, whatnot. And in my career, I always worked with fellows of again, either clinical fellows or fellows from various parts of the world.

 And their contributions are tremendous. So they are important part of the. And that's, you know, by working with a mentor prepares them well for the future. So my advice to them again, I said, you're a fellow now, but if you are planning to be a fellow, you're going to start early bit, but also find yourself a good mentor and which could help you with whatever you want to accomplish in your career and work with them. 

[00:48:18] Griffin Jones: And you said that you are active on LinkedIn, so that may have been a little subliminal nod if somebody can people reach out to you on LinkedIn, if they're interested in it.. 

[00:48:27] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Oh yeah, absolutely.

All the time. So, you know, I decided to focus on one social media gadget. And I think LinkedIn works well because it's nicely filtered and more focused on professional topics and I think it's pretty efficient.

You know, I have through LinkedIn may have formed many alliances, solved many issues reached out to executives of insurance companies when we had problems with the patients, reimbursements, things like that. So I think LinkedIn is a really a good way to expand your network. 

[00:49:02] Griffin Jones: Well, before I let you go, I know that everybody listening to the audio and not watching the video is picturing you as a millennial with your artists in coffee and your beanie and a flannel, but Dr. Oktay is in a suit and tie today, and it's been a pleasure having you on Inside Reproductive Health. Thank you Dr. Kutluk Oktay for coming to IRH. 

[00:49:22] Dr. Kutluk Oktay: Thank you. Thank you. Next time, I'll put that digital outfit on. 

[00:49:27] Griffin Jones: Sounds great. 

123: 4 Steps to Fertility Business Goal Setting That Speed up Execution with Griffin Jones

123: 4 Steps to Fertility Business Goal Setting That Speed up Execution with Griffin Jones

This week Griffin Jones highlights four steps fertility businesses should use for goal setting to speed up execution. Sometimes you need to slow down to speed up. Griffin lays out goal setting from an unique perspective and talks about the goal snowball effect. Listen to this episode to gain a better understanding of how to evaluate your goals based on the investment of time and money they will take to achieve. 

This episode covers: 

  • How to set and attain goals

  • How to prioritize goals

  • What is the goal snowball

  • The 4 steps to goal setting to speed up execution

To learn more about our Goal and Competitive Diagnostic, visit us at FertilityBridge.com

Inside Reproductive Health is sponsored by EngagedMD. For technology that educates your patients with true informed consent, visit engagedmd.com/IRH for 25% off your implementation fee. 

Leadership vs. Delegation in Marketing: A 12 Point Spectrum for Fertility Business Owners

By Griffin Jones

Leadership is a delicate dance for any business owner in the fertility field. For REI practice owners, it might be the Tango.

Striking the balance between leaning in and stepping away can be a struggle for any fertility executive, and there is usually an added layer of complexity that’s unique to physician practice owners.

If we look at the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) accountability chart, we see where a managing partner might find themselves occupying many seats.

Visionary, whether they’ve sorted that role out with their partners or not

  • Integrator, if a Chief Executive Officer or Executive Director doesn’t truly occupy the seat

  • Operations, if they are the Medical, Practice, or Lab Director

  • Physician, oh yeah. Remember your main job? The one for which you undertook fifteen years of higher education and training? That seat falls below the leadership seats under operations. 

Yes, executives of many companies, fertility or not, struggle to step out of many seats. Still, the functions of Medical, Practice, or Lab Director, and especially the role of physician, is a unique charge for physician practice owners.

The accountability chart for fertility practices is its own topic that merits its own article. In this article, we will attempt to get you out of the sales and marketing seat as much as possible.

Even when you properly delegate the sales and marketing seat, there are sales and marketing responsibilities that come with the visionary and integrator seats.


What do some of the world’s most iconic brands have in common? 

They had or have CEOs (Blakley, Jobs, Musk, ol’ Walt himself) that propagate the market position of the company in everything they do.

If you’re looking for a book on this topic, David Kincaid’s The Brand-Driven CEO: Embedding Brand Into Business Strategy provides plenty of real-world, current case studies from today’s biggest companies.

Leaders must be involved in positioning and branding because the marketing position of their companies is enforced or betrayed in every area of the businesses.

Because principals (the owner of an REI practice or chief executive of a fertility company) are no exception to the positioning requirement, it’s common to get bogged down in sales and marketing responsibilities that they should be able to delegate.

We don’t want that. If you’re struggling with the question of involvement versus delegation in your fertility company, you aren’t alone. 

We’ve broken sales and marketing responsibilities into a 12-point spectrum you can use to determine when you need to be involved in branding, sales, and marketing initiatives and when you can delegate.


The external and internal presentation of your company is a relay race. You have to make sure the baton doesn’t get dropped as you run from one segment to the next. This means that you can’t go from leading your team to being completely uninvolved in one take. In business, a dropped baton leads to inefficiencies and expensive mistakes. In the fertility field it leads to patients feeling like they were baited and switched.

But, you can step out at certain points once the baton has been successfully passed. This spectrum allows you to ease off without sacrificing outcomes.

When you need to lead:

  1. Positioning

  2. Branding 

  3. Growth Goals

When you need to be somewhat involved:

  1. Brand Development

  2. Growth Strategy

  3. Operational Overlap

When it’s okay to be uninvolved:

  1. Coaching

  2. Brand Activation

  3. Strategy Execution

When it’s time to reinvolve yourself in the marketing process:

  1. Culture 

  2. Brand Refresh, Redesign, and Extension

  3. Accountability of Leadership

When the principal of a fertility practice needs to lead

1. Positioning

Positioning influences everything the business does. We’re talking about what differentiates your practice from the competition and what makes it unique. This includes your: 

  • Vision

  • Mission statement

  • Core values 

  • Core service areas and focus

  • 10 Year Target

  • 3 Year Picture

A marketing team can’t make these decisions for the company. They can only come from the top. 
However, it’s also important to note that if you have partners, everyone needs to be aligned before moving forward. Otherwise, the latter stages of the marketing process will become more expensive, more time-consuming, and less effective.

A fertility business can be in operation for decades. However, if they haven’t structured everything they do in a source of truth (that everyone in the company can point to), they haven’t outlined their unique positioning.

2. Brand

Part of the role as a leader of a company is chief brand ambassador (lowercase, let’s be modest here). Once you and your partners, if necessary, have decided on things like core values and which types of patient segments you especially want to serve, you can move on to branding. 

This includes the 

  • Name of the company

  • Unique value propositions

  • Overall brand look and feel

  • Key messages

Your marketing team will be a key player in this process (if they aren’t, something is wrong), but your leadership is still crucial. 

3. Growth Goals

Employees simply can’t decide growth goals because they don’t have the skin in the game that the principal does. As Gary Vaynerchuk bluntly puts it, “Your employees shouldn’t care about your business as much as you do.”

Unfortunately, marketing personnel are often not even incentivized to pursue growth goals. Worse, administrators and operations personnel are frequently disincentivized from pursuing growth goals because it means more work for them and they get nothing in return.

Your growth strategy is the measurable pursuit of your values, vision, and brand. It is the traction toward your vision put into numbers. Growth goals include:

  • Revenue goals

  • Net profit targets

  • What type of business they want the company to be (like a designated B-Corp, for example)

  • Patient satisfaction score targets

  • Number of new patients served

When the principal of a fertility company needs to be somewhat involved in sales and marketing 

During this next phase, you can begin to dial things back a few notches. You still have some involvement in the sales and marketing process, but now your team is starting to run and you begin to extend your arm to pass the baton.

4. Brand Development

At a minimum, every company should have a set of brand guidelines, also commonly called a brand book or a brand style guide. These documents guide every marketing campaign going forward and they provide the templates of your company’s look and feel.

Your marketing team will work on these guidelines, but the involvement of the principal ensures that the brand comes to life in a way that supports its core values and overall goals.

5. Launching Growth Strategy

The baton is almost passed.  The principal doesn’t need to be involved in every aspect of planning the fertility company’s growth strategy, but they need to be the one to commission it’s execution. 

The principal must see and approve the plan before execution begins. Even when your team is fully incentivized to move towards the company’s growth goals, the principal must ensure that execution of the plan is underway before she or he can step away.

6. Operational Overlap

When you look at the Four Phases of the Fertility Patient Marketing Journey, you’ll notice that the closer you get to the outcome of getting paid and improving patient satisfaction, the greater the operational overlap.

Without continuity across these areas, there is a sharp decrease in the likelihood of the marketing team being able to complete the desired results. These areas are run by other people, and your marketers are not their bosses.

The principal must remain active until operational, administrative, and financial teams accept their role in the strategy.

When a fertility business’s principal can be uninvolved in marketing

We’re finally at the point where you can pass the baton, take a break from the relay race, and let your team take care of the heavy lifting.

7. Coaching/Management

There’s no need for a fertility business’s principal to be involved in coaching your physician liaisons, call center, patient navigators, or marketers. Their managers are in charge of the day to day performance and outside companies can train your teams, or train your managers to train your teams.

If you participated and led at the points you needed to, you can trust your team to get to work. 

8. Brand Activation

As the principal of a fertility practice, you don’t need to direct the brand assets that engage patients with your company.

You’ve approved your brand book; this is a job for your marketing team — they’re the ones who should handle brand activation initiatives like website design, social media templates, and launch campaigns.

9. Strategy Execution (with one exception)

You don’t need to schedule video shoots, write social media posts, edit blog posts, oversee advertising campaigns, implement CRM or EMR sequences, monitor lead conversion, or report on post consult follow up.

There’s one exception, however. 

If you’re being featured in a piece of content, you need to be available as the star while your team produces, writes, directs, films, and edits.

When the principal of a fertility business should get reinvolved in marketing

Periodic reinvolvement keeps the foundation of the REI practice or fertility company solid and ensures long-term success. 

In marketing you can set it but not forget it. As the leader of your practice, it’s important to check in, reinforce accountability, and ensure that sales, marketing, and operations have stayed true to core values. 

10. Culture

In most cases, I hate calling a company's workforce a family. Employees are most certainly not children and they are not your children. In the specific instance of who models the company culture that everyone else imitates, however, this wisdom from Gabrielle Reese is apt.

“[Children] watch you, they don’t listen to you.”

You are the matriarch or patriarch of your fertility business’s family in this sense. The family follows your example.

Really, culture is the ongoing commitment to your positioning, and the critical element of commitment is action. If you’ve decided that your company is going to be more in tune with the needs of same-sex male patients than any other organization, for instance, your team can only live up to that culture to the extent that you champion it.

11. Brand refresh, redesign, extension

Many fertility companies need a brand refresh, periodically.

Fertility centers that built a brand for Baby Boomers or Gen X-ers need to update because Millennials and Gen Z patients now make most of the patient and donor populations. They respond to different types of marketing because they have different concerns

If you decide to extend your identity with a new brand for fertility preservation or third party IVF, the principal must be involved in the beginning stages of those initiatives. If you are changing the identity of your IVF center or fertility company, even moreso.

12. Accountability of Leadership

Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Accountability Chart applied to fertility clinics

Finally, even trustworthy and capable sales, marketing, finance, and operations leaders need to be held accountable by the visionary and integrator of the organization.

As fertility experience consultant Lisa Duran says, “people do what their managers pay attention to”.

It’s not just about them. Periodic check-ins also demonstrate that you’re holding yourself accountable. Employees don’t need to be micromanaged with due dates and metrics. They should see that the principal is paying attention to the outcomes to which they contribute:

  • IVF cycles

  • Patient Satisfaction

  • Egg freezing retrievals

  • Third-party IVF recipients

  • Third-party IVF cycles

  • Tubal Ligation Reversals

  • Donor recruitment

  • New patients

  • Specific provider volume increase

  • Targeted region/office volume increase

Are you ready for a better relationship with your marketing team?

While you do need to be involved in many aspects of the marketing process, chief executives of fertility companies and REI partners like you also need to be able to free themselves of certain marketing responsibilities. 

Getting to the point where you can pass the baton only happens when someone else is completely in charge of the outcomes that grow the business. Pay attention to these twelve points to know when to lead, when to throttle down your involvement, and when to release.

Letting go can be difficult, though.

That’s where we can help. Get Fertility Bridge’s support in selecting marketing personnel, determining their responsibilities and outcomes, and more with our Goal and Competitive Diagnostic.

No More 'Hurry Up and Wait': 4 Steps to Fertility Business Goal Setting That Speed Up Execution

“Hurry up and wait.”

Far too many fertility companies, practice or not, rush into their goals… only to abandon them when they realize that the strategies required to reach those goals require more work and investment than expected.

Whether they like it or not, all fertility practices are entrepreneurial enterprises. Still, many independent centers don't approach growth like their corporate competitors, who actively set and pursue explicit market goals. Corporate fertility groups sometimes set goals but fail to align their efforts to achieve them.  

When an REI practice is in a hurry to catch up to what competitive fertility providers are doing, they may make hasty decisions that paradoxically waste more time (and money).

Some example requirements of different business development strategies include

  • Reserving provider availability for subject matter expertise for digital content or events

  • Creating content to support an advertising or public relations campaign

  • Scheduling staff to stay late or stop seeing patients early to shoot video

  • Restructuring your call center to fix the attrition of new patient inquiries to consult

These are only a few.  When centers face challenges like these without a committed goal in place, they are far more likely to abandon the pursuit having wasted time, money, and effort. 

Some fertility centers even hire marketing personnel only to fire them in a year when they aren’t seeing the results they expected. 

The way out of the cycle is for fertility businesses to set and commit to (or not) goals in four steps.

Slow down to speed up

While goal setting produces real value for any business, in these four steps, we use examples that companies in the fertility field have to consider.

Stop the dreaded “hurry up and wait” cycle once and for all because when you slow down goal setting, it’s easier to speed up the growth of your REI practice.

The four steps of goal setting for fertility businesses are: 

  1. Opportunity

  2. Priority

  3. Alignment

  4. Resource Allocation

1. Identifying opportunities for REI practice growth 

Fertility specialists have no shortage of ways to grow their businesses — there’s a virtually endless array of services you can provide and demographics you can serve. Growth opportunities you could pursue include

For each potential opportunity, you first need to benchmark your current volume, set a goal, and calculate profitability. 

A basic formula you can use is (Goal Volume-Current Volume)Profit = Opportunity Potential

Using IVF cycles as an example:

Goal of 1,000 IVF cycles with a profit of $4,000/cycle = $4 million

Currently at 500 IVF cycles with a profit of $4,000/cycle = $2 million 

(4,000,000) - (2,000,000) = $2 million opportunity

At this stage, many practice owners look at the numbers and think, “We have to do everything!” That’s a natural impulse. You want to care for as many people as possible and you don’t want your fertility business to lag behind its peers.  

We’re not making any decisions yet, though. Pump the brakes and slow down so that you can move much more quickly when it’s time for execution.

2. Prioritize the ‘infinite’ goals of a fertility practice

Research suggests that having too many goals leads to diminished outcomes. That’s why it’s critical to narrow focus and prioritize. If every goal is the priority, none of them are the priority.

The prioritization calculation has many moving parts. In order to effectively prioritize, your practice needs to:

  1. Rank opportunities by profit potential using the calculation above.

  2. Estimate effort--goal against current capacity Does the goal represent unmet capacity that the practice can easily meet? Or, will you need to add more doctors, staff, office space, or equipment to your business?

  3. Subtract effort from goal. You may be able to pursue a more profitable service, but how much effort will it take to reach that goal?Ex: a practice wants to pursue fertility preservation instead of IVF, because of a higher profit margin. If their practice isn’t positioned well, or in a challenging market for egg freezing, filling out IVF capacity may be the quicker win.In addition to helping you rank priorities, estimating the effort of achieving a goal reduces the likelihood of wasting time, money, and effort by abandoning it.

  4. Consider your mission. You are a clinician first and a business person second. If  your personal practice is about advancing fertility preservation, serving LGBTQ+ patients, or treating recurrent pregnancy loss, that has to impact which goals you prioritize.

  5. Weigh brand/market liabilities, particularly strengths and weaknesses in the marketplace. If your practice doesn’t make a move on a certain opportunity, will a competitor take it over and make it difficult for your business to get back in the game? Will it make your brand appear antiquated if you don’t pursue?

You might worry that other goals will be ignored if you choose a single priority to focus on first, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Other areas of the practice almost always benefit from a snowball effect.

Goal Snowball

Here’s an example of how prioritizing one goal can benefit others. Let’s say an REI practice has ten physicians with very different workloads:

  • Two or three REIs have a higher than normal capacity and they have met it. They each do more than 300 retrievals per year.

  • Five REIs are each at a normal capacity of 180 retrievals per year.

  • Two or three physicians are below 150 retrievals per year so they are a financial and access-to-care constraint.

This group has many goals, but they have ranked specific provider volume as their biggest priority. As a result, they:

  • Streamline their call center to balance waitlists. They achieve their highest priority of increasing the volumes of the lagging physicians


  • Progress toward their goal of increased patient satisfaction because they have improved the early interactions between practice and patient.

Prioritization doesn’t mean you’re ignoring the other goals of your fertility business because it maximizes the effectiveness of your resource allocation.

We’ll discuss resource allocation shortly. Before we get to that part, though, all of the practice’s partners must be aligned on the priorities.

3. Aligning your partners with the goal (and each other)

Even when the managing partner of the fertility practice or the chief executive of another fertility company has final say, alignment with the partners is crucial.

The fact that partners need to achieve alignment doesn’t mean they don’t already have a healthy relationship, though it can. It simply means that they must be explicit and clear about an initiative so that everyone can come to a mutual agreement.

When everyone is on the same page, it’s much easier to work through any obstacles and questions that arise in the process of reaching a goal.

When it comes to aligning a practice’s partners, third-party support is often the most effective and efficient way to reach a consensus. This isn’t about moderating for conflicts, necessarily — it’s about

  • Prompting necessary conversations that are easily put off when everyone is focused on a new goal.

  • Bringing new ideas for partners to consider.

  • Acting as an objective sounding board in discussions between partners.

4. Resource allocation: Time or money?

The goal snowball means that the strategies required to meet different goals often overlap. It doesn’t mean they’re completely imbricated.

The amount of overlap will vary based on your available resources:

  • With more money, you can plan and execute multiple strategies concurrently over less time.

  • With more time, you can sequentially plan and execute more strategies for less money.

The goal snowball allows for a progressive return on investment. That means you can continue to invest in your fertility business without decreasing your income.

How will you set goals for your REI practice or fertility business?

Before investing time and money on a plan to achieve a goal (not to mention the execution), slow down so you can speed up:

  1. Quantify opportunities

  2. Prioritize them

  3. Align the partners

  4. Allocate your resources accordingly

If you would like outside expertise and experience, we can help. This four-part methodology is part of how Fertility Bridge helps fertility practices and other fertility companies navigate their biggest business challenges.

If you’re ready to set and accomplish goals for your IVF center or fertility company, sign up for the Goal and Competitive Diagnostic here.