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53 - Has Mentorship in the IVF Lab Suffered Due to Strained Staff? Interview with Bill Venier

Are you struggling to retain your lab employees? You are not alone. Retention is a commonly-discussed issue across the field of reproductive medicine, but no one is hurting more than the lab. On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin talks to Bill Venier, IVF Lab Director at San Diego Fertility Center. Together, they discuss what SDFC is doing to keep their employees in for the long haul, as well as some ideas to ease the training process of new reproductive biologists.

50 - What Impact Will Future REIs Have on the Evolution of Patient Care? An Interview with Dr. Pietro Bortoletto

Millennial REIs are finishing their fellowship programs and entering the workforce. With this passing of the torch, change is bound to happen, but what kind of changes can we expect? On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin talks to Dr. Pietro Bortoletto, an REI Fellow at Weill Cornell Center for Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Bortoletto shares his thoughts on the future of REI clinics, both privately-owned and academic, and how the millennial doctors can make a positive impact on their patients and the field as a whole. 

26 - Passing the IVF Lab Torch: Is the Reluctance to Do So Causing Scarcity? An Interview with Shaun Reed

In this episode, host Griffin Jones chats with embryologist Shaun Reed. As the Embryology Technical Supervisor at Utah Fertility Center, Reed offers a unique perspective on one of the more mysterious parts of any fertility clinic: the lab. Jones and Reed discuss the future of embryology, the differences between millennials and the generations that came before, and Reed’s concerns about the lack of interest in innovation.

15 - Are Millennials Ruining the Field of Fertility? An Interview with Hannah Johnson

In this episode, Griffin speaks to Hannah Johnson, Director of Operations for Vios Fertility Institute, which has branches in Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Louis. With a deep background in practice management, Hannah’s the ideal candidate to discuss the joys and challenges that come with working with millennials, as employees and as patients. Hannah appreciates their passionate approach to their work and recognizes that whether we like it or not, practices have to adapt their processes to suit millennials.

12 - Technology: Will It Eat IVF? An Interview with Bob Huff from Imagine Fertility

In this episode, Griffin talks with Bob Huff, the Chief Technical Officer of Imagine Fertility, a software that seamlessly blends documentation with EMRs and a variety of third-party software solutions. Griffin and Bob chat about the impact that software with walls has had on everything from practice management to patient care and what the future holds for tech in fertility practices.

5 - The Use of Social Media Amongst REs: An Interview with Dr. Natalie Crawford

In this episode, Griffin talks to Dr. Natalie Crawford, an accomplished REI practicing in Austin, TX. Dr. Crawford has successfully utilized Instagram as a tool for education as well as marketing; today, she has tens of thousands of followers who turn to her for information and connection. Griffin and Dr. Crawford speak about the role social media plays in medicine, and the ways that physicians can use social media to create a connection with patients and prospects alike.

1 - What Do REI Fellows Really Want? An Interview with Valerie Libby

In this episode, Griffin talks to Valerie Libby, a second year reproductive endocrinology and infertility fellow at UH Cleveland Medical Center. They discuss what millennial REI fellows want in the process of building their careers, such as mentors, work-life balance, and more business training, and analyze how the risk-averse nature of the medical field and an outdated business model keep fertility doctors from opening their own practices.